Yin stood up after calming himself. The world is vast and the opportunity only arrives when the time is ripe. The first thing to do now is that how he will make a living. He doesn't posses anything valuable in exchange for currency. How will he survive when he doesn't even know any labor work. He never exerted any physical strength since young. He have plenty of attendants to serve him of any of his necessities. All he is capable of is memorizing, reading, reciting, and calligraphy.

As an emperor from the past, he never once experience even lifting a sword. Instead, a brush, grind stone and a paper is what he always hold.

Yin march his way out of the village. Inhaling a lungful of air and exhaling it back. He wanted to clear out his mind. Emptied his heart and try to start a new life to where his feet can reach.

The foot of the mountain is a hundred Li away from the city. In order to reach the city gate, one have to travel two and a half day using a vehicle. But by bare foot, it will mostly occupy a week to reach the city yet Yin is determined to try his luck in this new paradise. As a former emperor , nothing beats with trying new things in order to grow. And so, his journey as a helpless young beggar is about to begin.


Jin's Empire Studio- a building build specially for Emperor Yang and his subordinates. All the employees have been thoroughly examined in order to avoid betrayal and disloyalty. With high requirements and professionalism, only a few member of the society with minimum backgrounds can apply.

"I told you to delete that information. Have you seen the negative impact from the fans? They are criticizing our emperor. Delete it this instant. If Yang found out about this we're all doomed "

A woman in her twenties runs back and forth- pace to pace, nibbling her thumb as she keeps on thinking of a solution. The premier release of the awaiting solo album of Emperor Yang is not about to be publicize this week. In fact, in should be next month. But due to the carelessness of her staff, the information was leak accidentally. Now they are trying to take down the article that spreading the news. The fans that's have high expectation suddenly becomes furious upon reading a weibo post of the cancellation released of Emperor Yang's solo album and the schedule had been move to.

[@myhusband: what's wrong with you people? How can you suddenly decided to move it in a month?]

[@lovemedear: thank god my prayer had been heard. They're moving it. MOVING IT]

[@maletomale: anyway, as long as the solo release will still happened, I don't mind moving it next month]

[@marryme123: why did they release it when it isn't even sure. You're making us look like a fool]

[@comeside: exactly. I even take my leave this weekend just to attend my husband's solo event and now you're giving me shit? Come on]

[@peerlessbeauty: I have countless reason to why I have to endlessly curse you. Take back your words]

[@sugardaddycom: I've been waiting for it only to be this disappointed. So mad. Utterly mad]

The abrupt decision causes an uproar in the social media. Some are thankful as they can catch up with the event while mostly are disappointed. Tags to tags, post to post, they become a hot search in just a single day.

As the team trying their best to remove the clause, a man in four eyes suddenly entered the room, catching his breathe as he rise his hand holding a phone while the other is carrying a folder. He utter aloud "Emperor Yang is on the way. I repeat, Emperor Yang is on the way"

The people inside the room gaze at him in a shock. Frozen for a second. None of them are unable to move. Even the fast speeding hand typos are now trembling in fear. All of them knows how spine-chilling Emperor Yang can be. He won't allow failure and mistakes. He aren't the type to easily forgive even handed by a thousand reasons, he will not budge. A mistake is a mistake. An error is an error. The fails will be punished and the wrongs shall be corrected severely.

The woman brushed off her hair using her hands. She is about to get bald due to stress and frustration. She clap her hands together that changes the attention of the crowd.

"continue with your work. I'll deal with Emperor Yang. Just make sure you've finished it before I get back, understood?"

The team nodded their head in sync as the woman step out of the room along with the man from earlier. They made a big stride in a haste, not wasting any seconds of welcoming the modern emperor.


Inside his car, at the backseat, crouching comfortably with the knee bent to the side while tapping his index finger in his lap and position his arm supporting his face, the emperor's complexion looks eradicate. This posture only mean one thing, the emperor is pissed and irritated. With his unparalleled god-like feature no one would think that he could make such expression. His golden hair that is in comparison with the sun, the silver eyes that is more sharper that a sword, penetrating deep within. The thin cherry tempted lips that is sweeter than of a sugar and the cheeks that harbors nothing but wanting to be caress gently. Emperor Yang has everything a man could wished. From physical appearance, to financially capable and his unyielding fame- he has it all.

The thought of him not lacking anything is only beyond the imagination of the masses around. When it comes to material needs he has it all. From latest to rarity, branded, luxurious, wildly known and esteemed he posses all the quantity of number. But regardless of this, he have none of what a normal family could have. He never received the love from his parents. The love of being wanted. The love of being cared and concerned. The sincere love he longed. He never once take an ooze nor begged them for it. For him, it is their responsibility to shower him the affection of kinship. Seeking fondness forcefully only leads him to look pitiful and pathetic. That is out of his character.

Emperor Yang blankly stare at the car window. The scene outside gives him more headache hearing the bumper to bumper sound of the horn coming from the line of vehicles. He emotionlessly asked without snapping his sight from the outside view "when are we going to arrived?" His voice sounded like a spoken tone of unvarying in pitch. Strong and powerful.

The driver that had been shivering from the moment he pick up the emperor responded in low and shaking note "In a while, master. The traffic is quite heavy and the short cuts had been block because of the incident last night. The dense rain from last night causes the road to get slippy thus, we are taking the main road"

Listening from the explanation, Emperor Yang only cliché his tongue in annoyance without turning his head "I didn't ask you to answer more that what is needed"

The driver lower his head slightly while giving a glimpse of his master from the rear-view mirror. He gulp and retreated his gaze as he saw a piercing glare towards him. He simply pray for himself that he wont get fired from the reckless act he did.

"What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" Emperor Yang snorted.

"Nothing sir. I'm sorry" cowardly, the driver shifted his focus on the road. His been the personal driver of the Yang Family since he was young. He also witnesses the growth of the Emperor from the young master up to his adulthood. Although, their family is known from their immeasurably wealth, and only focused on expanding their affluent, the driver is definitely certain of one thing- Emperor Yang never once smile.

As the car move in so slowly, their entire journey ride is filled with silence.