10. Please don’t leave me!

Ashley's POV

"Okay" like fr! I just told her something really important and all I got was "okay" I didn't know what to say again but I kept waiting for a text cause I assumed that she was busy and she will get back to me but I was wrong she never sent a text and I slept off while waiting for her text.

And I woke up this morning expecting to see a missed call from her or a text apologizing for leaving me hanging but no I got none I felt like chilled water has just been poured on me and I felt really cold while My heart tightened, did she give up on us already cause of what I told her? Well she has all the rights to be upset with me and I really won't blame her if she chooses to back out but at least she could have tried asking me to breakup with pecky breaking up with her is really no big deal I have always wanted to do that but I couldn't find a reason to, I only entered a relationship with pecky cause she was my friend back in sec school and I thought that being with her was safer and i admired her but what I felt for her was only admiration never love, I have never felt for her the way I felt for Michelle even when she was around, I have stayed in this relationship until now because I really didn't know how to breakup with her without feeling bad but I have to do it now cause I can't loosing Michelle I love her a lot and I will give up anything to have her for myself, wait did I just say I love her well hell yea I do love her she's everything I have been looking for.

The day came to an end without a call or text from Michelle although I kept calling and texting but I never got a reply and I would have gone to her lodge but I don't know the exact room or should I ask Racheal hmm that would be too absurd and she doesn't know about me harboring feelings for her ex lols yea her ex although the never really broke up officially but the never really had anything either and I know that the no longer see each other so yea they are done!, but at least I could wait for her in front of her building till she comes out I know she normally doesn't come out in the day time cause she doesn't like the stares from people lols she's really a shy type but she told me that she comes out every night to take a walk, she's really weird but I love weird people lols I don't love weird people but I love her own weirdness lols what am I even saying well whatever, I rushed to my wardrobe took out a hoodie with baggy shorts it's quite chilly outside and I put them on immediately and dashed out from the house not giving my brother the chance to ask where I am going to by this time, I entered a cab immediately even though it will only take me ten minutes to get to her place if I walk but I didn't want to risk the chance of missing her so I entered a cab instead and I got their within four minutes and waited in front of her gate, it didn't take up to two minutes since I got there and the gate opened and she came out as if everything was timed lols we are really meant to be ,she was on coperate black I think she really loves black and it suits her and her eyes met mine but she switched it immediately and tried walking away pretending not to see me but I rushed to her and held her hand and she glared at me she has never looked at me this way it's supposed to scare me away but I saw the sadness in her eyes and her eyes looks swollen and red like she has been crying all day don't tell me I was the one that made her cry no no no it can't be me, I swore never to make her cry, she tried releasing her hand but I held tighter " let go people are watching us" she said, it was then I looked around and realized that people where actually looking at us but I didn't let go " can we talk please" I pleaded " about what? You have a girlfriend Ashley, staying around you will only break my heart more" she said almost in a whisper and I could see that she was about to break down "I'm really sorry if I caused you pain trust me it wasn't my intention to ,I really love you Michelle and I can breakup with pecky if you want to but please don't leave me" I said trying to avoid her eyes "you love me?" She asked as if asking for confirmation " yea I really do please stay with me the thought of losing you drives me insane, I know you don't trust me but at least give us a try I promise to make it worthwhile" I said almost it tears and she cupped my face and stared into my eyes as if looking through my soul to make sure I was telling the truth while cleaning my tears which I didn't know already spilled out" I love you too Ashley very much and I think giving us a chance is a risk my heart is willing to take now, but I will wait till you breakup with pecky cause I want you to be only mine!" She said without even smiling a little and I could tell that she meant every word.