Emperor Yang finally reached is destination. With an hour of being stuck under the heavy traffic he is now almost losing his self control. Walking out of the car by the help of the driver opening up the door, Emperor Yang impose such domineering aura just as his foot landed into the ground. His face build without any interpretable expression give out immense coldness that is too suffocating. As such, he notice the the numerous group of people immediately gathered him around. Flashes to flashes of cameras and mic by mic as they piled up throwing various questions at him. Reporters, journalist, onlookers, and some are fans brought together in one place. In some distance, it would look like a common commotion between some people but because of the eye-catching banners and the yells of the fans scene, it would needless to say that there's some popular celebrity visited at place.

The mixed voice between the people around echoed like a roaring beast. Too sharp and deafening.

"Emperor Yang, how would you explain the changes of the schedule of your solo album?"

"husband, marry me"

"it is said that it will be move next month. Do you know any of this?"

"look at me, Emperor"

"your fans are now being extremely enrage because of the sudden changes. Will this affect the expected popularity or will it be he same?"

"get me pregnant, Emperor Yang"

" Emperor Yang, the Jin's studio are now conducting a thorough clean up of the mess. In your opinion, what will be the best way to console your fans?"

"i dressed my chicken as you"

"Is Emperor Yang have any comments?"

Emperor Yang didn't move in his fit. He stood sturdy steel. The extreme irritation mostly hard to surpass. Even reciting Sutra will never be of help in calming his nerves. As he was pressed down by the press, a couple of staff personnel came out making their way in to Emperor Yang.

"MOVE. MOVE. Don't block our way"

"make way… make way"

Reaching out their arms to obstruct the movements of the people around, they make enough space for Emperor Yang to walk in. Passes the still blinking cameras, one journalist spill out a phrase that halted the emperor from his steps.

"Emperor Yang. One last question. When we'll be able to see your partner on screen?"

He turn around with his cold eyes causing the journalist to flinch in shocked and fear. She is unable to act as Emperor Yang stared at her in the eyes. He lean his face near the earlobe of the woman and whispered hoarsely "soon enough. You'll see"

A flustered cheeks form into her face while Emperor Yang proceeds his way inside the building.

Upon entering, he was greeted by most female employees sending their greetings to their superior but the employees already expect a silent treatment in return. As such, Emperor Yang rise his hand calling out his secretary behind him " where's Ms. A? call here out"

A man wearing a formal suite adjusted his glasses before answering " Your Majesty, Ms. A excuses herself this morning as she accompanied the Head of the Marketing Department to the hospital. He fainted caused by epistaxis"

Emperor Yang didn't replied back- only moving his eyes to the side. He continue walking with long steps into his office. Followed by his secretary, he sit in his swivel chair as though a couple of paper was placed in front of him "What's this?"

The man hold his ground unwavering "This are the things you asked me to look into. Based on my investigation, they are indeed caused by the imperial councilor. In fact, this men collided with your father to take him down. That day, when the slaughtering occurs, I manage to glimpse an image of a young man pass down the alley in the back of the palace. Though, I am not sure either it is only my illusion or not. I look over to my memory again over few times using the divine matrix to make sure I didn't missed a single detail. But even with this evidence we cant still put the blame on them"

"so your saying, those bastards are the one behind this? Yet we still cant confront him? Then tell me Leonorr, what's the point of showing this crap to me?"

Leonorr felt an incisive eyes shooting him through only to found out it came from the Emperor alone. However, he cannot deny the cruelty this silver eyes have. This is what he look up to. Ever since he served Emperor Yang from the past dynasty as his most trusted general, he craved to be looked into some degree. The secretion of his admiration to the Emperor is beyond measured.

Leonorr bowed his head respectfully before saying " I am very sorry Your majesty for my incompetence but even so, we still cant frame them as they may be alerted. Those sly foxes knows how to hide their tails properly. If we are to attack them without confirmation, I'm afraid it will cause more disturbance to you, Your Majesty "

Leaning against the chair, Emperor Yang rub his temples as his eyes closed temporarily. His headache has becoming more and more uncontrollable as time passes. No matter how many medicine he take, it never took effect. Just as he was about to dismiss Leonorr, a call rang from Leonorr's phone. They both look into each other for only a few seconds as Leonorr slightly position himself sideward breaking their contact before he accepted the call.

"Hello?" "Yes" "No. I am not" " I'll be their soon" "okay"

He turn back with an apologetic look " Your majesty I..."

,Emperor Yang stop him using his palm "Go now. It might be important. I'll contact you if it's necessary"

Leonorr bowed himself once again " I'll be leaving then Your Majesty" as he exited the office.

As soon as Leonorr vanish from his view, Emperor Yang took out a golden box from his table drawer. He open it up revealing a broken jade pendant form of maple leaf. Caressing it lightly , Emperor Yang forced a smile as he speak softly "Where are you Shao". He grab a piece of the broken pendant and landed mild kisses as he continue " How have you been? I've been missing you so badly. You see, my headache becomes severe and I cannot fall asleep at night. I've always dreamed of you every night calling out my name, crying, begging me. Don't you get it? I am still yearning for your warmth. Shao, come back. Please come back. I don't know how much longer I need to wait until you come back to me"

Tears fall from his eyes. Emperor Yang shed quietly to mourn his beloved. The memories that engraved deep in his core remains present although it's at most waning and gradually dying. Those laughter and giggles as they played freely and wild in the grass land.


A youth run excitedly from the bottom hill. Carrying a flourish plant on hand. He rise his little limbs above with a wide smile that shows his snow white canine teeth "Yang look, I found a beautiful flower. It's color is in comparison to your hair. They say it look like a sun that's why they name it sunflower but I think it's more suitable to name it' Jinzi'. It means gold. It illuminates the true color of the sun just like you. You shine prettier than any colors I've ever seen that's why I like you" the smile that form from the tiny lips of the youth brighten the heart of the young child.


Emperor Yang manage to sober up from his bottomless sorrow. He give it a light glancing touch before putting the broken piece of jade pendant back to it's box before sealing it with his power. He deliberately put it aside and grab the file Leonorr left behind. Reading the contents from every piece of paper, Emperor Yang's expression becomes dark. The more he spends time reading it, the more furious he gets that he unable to constraint his grip causing the paper to crumpled. In the end, he slam his palms into the table sending vibration from the sudden force. His power becomes agitated that it depicts unintentionally.

He utter a word "YOU ALL WILL PAY FOR THIS" before he vanished into the thin air.