Cp 10

From a distance, he saw a girl who had just gotten off the bus and was walking to the big building across the street. For a long time, he recognized her. Her posture, face, and hair reminded him of someone in the past.

"It cannot be contagious. This is impossible. She's long dead." His head shook. "That the girl couldn't have been her. Maybe it's just a coincidence."

Randa knew that she looked just like her from the side. True, in the human world, they say some resemble the inhabitants of Deuglasia, but as similar as that, question after question comes to Randa's mind.

"I have to be sure."

If the girl were correct, all hell would break loose, and that bad thing would happen again. Randa decided to delay his search for a little while; he wanted to ensure something. He's going to wait till she comes out and follows her.

While Randa was busy with his mind, his focus was lost, he lost his mind, and Louise had just arrived inside the school. I noticed a strange little turn; the front yard was deserted, with no one.

"It's just a feeling." He murmured.

Louise casually walked into the classroom, and he saw Dale and Galan sitting in the corner. Dale pointed to the empty seat beside him, and Louise thoughtlessly walked over and sat there. Louise passed by Ashley's tail; the girl noticed, but she didn't respond.

"How late are you?" Galan asked.

"I overslept."

Waw, an achievement, hahaha...." Dale laughed loudly.

Of course, it's a lie. Last night Louise was around Ashley's house. He wasn't quiet before Randa, and his underlings left town, especially yesterday he saw Randa around the school.

Ashley looked at Louise walking beside her. Ashley was afraid of Louise from the beginning, but since the man helped her, her fear began to diminish, and now she's curious about him. Curiosity wasn't like other girls; it was more like wanting to be friends, that's all.

"He's not bad, and I'm too scared." Ashley smiled a little.


"You said you wanted to buy a car? Already?" said Vina, who was busy taking food.



"I have to learn to drive. I almost wrecked my dad's car." She replied. She grimaced because how she had almost hit a tree while learning to drive with Shaun the other day.

"Hopefully soon."

"I wish that I was too."

Just one more class to go to today and then an independent assignment. It felt like a long time today; Ashley glanced at her watch a few times. As he was receiving the end of her mission, suddenly her head hurt; Ashley grabbed her forehead.

Ashley closed her eyes, inhaled deeply, and then breathed slowly, doing so over and over again. Five minutes later, her head felt light again; she wondered why she had a sudden headache.

From a distance, Louise noticed Ashley's appearance, there was something strange about that girl, but he didn't know for sure. He lost sight of the task as Ashley turned her head, and immediately he saw the book sprawled out in front of him, pretending to be serious.

"Is it done?" Galan looked at Louise.

"A little more."

At three in the afternoon, the task was completed. Galan took their assignments to the teachers' lounge, while Dale and Louise went to the cafe instead; they were both thirsty. In the teachers' lounge, he accidentally saw a strange man standing beside a tree not far from the gate.

"Who?" His forehead is wrinkled. The man looked strange to him.

Galan ignored him, and maybe he was waiting for someone, he thought. After a little chat with the biology teacher, Galan joined his two friends at the cafe, after which they left.

Ashley returned home immediately after handing in her assignment, and she did not want to miss the bus any longer; enough time and it was uncomfortable. She tries not to be late again, and if she is, she will call her parents, but when she can't.

Randa was amazed to see the girl standing among the humans gathered at one point. She didn't know what they were doing.

"Princess Ashley Calasthane." His eyeballs were dilated; he was shocked. "It cannot be contagious. It can't be her; princess Ashley died in the war." Randa shook his head.

He is restless; the mission he has to find prince Louise has stumbled upon this astonishing thing beyond his expectations. Randa looked at Ashley very closely, and he could not have been wrong; the girl was indeed the princess of Veirmesh.

"If he is, I don't know what will happen. King Dyras must be very surprised."

All of Deuglasia know that princess Ashley died in the great war hundreds of years ago when king Dyras was fighting with king Miguel. Frankly, Randa was surprised by the reason behind the war, but there was nothing he could do; a few days before the war began, he accidentally saw prince Louise in the woods. The prince's face was seared into his brain until now. After the war, he did not find prince Louise anywhere; the handsome man vanished into the earth, and months and years went by.

"What is the Master looking for me?" Randa faces Farand in his room.

"Did you know the news was spreading?" He asked.

Randa looked Farand right in the eye. "Yes."

