Both of them went silent. Yin breath in deep and releases it like all his worries had been freed. He get up and brushed away the earth pollen in his clothes. Mingcai only watch in action of how the former Emperor composed himself on his own.

"ah… I shall continue my journey now. I have enough rest and my body is fine" Yin reflexes his body by doing a sort of exercise. He knows that this new body of his is far enough from being fine still he cannot let it be the reasons to delay his mission. If he wants to laze around nothing will come as much, why not overcome the limitation despite everything.

Yin soon step out of the hut but was stop when Mingcai call him out of curiosity.

"Your Majesty where are you going?"

Yin thought about "Somewhere. A place where I can find my own world"

"Can I come with you? I… I'd like to accompany you like before"

Yin turn around. Seeing the determined face of his former servant, Yin sigh "But its not gonna be easy. As you know I have no power in this world. I am less an ant and will die from starvation at anytime….. Will you still want to come with me?"

Mingcai didn't answer. Instead she head towards Yin and bowed down respectfully "My life in the past will never be that good if it weren't by the protection and grace of the Emperor. I owe you a life from the past and will still owe you in the present even in the future"

Yin never expect to receive the same amount of respect even with his current state. He thought that since he is no longer an Emperor, he will be treated differently. But seeing the how Mingcai lowered her head as if he still have the noble status, Yin bitterly smile "You never owe me anything. Not even in the past. All I've done to you in the past is what you deserved. No need to pay it back. And I don't want you to bow down to me anymore. I don't deserve it"

Yin extended his hands to help Mingcai get up. "Rise now…We'll setting off…. together"

Hearing the final sign, it's as if Mingcai won a lottery of how huge her smile is. She exclaimed happily " Yes" with a tears in her eyes.


Division Sect Array- is a place known as 'Heavenly Mortal Bridge'. This is where most of the information located from different dynasty are gathered. Either lost or vanished, this place can track down anything impossible. Located at the deep forest of Virgin Seven Seas. No population recorded and is a small island that is impossible to locate. Visibly hidden from the map.

Emperor Yang arrived at the Division Sect Array. As he walk passed by, some personnel or even with high rank officials greeted him with honor. As expected, Emperor Yang ignore them. No one dares to personally approach Emperor Yang every time he visit the place. They're afraid they will offended him by saying something that will trigger his current mood, anyone except the lady who is now excitedly running the hallway towards him with a honey lips in her face.

"Emperor Yang, you're here. Why didn't you inform me in advance. I could at least prepare something for you"

The woman immediately leech on Emperor Yang's arm. Purposely sticking her huge breast as if making an intimate hug. Her face is covered with white power but it didn't have much effect to her beautiful face. While her red lips like cherry and blemish cheeks only added to her charm. Her ruby eyes are beaming with joy. The woman walk along with Emperor Yang still not letting go.

"Emperor Yang. What brings you here this time? Did you miss me?" she said while curling up her hair using her index finger.

Emperor Yang didn't respond nor taking off the arms that is currently curled up against his. He didn't even pay attention to the blabbing mouth of the woman nor saying even a single word, he just walk though the process until he reach his destination.

Emperor Yang stop at the door and glance at the woman coldly "Ms. Yoo"

Ms. Yoo excitedly responded "Yes?" But right after her perfect smile shows, it disappear when Emperor Yang unemotionally glare at her arms "Take it off"

Ms. Yoo instantly removed her arms and take a one step back while looking at Emperor Yang's back vanished when he entered the room. Though she didn't fear the cold treatment of Emperor Yang but in fact, it aroused her extremely. She lick the back of her finger and smile devilishly.

"cold as ever just the way I like it. But I'll melt it up and you'll soon crawl into me, you little ice prince" Ms. Yoo whispered.

Soon after, she walk away.

Emperor Yang remain calm standing at the door. Hearing the words coming out from the woman before she left made Emperor Yang realize his action. Though, he doesn't really care of what other people say about him but inf act, it still made a very bad impression to others.

His coldness is not just because he doesn't like unnecessary attention but because he promise to give his only warm to one sole person.

The room is filled with books, and stuffs that could only be found at every dynasty. From rare paintings, artifacts, and all. Emperor Yang didn't head straight to the table in front of him. Instead, he went directly to a bookshelves in the right corner and took out a black book with the titled 'Covet By Crimson Beauty'.

It is plain and old kind of book but Emperor Yang hold it as the one of the most important things in his possessions aside from the broken maple jade leaf. He originally didn't posses this book but it was given to him as a birthday present by someone of unknown name. Although the sender is still hasn't found but Emperor Yang have this sense of familiarity that he could not ignore.

Emperor Yang gently open it up and flip into every page. The papers used in this book are made out of the silk from a thousand year old worm. It is delicate and smooth, soft and thin but it is more durable than of a clothe. It's lifespan depends on how the proprietor feed it up by the quality of the fluid. Though, this is one of a kind book but it misses one thing, an ink.

The book is purely empty, blank, white and spotless. It doesn't have anything written in it. But Emperor Yang's action made it look like it does. He continue flipping the pages until he stops at the very half of the book. He placed his palm and started to enchant some words.

The book lighted up with pure blood and in a second the table moved aside revealing a stairs in the floor connecting to the underground basement. When the light subsided, Emperor Yang retracted his hand, closed the book and put it back gently into the shelve.

He then, take his trail down the stairs. Instantly, the table moved back into its original position. Using his power as a light through the dark path, Emperor Yang cliche when he notice a blood running down his palm.

Since the book required the blood of the proprietor as a window and key to the basement, Emperor Yang always had a sunflower antiseptic plastic strips with him. He took a ready to used one out from his pocket and placed it in his palm. Actually, there are more basic skill in healing wounds more effectively but Emperor Yang chooses the most common used by an average mortal.

It's not like he cannot heal himself but by doing so, at the very least Emperor Yang could still feel that he is still alive.