
[The Host had asked about the coordinates of a place from his memories, and those coordinates currently lead to a place 100 m in the air. And in the future, about 62 years later, the coordinates will lead to the exact place the user had thought about.]

'Ahhhhhh!! Damn You System'



I groaned when I crashed on something hard. My entire back hurt from the large fall. My eyes fluttered open to see bugs flying around my face. I soon realized why I had crashed into a mountain of trash.

Actually, everything as far as the eye could see was garbage. I looked myself over, checking for any grave injuries. Apart from the healing scratches all over my body, I was fine.

Thank Gods. I stood, almost tripping over the trash, though calling it trash would be an insult as there were many precious technological parts in the mountain of supposed 'trash'.

Pieces of trash kept falling from the sky, just crashing into more trash. It was literally a planet made of trash. In the distance, I could see a city.

I turned to hear the sound of a loud alarm. It blares through the sky. I took a step back as a huge rectangular ship, which was washing away a crashed space vessel, landed in front of me.

The ship's doors opened, and these people wearing strange clothes with paint on their faces stepped out. Guns in hand.

"Are you a fighter, or are you food?" One of the people who boarded the ship asked.

"I am just passing through, and I am surely not food." I responded.

"It is food." The man confirmed this to his crew. He raised his gun at us. "On your knees."

Now I am 100% sure that this is Sakaar, so the system did not deceive me.


I sighed sympathetically at these aliens. Patting off the dust on my three-piece suit, I stepped forward. Without warning, I raised both hands at the strange men, and just as my hand was raised, the Starforce suit materialized over my three-piece suit. The nanites, which made up the hands of the suit, squirmed and rushed to form the energy pistol. Without any delay, I blasted the guy. Turning him into what I think was ash? Maybe trash? Let's just say they didn't like it. I really like blasting most of my weak enemies to ash right away.

But I also need to fight without weapons to train myself, so with a thought, I retracted the suit.

I whirled forward when I saw the leader and second in command fire at me. I jumped to the side, avoiding their fire, and then rolled forward to avoid getting shot, and just as I neared them, I pounced forward, intending to kick the gun out of the leader's hand.

But before I could do that, they fired a bloody net at me. I tried to dodge it, but before I could do it, those guys started firing at me, leaving me no choice but to jump back to escape from the net. But the ship of these bastards started firing at me, leaving me no way to escape. Instantly, the net was upon me; it was covered in electrical shockers, and the second it made contact with my skin, it sent me down.

I withered in slight pain on the ground.

They came for me again, but I jumped up to swat them away, mostly because the damn net is still shocking me, but it did not affect me much because of my resistance and my physique, but they keep coming. The rest of the scrappers move in with iron bars and clubs. I'm about to let loose a bit and kill all these because now I'm feeling a bit angry because I just wanted to play with them and fight without using the weapons, or I would have killed them, but just then a second ship arrived.

We glanced up when a second ship arrived, landing nearby. It was blue, cool, and sleek. Blasting different weird alien music.

I frowned as the hatch door opened up. A girl wearing a gray suit stepped out. She had white paint marks on her face, and her hair was in braids behind her. She was also drinking beer. She finishes the bottle and smashes it on the side of her ship.

"He's mine." She declares as she walks down the ramp, before veering off course and falling straight off into a pile of trash. Dear Lord, she was totally wasted.

"Wait!" The girl called out when they turned back to us.

The strange girl staggers to her feet and takes a deep breath. She holds onto a piece of junk as support—some dead beast.

"Wait! He's mine. So, if you want him, you go through me."

The creatures start brandishing their weapons. "But we've already got them."

The girl sighed. "Alright, then I guess I go through you."

The lead guy shrugged and said, "More food."

She holds out her fists as if she's operating machinery. Her ship comes to life. Sort of. She clenches her fists, and the ship opens fire.

She sweeps her arms out in an arc, the spray of gunfire lasting about three seconds. She bangs her fists again, sending the ship back to normal. The aliens are now little more than tiny pieces of litter covering the beach.

I mumbled as I threw the net off of me, now that it wouldn't shock me.

One final huge creature comes at her with a bat, to which she responds by casually grabbing the guy and hurling him up into the air behind her.

I nodded. "Thanks."

The girl doesn't say anything; instead, she flicks a small glowing disc, which lodges into my neck, though it only happens because I allow it. She holds up a fob device and presses the button; the disc blinks, and suddenly I'm filled with the pain as the electricity just cursed through me. It was far too much for my body to handle; my eyesight became spotty, and I passed out.


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