13. Official

Michelle's POV

After I dropped Ashley at her lodge I couldn't help but replay today's events in my head, damn that babe is crazy but cute at the same time, I always knew her to be a bit insane but I only expected a bit not too much lols I'm not complaining though but she really surprised me.

I arrived at my lodge took my bath and texted her goodnight I was really feeling sleepy so I didn't have strength for a conversation and I guess neither did she cause she didn't bother to call me up which I feel sad about but maybe she felt embarrassed about today's incident and isn't in the mood to talk so I better let her be I thought as I dozed off.

I woke up to my phone ringing "fuck who the heck is calling by this time" I groaned as I reached for my phone since the phone already stopped ringing and I checked the time it's already 2:00pm damn how can I really sleep for this long well it isn't a new thing and I was really exhausted last night so duhhh I needed to rest , I immediately checked the caller and it was Ashley and I realized that she texted and called multiple times before now damn I'm in hot soup I panicked as I rushed to the bathroom to do my morning/afternoon rituals, I finished quickly and tried reaching her but she didn't pick as expected she loves to revenge lols what a petty queen but I still find the attitude really cute and I deserve it for being a heavy sleeper, well I'm not usually a heavy sleeper though I really don't know what happened to me today I must have really been exhausted, I wore my clothes immediately I tied my hair back in a bun and dashed out to her lodge but I made sure to text her first like I always say I hate surprises hehehe.

As I reached to Ashley's door about to knock as if she has been monitoring me since I stepped out of my lodge the door opened immediately and she looked all dressed up and she dragged me by the hand which left me startled for a while" we are going to your place today" she said without even waiting for my response she looks really furious right now that even though I wanted to say something I couldn't I really need to text my sister and tell her that I'm having a visitor and she shouldn't come back but before I was about to bring out my phone and text my sister the furious queen snatched it already while glaring at me she said " no phones today!" Like for real I couldn't find the words to use anymore I just had to oblige so as not to worsen the matters , I let her drag me to a cab that didn't take up to five minutes to reach my place, the worst part about all these is that she never left my hand she kept dragging me like I committed some Hugh crime and people where beginning to stare which made me really nervous and I guess that she's so furious to notice there stares I mustered some courage and tried soothing her hand that held me tightly and it hurts real bad but I deserve it " babe I know your angry right now but can you please release your grip on me people are beginning to stare and you know how much I hate people staring at me it makes me really uncomfortable yea like I said before I have social anxiety disorder and I already told her guess what I said reminded her of my condition and she released her grip staring at me like she was apologizing but before I could smile at her the look changed and got back to her furious one as she headed for my lodge leaving me behind like she knows the way lols yea this is actually her first time in my lodge.

She was waiting for me in front of the elevator yea just like I expected lols when she saw me she walked in immediately while I couldn't help but smile at her childishness she's so cute, I stepped in with her and she didn't even spare me a glance for once till I got to my lodge dialed the code to my room and entered followed by her she stared at the room like that's not what she expected , well my lodge is actually a new one and it's owned by a private organization unlike her's and it's also quite expensive at that well that's by the way ,I guess she was too angry to tell me what her eyes where already saying about my lodge but I get it lols.

I offered her some snacks but she declined still putting her poker face on I had to knee down and beg before my queen yea she's my queen even though we aren't official yet but still I see her as mine already I guess my begging touched her lols what a spoilt brat well at least she's back to normal and she immediately asked for the snacks I offered earlier lols what a foodie well I gave it to her in between the random conversation we were having she spoke " babe I have good news for you" she said while smiling really hard and I couldn't help but to get really curious on what's making my baby happy and I asked "what's that about swii" I said trying not to get too excited and she hesitated for a while while blushing really hard I wonder if her cheeks ain't hurting " guess" she said with a smirk on her face and that made me think hmm what's she up to now " c'mon babe you know I'm not good at that cut to the chase already please" I said with cutest puppy face i could make out and I know she would fall for that "fine fine, actually I broke up with pecky last night so now I'm single and ready to give myself to you" she said while smiling widely, I tried not to give off the emotions I was feeling right now but I know one thing for sure I'm extremely happy like finally after four months of waiting I get to have her all to myself and I didn't want to hesitate or prolong this anymore so I popped the question " babe let's make our relationship official, please be my girlfriend" and as expected while smiling widely she rushed for my lips and crashed those bubby lips on mine and kissed me roughly which I didn't hesitate to return it with the same pace till we broke it to get some air damn I really don't know how to express what I'm feeling right now " yes baby I will be your girlfriend, I have always been yours since the day we met anyways" she said and I could see the sincerity in her eyes or was I just seeing what I wanted to see? Well only time will answer that well as of now I'm glad that she's now officially my girlfriend.