The Late Night Call

After saying bye to Jae-Hwa, Nivritti ran to her apartment, unlocked her door, and immediately ran to the bathroom. The whole day of wandering about, eating, and drinking filled her bladder. She sighed with relief after sitting on the toilet and came out of the bathroom after washing her face, hands, and feet.

With TV on she prepared her dinner and ate while watching. As per Jae-Hwa's instructions, she not only activated the Google alert about ASD, but she also added the alert about Missmatch and K&Q.

She had to wake up till midnight. She kept her eyes open forcefully and kept staring at the television. She didn't even try to go to bed as she knew that she would fall asleep. The whole day of walking had made her tired.

Her eyes kept drooping, her head kept hanging in every direction, but she would jerk herself and wake up.