Chapter 100

Sex contract

Even as I ran out the door with clay still clinging to my hands, I screamed in terror.

I yanked the door open in frustration. “What?” My steps came to a halt. My mouth hung open in shock.

Nelson Green, both my biological and legal father, was waiting .

He said, “Joyce,”

He took a beating. I should have shot him in the head instead of trying to talk him out of it. Instead of opening fire on him as he pounded on my door, I calmly searched for my cell phone. I found it on top of a stack of books that had been overdue for a long time.

My father immediately began banging on the door with his fists. “Joyce? Joyce!”

Stop yelling and stop talking! When the phone rang, I yelled.

Because of the phone's value, I was unable to throw it at the wall.

“Joyce, I'd like to meet with you.” The thin wood separating us meant that I could barely make out my father's voice.