The Birthday Kiss

Nivritti now was happy. No one was saying things to her or abusing her or harassing her. In fact, no one was talking to her. To tell the truth, she liked that. If you don't have anything good to say, just don't speak was her motto. Now, she could work in silence and peace.

As Kyung-Soo's birthday was on a weekday, she would not get any time to go shopping and buy him a gift. She was looking at a shopping app during her free time when Jae-Hwa peeped into her phone.

"Why are you looking for a men's jacket?" she asked.

"Shh…" shushed Nivritti. "It's a gift, for NK," she replied.

"Oh, you are giving him a jacket?" asked Jae-Hwa.

"Ye, a little birdie called MY told me he likes jackets," said Nivritti.

"Hah… I could have told you that," scoffed Jae-Hwa.

"Sorry, I sometimes forget that you are an ASDian. What are you giving him?" asked Nivritti.

"Not only jackets, he loves sneakers too. I was thinking of giving him that," said Jae-Hwa.