Cp 9

The man didn't see anyone in the tree behind either. So it's just his feelings, then he continues his search.

Almost to the tip of Louise's hand, he had already got a suspicious move from him. Though he hadn't been fighting for a long time, his instinct was still very sharp, and before he looked up, he moved into the tree behind him.

Louise never knew the name of Farand's vassal because to him, and it didn't matter, the only one that Louise knew, the man was the most talented of all Farand's minions, Randa. The skinny man who had been enslaved was set free by Farand; Farand trained and gave him a name, and he was raised as his own.

Louise remembered that Randa was a hard worker and never once defied Farand's orders, and he always gave Farand his best. His powers are also not trifled with; he's pretty gifted.

"Looks like my search warrant, which is why Randa is here. If it is Serious unanimous recording." Louise said. "I have to get rid of Randa and keep him away from this place."

He calmed down because the man he met at the festival was like he didn't recognize Ashley, but it was different than Randa. Randa had already met Ashley, and if he knew Ashley was here, it could not be good. Louise spins her brain; he finds a way to get rid of Randa and a few others immediately.

"Horiddus is the pride of Farand. They are annoyed."

Horiddus was Farand's special forces, trained as a murderer and spy. In the Alacazar, Horiddus is the one to be aware of.

Louise's peace was getting cold; he was getting angry. He couldn't let them stay here for too long, except to threaten him, his very existence.

"I won't let you find it here. I won't let my sacrifice go to waste.

Louise's left hand is holding the tree trunk so tight that the veins in his arms bulge. Before realizing it, he injured his palm, and it was bleeding on his fingernail. More precisely, Louise's palm was bleeding because it had an extreme fist, and it caused his nails to pierce the palm of his hand. Fresh blood trickled down to the tree branch where Louise was treeing.

Louise glanced at his wet left hand, slowly opening his palm, the blood still streaming from his fingernail's responses. Louise looked flatly at the wound; a wound like this meant nothing to him but a small scratch, and it closed back up. Louise stayed there until the sun came up.


"Why do you look so listless?" Ferra asked.

Ashley turned and smiled slightly. "It's okay; I just didn't sleep much."

Ashley's head turned, her vision blurred instantly, her body was all over the place, and she almost collapsed. Ferra quickly grabbed her.

"You're sick. I'll take you to the infirmary."

"Thank you, sorry to trouble you." Ashley smiled slightly.

Since last night's dream, she can't sleep, and her head feels heavy. Ashley threw herself on the bed; the white-a-colored room made her quite comfortable. Luckily she has no class today, so that she can relax. Ashley fell asleep shortly after that because of the drugs.

As usual, cafes are crowded at lunchtime. Vina finished picking up the food and sitting in front of the Ferra.

"Were Ashley?" asked Vina.

"In the infirmary."

"Why?" Her eyes were round.

"Not feeling well. Ashley said she couldn't sleep last night." Ferra put half a tomato in its mouth.

"I'm going to the infirmary after dinner. Do you want to come?"


Louise wrinkles his forehead; he steals glances at the nearby table of Ferra and Vina. There he did not find Ashley when she was in class when Ashley's face crossed Louise's mind. Is she sick? The question popped into his head.

Curious, after lunch, he followed where Ashley's two friends went. The place they're visiting is the infirmary. Louise exhaled. He went into the infirmary without making a sound; his footsteps could not be heard.

There are four beds in this room, each bed having a cloth compartment that covers the bed. Louise was sitting on the bed next to Ashley, listening quietly to what they were saying.

"Did I sleep too long?" Ashley saw Ferra and Vina next to him when she woke up.

"No," replied Vina. "Are you feeling better?"

Ashley did not immediately answer; after a few seconds, she nodded. "Not bad."

I brought you a sandwich, have some." Ferra gave Ashley two packs of tuna sandwiches.

"Thank you." She woke up and leaned back and opened the sandwich, and she was honestly hungry.

"What happened to you?" Vina puts her hand on Ashley's forehead, and she checks out the girl's temperature.

Ashley's temperature was not hot; Vina pulled her hand back and sat on the chair next to the bed while Ferra sat on the bed facing Ashley.

"I'm obnoxious. I don't know what happened to me." She said after swallowing a piece of sandwich in her mouth. "Last night, I just had a nightmare, and after that, I couldn't go back to sleep."

Vina looked at Ferra, her brow furrowed, and Ferra responded by shrugging her shoulders. He wondered what dreams Ashley had become of him.

