The Story Of Kyung-Soo - 2

Gyeong-Hui said that was a fake photo and she never met that actor. She asked me to trust her and again I did. I loved her. I was ready to do anything for her.

I was such a fool

Soon an AD campaign hit the nation where she was acting with that actor. I confronted her again.

"You said you never met him?" I shouted.

"Listen to me, Soona, I did this AD some years ago, I forgot about it, it is that old. I swear nothing happened between us. He is like my uncle, why would I leave you and go for him? You know I love you. You know I can do anything for you," she kept saying and removing her clothes. That was her weapon, her body. She could make people do anything just by taking er clothes off.

I was an idiot, I was not looking at her heart, her soul, I was looking at her hot body. And the sex was great. That's how she was climbing the stairs of the modelling world, by giving sex.