Farand breathed deeply, his face matted. "Keep their mouths shut, lest word spread."

"Yes, Master." He vanished from Farand's presence.

Randa ordered some of his men to find the news of prince Louise's disappearance; the men must be silenced.

"Kill them if they resist." Randa commands his subordinates. His subordinates followed his orders immediately.

The memory came to a halt when a yellow rectangle stopped in front of the crowd across the road, taking seats in the vehicles. He saw princess Ashley sitting on one of the seats, and the car was coming in after all the humans had gotten in their seats on the bus.

He was curious and wanted to ensure that the girl was someone he knew, but he hesitated to leave the ultimate mission for him. The vehicle is virtually invisible again; rather than being curious, it decides to be sure.

"I'm not relaxed; I need to be sure." With great strides, the Randa chases the vehicle.

From Louise's school gate on its way home, motionless. He saw Randa on the bus; he saw Ashley on it. His teeth clenched until he made a sound, his hand squeezing the rope of the bag.

"I'll kill you if you touch her." Louise's eyes lit up. The anger he had long since he was in the human world.

"What's wrong with you?" Louise was shocked when Dale clapped her shoulder. He looked back.


"Let's go home." Dale took.

"You go ahead."

Dale's eyebrow shot up next door. "Why?"

"I forgot something."

"Well, I'll go first."

Dale left Louise. He got into the car, and Galan was sitting next to Dale. The blue car went out the gate. Louise walked up to the gate and across the woods, and no one could see what she was doing. Louise began to run fast after the Randa, which she knew would eventually follow Ashley home.


From the bus down to the house, Ashley felt that she was being followed. Every minute he looked back to see who was following him, and no one was there. Ashley hastened his pace and rushed into the house.

"What's wrong with you? Just like you've seen ghosts." Alice says. She was surprised to see her older sister stand back at the door.

"Nothing." She was forced to smile.

After Alice left, Ashley looked out the window, and nobody was there. She moved the curtain back.

"Looks like it's just a feeling."

Ashley stepped into the bedroom, threw her bag on the chair, and threw her body down on the bed. To this day, she still thinks about the dream she had. It was the strangest dream she had in her entire life, and she read the article that dreams could be a sign. What Ashley fears is that her dreams are a bad sign.

Ashley shut her eyes. "Forget utterly. Never mind. It was a dream and nothing." She said, calming down. "Nothing will happen to me." She took a deep breath and let it go slowly; after it calmed down, she opened her eyes.

Randa followed Ashley up to her house, and every time the girl turned her head, he would change his position, on top of the tree, the place, or behind the wall. It is not uncommon for him to stalk a target who is constantly suspicious when being watched. Randa was too curious and couldn't help it.

Randa saw Ashley in a room on the second floor; it was her room; he approached and monitored from the top of the tree not far from Ashley's room. Randa was amazed that the girl looked like princess Ashley; he had met her several times before.

There's a rumor that princess Ashley is close to prince Louise, so we could say they're in a relationship. Farand had once instructed him to find the truth, and from his observations, princess Ashley and prince Louise were only friends.

Once in a while, he saw that they were fighting, saying nothing to each other and sometimes letting off an aura of hostility. Randa concluded that they didn't have the same romantic relationship as the rumors spread. Prince Louise and princess Ashley are no more than friends.

Randa smiled a little in light of the occasion, and he thought prince Louise and princess Ashley were perfectly suited to be rivals. Yes, they were both rivals. He felt sorry for the loss of princess Ashley, and she was pretty fond of the girls who looked tough as boys and elegant as princesses simultaneously. She was very attractive.

"It's too bad you left too soon, princess." He said quietly.

Ashley was sitting in her study chair, and she wasn't focused on the book on the black table. Ashley reached for her phone and looked for exciting things on the Internet. Sometimes she was upset that she wasn't born intelligent, but if she were wise, the lessons wouldn't be this difficult.

When girls her age prefer to go out and have fun spending time, Ashley turns out the other way around. She likes home, sometimes quite surprised by herself. Some men have also expressed feelings to her and have rejected her on the grounds of not wanting to have a relationship, always like that, and in the end, no one has expressed any feelings to her. Ashley thinks she's too old-fashioned, but she doesn't care that she's comfortable with herself. Before she knew it, she smiled reassuringly.

"I found you." Louise saw Randa in the tree facing Ashley's window.