As her excitement grew, she jumped to her feet and gave him a bear hug before she continued.
“I can't thank you enough! ” she said.
“However,” he said in a solemn tone, “there is one condition.”
“I can have as much fun with them as I want anytime I want! ” he murmured softly into her ear.
“Why, yes! Of course!”she explained to him.
Michael felt as if he were floating on air.
Since he only had a few classes to teach throughout the course of the summer, he had a lot of spare time to spend at home. Clare and Christine made sure that he never went without satisfying sexual encounters. Every night, he spent the night with either one of them, but never with both. Even though they did not engage in sexual activity when they did sleep together, there were instances when all of them slept in the same bed. After seeing the plastic surgeon, Clare was now waiting with bated breath for the insertion of her implants, which were due to take place later in the week.