At the bottom of the stairs is a cellar. The cellar is narrow and tight that only one person could fit in by lane. The cellar is compose of five different door. Each door leads to the end of once pity life. By means, a death door. It was made to avoid being caught easily and of the purpose of protection.

Emperor Yang walk rather slowly. Its been ages since the last time he visit the place. It still reek with foul odor and earth pollen. When he reach the in the middle of the cellar, five doors was floating above. Emperor Yang take off the antiseptic plastic strip revealing a small cut in his palm and dry blood of his. He placed the antiseptic plastic strip into the plain dusty wall activating the pattern to unlock the safe door. A 'click' sounded loudly along with a slight shake from the ground and instantly one door came forward. As the door was resting in front of Emperor Yang , the blood from the antiseptic plastic strip has been sucked dry.

Emperor Yang march forward and twisted the door knob open. A beam of bright light was ignited causing Emperor Yang to cover his eyes with his arm. Though the light doesn't have any effect towards him whom have a high level core cultivation but when it comes in contact below the mediocre level, it can burn their skin and causes blindness without a cure.

When the level of light slowly subsided, Emperor Yang entered the door. Just like before, the door automatically closed and went back to in line. About 0.1 second the five doors switch its place hastily without affecting the world it holds.

Emperor Yang walk around the white snow. Looking at the white vast of emptiness in which that country never experience even once. Along the way, Emperor Yang frown seeing a tiny flower of chrysanthemum in the side road. It is mostly covered by snow and impossible to notice. Still the curiosity that attracts Emperor Yang is not the flower itself but by how it remain alive regardless of the absence of the sun and its unbearable frigid weather. Emperor Yang squatted down wiping off the snow. He was amazed by how it survived for so long without having the process of photosynthesis, and so without thinking Emperor Yang gently pluck it out by the roots and brought along with him.

Emperor Yang arrived at a mansion standing at the very top of the white hill. The mansion is not as ordinary people could live. This mansion is build with complete ice that will took thousand of years to melt. The solidity of the ice is comparable to the lifespan of a stone. With this, it can prolong the stage of decomposition of something.

Emperor Yang push the gate open. In this place, other than a mansion there's nothing more to it. No dead trees, snow wolves or even a single life lurking around. It is a miracle that a tiny flower bloom in a deserted land. Apart of having no life, this mansion also don't have any single servant. Because of how desolated this mansion is it look like an abandon mansion at a glance. Emperor Yang directly went inside. Sure enough, one would thought that this mansion is as cold as it is blended by the surroundings but in fact it is the opposite. The inside of the mansion is warm enough to not feel the coldness outside. And the size of the of the interior is much larger than the mansion itself. It is also complete with every necessary needs and comfort. It is more like a palace than a mansion because of how luxurious it is. The beaming chandelier that is made out of gemstones. The light that came from a power stone, the carpet that is from the skin of a rare breed of polar bears. Every part of the house is from the most expensive and rare materials coming all together to create dazzling place.

Though the matters of the interior design can blinded a thousand eyes and feed a whole country for years but for Emperor Yang it didn't weight anything at all. This type of wealth and cheap pieces are all thrash in his eyes. No matter how much gold and stone he wear, no matter how much money his name hold it cannot compare to the wealth he possesses in his heart.

For the past decades of trying to improvise this place into what it is right now, Emperor Yang is only certain with one thing, that is he will make this house his future love nest. Away from the outside world but full of passion and love with his family and the generations to come.

Emperor Yang head to the stairs in the second floor with a bitter grin along with the chrysanthemum flower in hand.

The second floor only has three rooms in total. One is his office, second is the master's bedroom and third is the guest room.

Emperor yang entered the master's bedroom. Inside, there's only a large bed, coffee table, wardrobe and a side table. This kind of set up is dull and lifeless but Emperor Yang likes to stay in this kind of environment. The silence can deaf a perfect used ear but it doesn't matter as he preferred the silence. Emperor Yang put the flower into the coffee table. With a snap of his finger, a small size flower pot popped out with a fertilize soil in it. He planted the flower gently and spray it with water. Then place it in the side table. After putting the plant to it's resting place, Emperor Yang glance at the sleeping person laying in the center of the bed. The person is as white as the snow, pale, lifeless and blue. The curly long lashes that tickles the heart of the Emperor every time it flushes rhythmically. And the lips that he wanted to taste for a long time which always having a wild temptation to be devoured. The cheeks that keeps on blushing every time their eyes meet. And most of all, the eyes that captivated his whole life with, but none of his fantasy is present.

The person laying in the bed is long way dead from the start. Only with the help of the ice mansion that the body didn't decompose easily and was preserved for a long time.

Emperor Yang caress the cold cheeks with a warm smile "I'm back. Sorry if I'm late this time. I have a lot of things to be done outside in order to have time to visit you. I'm sorry I didn't brought anything with me, but look, I found a tiny flower outside. Isn't it amazing how it manage to survive despite the frozen cold breeze. I still wonder how it grows in here. It's pretty isn't it? I put it in a flower pot to grow. It will accompany you while I'm gone so that you won't feel alone. But don't worry, next time in my visit I'll bring something that you like, something that will make you happy, okay?"

Just by looking at the person next to him, Emperor Yang could felt the emptiness, the lacking, the need and the warmth. Then he lay down beside it, cuddling the rigid body and ignoring the frozen skin. He landed a kiss into it's forehead and squeeze it even tighter, pressing the head into his shoulder.

"When will you wake up? When will you look at me like before? When will I hear you call out my name again? When will I ever see you smile again? Please tell me, please tell me when so that I will not force myself to lie and live like this"

Tears keep falling from his eyes feeling the cold body under his embrace "I'm tired, you see. How can you bear seeing me like this. Please wake up. Wake up for me, I beg you. Just once, once is enough I promise"

Mumbling by himself as if the person is only sleeping, Emperor Yang continue "I still haven't found him yet, but I promise you that I will. I'll make sure to find him no matter what and bring him back to you. That's the only thing I need to bring you back to me. So please hold on a little longer for me, alright?"

He then closed his eyes along with the word "I love you" in a gentle and soothing voice.