The Birthday Preparation

"And her heart is most beautiful," smiled Young-Chul. "I was supposed to take care of her instead she took care of me."

"That she does, nothing new about that. I tell you guys, she will be an amazing mother," said Him-Chan with a sweet smile on his face. All smiled at him and started getting ready for the video.

"God! You should have seen the scene. People were sniffling after Choi-ssi warned them," laughed Young-Chul while getting his make-up done.

"You missed that! Oh no! Why did you have to leave? Why didn't you stay? Recorded that for us. We would have enjoyed it with popcorn," laughed Thae.

"Remember when he sued to scold us when we would get his script wrong or pronounce some words wrong, ha-a," laughed Jeong-Eun.

"Oh, man! He was scary," said Him-Chan.

"I am glad he is on Ritti's side," said Kyung-Soo.

"You are right, Hyung," said Jung-Hwa.

"Guys! Ready?" asked the producer.