With that question, the creature was a bit astonished. She gape with utter surprise by the given query from her beloved Emperor. The creature take two steps forward while it's eyes emits uneasiness. "Your Majesty…. have you forgotten about me?" It felt as if a big boulder flatten it's heart that the creature felt so heavy inside. Just the thought of his beloved Emperor forget about it's existence brought unbearable pain.

"Your Majesty It's me. It's me, Mingcai.. your loyal subject" a pair of earth orbs flushed a tears of sadness. Mingcai- as the servant of Yin from his younger age until his ascension and the downfall of it's country never hear his master call her name with a strange tone. Hearing him asking her identity rip a good space in her heart "Your Majesty..." Her voice shiver in sorrow.

Yin on the other hand flinch after hearing the familiar name. Only that single person can shed a bucket of tears even in a trivial matter. Yin tardily reach out his arms, hoping his eyes only deceived him. But the moment his callus palm in contact with a furry and fluffy creature, Yin didn't hesitate to asked "What happened to you? Why are you…." He paused his words as if his tongue got swallowed. Yin doesn't even think of it as reality but maybe a dream under another dream.

Mingcai did not comprehend the words coming out from his Emperor. At first, it is weird enough that his master didn't recognize her after their meeting. In addition, the way the Emperor asked her question is out of her knowings. And the way his Emperor's eyes look at her differently is enough for Mingcai to get convince. Therefore, Mingcai could only conclude one thing. "Your Majesty... What am I….. in your eyes?"

The etiquette under the influence of the past dynasty, no servant is allowed to question those who are above them. No servant is allowed to defile the way a master do with them. No servant shall rebel by unless they wished is to die. And no servant shall never forget to respect their master despite the mistreatment they accumulate. This kind of behavior have been thought to every single slave that being bought and delivered to served. Same as how the palace mistreat those rookie and ignorant.

But this time, Mingcai overly forgotten the rules placed under her back.

Yin hold back, uncertain of what to say. His mind plays several words to describe the way he sees his former servant. He doesn't know if there's exact words that can be used to describe in order not to speak rudely to her. "ummmm". Hesitantly parted his lips, Yin replied, "Fluffy and soft. White and small…..and cute"

He awkwardly pinch the creature lightly enough not to be felt. The softness of the fur is like his mattress at the palace- comfortable. The cloudy hue reminds him of how peaceful his country were before. He smile subconsciously, indulging himself with the creature's fur. He lifted it up and placed in under his cheeks- rubbing it to his hearts content.

"Mingcai, your fur is really soft. I like it" Yin's expression is like a child loving it's toy. Though, he doesn't know what kind of animal Mingcai had become still he couldn't help himself to adore such creature.

The frozen servant could only open her lips wide. Unable to perceive the situation mentally, she could collapse at any time while asking herself 'what fur? What soft? What fluffy and small? What cute? What am I?'

As far as she know, she is a human with bare skin, pale and thin, small face with thin brows and mole at the corner of her eyes. Nothing unusual happened to her. Even her thoughts, senses and feelings are the same- like a human would have. But right now, realizing the words spoken out by her master,Mingcai can't hold but question her existence. 'What have I become?'

Yin is not someone who can lie easily. In fact, Yin doesn't know but Mingcai does, every time Yin lie to anyone, his right ear will automatically closed on it's own, incapable of opening it up again unless he will tell the truth. This aspects had been Mingcai's way of determining the lies from truth. Thus, Mingcai glimpse at the right ear of Yin but the disappointment pour out to herself seeing Yin's ear wide open. Mingcai thought 'So, His Majesty didn't lie'

As Yin continue rubbing his face to Mingcai's fur, he heard a small whimper. When he look at it, it surprise him seeing the teary earth orb of the creature. "What happened why are you crying? Don't you like me rubbing your fur? I'm sorry"

But Mingcai only responded as if she didn't hear anything at all "Your Majesty….. I… I become hideous…. boohoo" Her cry instantly become loud after realizing her form. Yin was startled with the sudden wail as so he is not proficient at comforting. He can only watch Mingcai cry all the way, waiting for her to stop on her own.

Minutes later, Mingcai calmed down, though there are still some weeping at times but it is not the same wild reaction as earlier. Yin help Mingcai wipe some of her tears that Mingcai instantly refused "No Your Majesty. You shouldn't do that again. No matter what, this servant cannot stain your noble body with my filthy fluid"

Retracting his hand Yin as he responded "But I am no longer your Emperor. My status is all in the past. The me right now is below your standards and I am no longer a noble but a beggar" There are pain in his every words that Yin bare all this while. He convince himself to adopt the situation he's in but no matter what, the deep scare that penetrates his soul will always be there. "Look at me, I am now wearing a rag clothe not a golden robe and my body are full of bruise and dirt not fair and white. I no longer hold a position higher than the sky but standing in a mud. I no longer hold thousand of people in my hand, no longer the son of the heaven. No longer in prestige and fame. I am now useless. So useless"

Yin wanted to cry but he knows he will only seen pathetic crying without tears that's why he hold it back for fearing of being criticized. Mingcai didn't notice at first but when the Emperor speak out his thoughts that's when she fully into understand his words. The disheveled appearance of his beloved Emperor that once glimmering under the golden silk is completely gone- vanished without a trace. Even the smile that one will fall in love is now replaced with emotional distressed.

Yin smile awkwardly- forcefully curved his lips while putting an innocent face. "But it doesn't concern me now" He look up above watching the leaves swaying along the breeze "All I need to do is to survived, live and be free. Away from everything. Away… far far away. But I know it was only my wishful thinking. I will never be free from this guilt and forever be shackled by my own incompetence "