
What happened was that the people of the Chonos race found a book written by their ancestors that was actually millennia old. And as the book was so old, the language it was written in changed a lot throughout these years. So when the Chonos people got this book, they were not able to translate it correctly.

But I don't have that problem because I have the skill [Language Maestro]. In the past 5 years, I have learned many languages, and it also helped that I have the Universal Translator, which made it so that whatever I said translated into the language of the person I was speaking with.

And I have photographic memories thanks to [Peak Human Body]. Combining both allowed me to learn a lot of languages. And this Chonos language is one of them. Both the old one and the new one.

The book was actually written by a sorcerer from the Chonos race. That sorcerer wrote down the spells he knew so that future generations could learn them. But as I see it, I guess no one was able to learn anything, or else what happened would not have happened.

The book contained Blood Magic Spells and Ritual Magic Spells. So when the Chonos people translated it, they did it wrongly, which caused them to think that the book actually contained a spell that could summon the Gods to bless them and that it needed the sacrifice of their own people.

Because of all this, the battle that Luciferr witnessed happened. They killed the people of their own race, whom they thought were pure, and sacrificed them to summon the so-called God. But because they had interpreted the book wrongly, the spell was actually a fake one, so when they sacrificed their bodies, the spell exploded and killed all the living beings in the 1000 km radius.

But fortunately, due to his Gyro Spaceship, he survived the blast. Seeing how stupid they had acted when trying to learn about magic, Luciferr could not help but feel contempt for them.

But thanks to their foolishness, now he has access to magic.

Thank you, Chonos Race.

Now, with this Blood Magic and Ritual Magic he can become more powerful and have more ability to protect himself. Though he would have to be careful not to attract some righteous people who will surely attack him if they find out that he is practicing Blood Magic or Ritual Magic.

Well, that would be easy if he did not perform it in front of a crowd without taking the necessary precautions. And when he does not use it, no one will be able to find out because the system will hide it.


In the past 5 years, he has seen a lot of thriving civilizations as well as many that were destroyed due to many reasons, such as natural disasters, pollution, famine, lack of resources, and the meteor shower, but he has never seen a civilization get destroyed for such a stupid reason.

This makes him believe that if the God they summoned truly existed, it must have been an angry God because it was unable to punish the people who killed their own people for something they knew nothing about. If that was not a devil or something similar.

On another note, he has been thinking of a plan ever since he started his journey, and he is now ready to execute it. The plan was simple.

When he started his journey, it was 1948. He had decided to spend two years with the moon, and that's what he did. And after that, he had planned to spend 5 years exploring the space, learning everything he could, and seeing as many new things as he could.

Now those 5-year plans are over. It's been five years since he started exploring space. And now all of it has come to an end. It's now time to go to the last place he had thought about, after which he would return to Earth.

But before that, he needs to sort out the things he has gained throughout the past 5 years that will ultimately help him on that planet. And then travel to that planet. As that planet is like a treasure for him.



Name: Luciferr

Race: Human

Title: [Transmigrator] [Super Soldier]

Abilities: [Peak Human Physique] [Breathing Master] [Peak Human Senses] [Danger Intuition]

Skills: [Martial Arts Master] [Breathing Maestro]

[Breathing Maestro]: As a maestro of breathing, you can hold your breath for a long period of time. You can breathe so slowly that anyone would think you are dead. And even people with superhuman senses may not be able to find you.

The user has reached a level where he can use his breathing to slowly but surely heal his body.

[Martial Arts Maestro]: The user is a martial arts maestro and knows more than 50 types of fighting arts with more than 10 years of experience in each of them. Through training, the user became a master of all the martial arts he knows about. User can flawlessly perform all the martial arts he knows with great ease.

Hmmm. It seems enough, I guess. With [Peak Human Physique], [Super Soldier], [Martial Arts Maestro], [Breathing Maestro] and [Starforce Armor] I am 100% sure that I can complete the last part of the plan. Because to complete the last part of the plan, I need a very high level of fighting power.

And after seeing these skills combined with my resistance, I am sure that I can go ahead and tackle this situation. I am feeling a little excited. Because if it is as I am thinking about, then I will gain a lot from this, and by a lot, I really mean a lot.

Well, enough monologuing. It's time.

3rd POV

After taking a deep breath and calming his nerves down, Luciferr looked at the Ritual Altar in front of him and, without hesitation, stored it in the system inventory. He then used the Sling Ring to make a portal in front of him. After making the portal, Luciferr stepped through it without hesitation.


'System, you lil sh*t, you gave the coordinates of 100m high in the air.'


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