The Explanation

Kyung-Soo was narrating his life story to Nivritti. He cried and cried while telling his story. At certain places, he would clench his jaw, and grit his teeth but mostly he cried but not for once he removed his hands from Nivritti's waist. He kept caressing the injury that he caused.

"Why wasn't she given any jail time?" asked Nivritti.

"She made a deal with the prosecutor. She did community service. She gave a public statement and said sorry to me in that statement. I was given compensation by the company that represented her but I donated everything to charity. I don't want anything of her in my life," chided Kyung-Soo.

"She broke me, Ritti. She broke me."

"I understand, I understand everything, NK."

"But you brought me back," he sighed after looking at her.

"NK!" she shook her head in disbelief. "Please!"