Vina looked over. "What are you dreaming about?"

Ashley shook her head. "Not so clear. So many voices, so cold, there's someone near me, but I don't know who he is." Ashley shrugged. "That's it."

"Your dreams are so strange," said Ferra.

"Very." She agreed. "But before this, I had a pretty strange dream too." She remembered the night when she was sick.

"What?" asked Vina curiously. She looked at Ashley closely.

"My chest was burning like someone was stabbing her, and I woke up from the pain; strangely, the pain felt very real." Her brow is furrowed.

"You mean?" Ferra became interested in Ashley's dreams.

"Yes, it feels so real. My chest very hurts, but there's no wound at all -"

"You mean the pain you experience in a dream is carried into the real world?"

Ashley nodded. "Exactly."

Louise's face was sunken, his jaw hardened, and his eyes bulged. Ashley's story boils down to a terrible memory he's been trying to forget.

"No way." He shook his head, his hands clutching the sheets tightly. He groans softly. "This can't happen." Louise's memories drew him back in time as he agreed.

Ferra flinched, she placed her index fingers on her lips, coded Vina and Ashley to stand still, and she heard the clamor of the bed in front of her. As far as Ferra knew, when she entered with Vina, there was no one.

She slowly got out of bed, trying not to make a sound, and quickly pulled back the curtain. The bed was empty, and there was no one. Her forehead was furrowed deep. She was sure to hear no moaning.

"What is it?" asked Vina.

"Earlier, I heard someone's voice." Ferra pulled back the curtain until the bed closed and returned to her seat.

"I hear nothing."

"Me too." Ashley added.

"It could be just a feeling."

Louise walked down the hall toward the back of the school. He sat with his head firmly in an empty chair. His hair was swaying in the wind. The sound of thunder fell, and the sky began to darken. He sat alone, thinking about what Ashley had said to her friends.

"What does this has to do with me." His stare is empty; his brain is full of possibilities.

Louise shook his head, convinced it had nothing to do with him being around Ashley, convinced that there was another trigger. But he couldn't remember. Louise was ruffling his hair in frustration.

"Stupid!" He smacked the chair in exasperation.


The sky is getting dark, and Louise has been sitting behind the school for too long. Louise looks at the watch, and the needle is half-past five. He left; the school was deserted, with no one else. He walked down the street today.

For about ten minutes, he waited at the bus stop and finally came. Louise chose to sit in the back seat by the window and stare at the row of trees by the road. He turned his face right away, and his jaw hardened.

Between the tree huggers, his eyes caught a creature staring down the street, sure to be a Randa. Louise can't possibly misidentify people; he knows what a Randa looks like.

"ASHLEY...." The look in Louise's eyes turned sharp. "Come any closer; you're dead, Randa."

There was in the black eyes a wave of anger, an emotion he was trying to suppress. Louise clenched his fist to suppress his emotional turmoil. He moaned, restrained, his aura leaking as Louise's emotions rose. If it got loose, Randa would know she was here.

"That was close." Louise exhaled and breathed slowly. He managed to contain the leak of his aura; luckily are only a few loose ones.

The bus and Randa were so far away that it was impossible for Randa to feel the aura, the man not yet at the slight to feel a slight aura from a long distance.


Lana frowned when she saw Ashley looking a little pale. "Are you sick?" Shaun and Alice are looking.

"No, I'm fine." She shook his head.

"Your face is pale." Alice added.

"Probably from exhaustion." She smiles on her face.

"Go to bed after dinner is over."

"I'll do it."

Ashley did what her mother said; she was already lying in bed. She went over to her and slept next to her.

"It's too early to go to bed." She said upon seeing the curfew at eight o 'clock. "What can I do? My body also feels bad." Ashley pulled her blanket up higher until it left her head-on.

Ashley woke up with a slightly dizzy head, her body was all better, her headache from too much sleep, and it was almost too late if Alice hadn't woken her up.

Randa was getting saturated. He went around the city and did not find the person he was looking for, so he left this place at night and continued his search in the next town.

"I haven't seen him in a long time; now what he's like."

Randa's great respect for his royal prince; he's tough at a young age, so the next king must be strong. He knew enough that prince Louise was quiet; he said little and didn't like crowds. How surprised he was to hear that prince Louise had quarreled with king Dyras and ended up with the prince's departure from the Alacazar kingdom.

"I wonder, what made the prince argue with the king and leave." He murmured; at this moment, Randa was on top of a big tree. "That's ...." His eyes were squinted.