It's been three days since Yin walk out of the village. His slippers are now worn out that it cannot even be called a foot ware anymore. His lips shows a sign of dehydration and his pace become stagger. Though, the mountain is abundant with sugar tree and the dew are fresh and brisk but Yin didn't know how to climb. With his thin limbs and lethargic deficiency, his visions are becoming hazy. As much as he wanted to take shelter with the Narra tree only 15 metre heads up, Yin lost his consciousness.

Deep in his noetic sense, Yin can hear the call of his people. The yell rang from wall to wall in one dark space.

"help us, your majesty"

"it hurts… it really hurts"

"i don't want to die. Your Majesty, spread out your wings and let us take shelter. Your wings are vast and strong"

"Your Majesty… Your Majesty… why are you alive?"

"what about us? Your Majesty… are you going to abandon us again?"

"bring us back. Please… I haven't live enough yet… its too painful in here…. Your Majesty, lift me up"

"stay here…. Your Majesty…. stay here"

"stay here…. Your Majesty…. stay here"

"stay here…. Your Majesty…. stay here"

"stay here…. Your Majesty…. stay here"

Under his feet lies the pile of corpses and bones of mixed youth and old. The bodies are burned and their faces are covered with blood and wounds. Their eyes were empty and the hair becomes ashes. Yin saw the most horrible thing yet he never scream. He didn't fear them. He didn't cower back, instead, he knelt down before them silently crying for them. His heart are full of pain and anguish, sufferings and miserable. Words aren't enough for Yin to convey his feelings for them.

The holler of the people turn soundless watching their emperor lowering himself. Only the cracking bones give out a minimal sound. Yin didn't look up nor gets curious as he remain in his position until a gentle voice came in from nowhere- singing nostalgically "All hail the ruler of the world. All hail his love and dare. All hail the great land and spring. All hail his name and fame"

The ground started shaking when his people united and sing along. It reverberated and reflect though the great darkness. Yin rise up his head only to found himself alone and the voices of his subjects disappeared as well. He get up from kneeling and started to pace emotionlessly while lowering his head. His every steps made a sound of droplets falling into the water. When he realize, he saw his own reflection into the pool of blood below his feet. The reflection causes him to shiver. It is his past lavish life of being an emperor. Dressed under the golden silk embroidered with dragon pattern under the spring. Standing firm above the thousand of lives before him and singing out his name.

Yin was drown. Under such circumstances he wished he wasn't born royal. He wished he was ordinary. Though, his wished are all hopeless still he grip them tightly enough that it caused him bruise and distress. But then, Yin recapture a memory of a young maiden glowing beautifully with a smile on her face calling him out " **** *** "

Her gentle voice woke Yin up.

When he open his eyes, Yin was under the shade of a small distorted hut covered with dry earth pollen all over. He groaned slightly as he tried to get up rubbing his crimson eyes for a clearer sight. He pay close attention to his surroundings. The still unfamiliar world gives him too much pressure that is unable to break free.

As his eyes walk through everything, Yin saw a bowl of soup with a spoon beside it in a middle table right in the corner where he found himself laying. The soup still emitting smoke indicating that it was cooked not too long. Though it looks plain in white with various of unidentified seasonings and stuff on top, however, it didn't have any foul smell and didn't look poisonous. Its just that Yin hesitated as he doesn't know where it came from and how it was made.

For the past three days, Yin undergo a food deprivation and only relaying his survival with the water coming from the river. Even if he is hungry, he will not take risk to eat such suspicious food. But despite his strong will to refused, his body has already betrayed him. A loud growling can be heard coming from his stomach. Yin clench his fist in annoyance. 'traitor… you traitor stomach what if I die? What if it's poisonous?'

Yet the urge to touch the food dominated Yin into succumbing. He defeatedly grab the spoon with his trembling hands and started to scoop a spoonful of soup. He slowly deliver it in to his mouth while tightly closing his eyes, ready to fill his buds with an alien flavor. Surprisingly, the taste aren't that bad to throw up instead it felt somehow familiar to him. The odorless soup and the particular sensation of the delicacy makes Yin thought of his past life. There's only one attendant of him that cooks the same tasteful food as the soup.

Yin lower down the spoon sighing heavily while looking at the half eaten soup. He muttered the word "Mingcai" subconsciously and helplessly lay down in the dusty floor. Although, the past gives him painful memories still a part of it has the happiest thing that happened to him. Reminiscing the old life gives Yin a bitter taste.

Looking at the broken ceiling filled with spider webs along with the beam of the sun touching the leaves outside, Yin rise his hand as if reaching out for something. He grasp the imperceptible air before releasing it back, he sign once again.

His awful tiredness and restless body lay uncomfortably but he doesn't have a choice. Those three days of his journey is like hell without fire and shadow. Most of his energy has been taken away by this unknown travelling. His goal is to live carefree and willfully but the cruel reality slap him hard. He doesn't know where can he find it. He doesn't know what place awaits him for taking this trip. He doesn't know if leaving the village is the right choice. Yin is clueless.

Since the moment he realize he isn't in his world, Yin almost chooses to gave up. Thinking ' what's the point of living in a world where one don't know nothing. Whats the used of life when one doesn't even know even simple things' Yin questioned himself. After a moment of useless thought, Yin's back become numb. He turn over to the side and put his arm into his head to be a pillow. But then, his entire body abruptly froze and his soul wanted to leave. Yin saw a creature as white as a snow, as cloudy as the sky and as cute as a squirrel but it wasn't what makes Yin wanted to run away as far as he can. It's because the animal unbelievably speaks human language. And what's more , it addresses him respectfully like it used to do so.

"You're finally awake Your Majesty. This slowly one apologize in advance for sheltering your nobility with a filth quarters" the creature lower it's head apologetically.

Yin didn't show any reaction other than scared and pale. He is unable to process this inexplainable phenomenon while his whole system was temporarily blocked due to the shocked. The creature noticed the it and tried to understand things "Your Majesty what happened? Are you hurt?"

Worriedly, it subconsciously touches Yin's wan skin making Yin to flinched back. The creature immediately take it's steps backwards and kneel down instantly "I'm sorry Your majesty. It wasn't on purpose. I was worried because you didn't say anything. I thought the soup causes you discomfort"

Yin attempt to scoot his body over little by little as he pretended to calm by deceiving himself "I…. am fine. No need to kneel down"

His stuttering voice causes the creature to become more panic. "But Your Majesty must be uncomfortable right now. Since this is not the palace and there's no soft mattress for you to lay on and the soup is not considered a good tonic for your noble body ,I know Your Majesty feel comfortless. I accept any punishment as my atonement"

Yin was speechless. Sure enough, he isn't too naive not to notice this weird creature calling him 'Your Majesty' the whole time. Unable to control his curiosity, Yin asked "who are you?"