Chapter 6

When I finally got to my senses, after being unconscious for I dunno how long, I tried to massage my forehead as it was suffering from pain.

I don't have any memories of having this kind of migraine, even before I started writing my books.

But now that I am feeling the pain, I slowly open my eyes only to be greeted with darkness.

"Where the hell am I?" I spout a nonsense question when I felt the cold floor.

I was at the back of my house. That's what I remember. I saw that freaking silver light and then I heard the voice of that damn weird tree.

I remember trying to touch that silver light before passing out.

"Oh my God!" My heart started to pound harder when I heard someone groaned.



I was shock by the small light came from somewhere, it was like a light from a candle.

I tried to get on my knees,but my legs won't even cooperate. They are trembling with fear too.

"Who a-are you!" I tried to sound a bit braver, but failed when my voice cracked.

"Milady, it is I."

"Who...?" It came from that voice! Voice from that weird tree!

"This damn weird tree kept talking to me!" I mumble enough to be heard by him.

Yes, Him. A voice from a male.

"I suppose not to be called weird Milady."

"Then who are you?! Why am I here?! And where exactly are we in this very moment?!" Even how nervous I feel now, I still wanna know where I am right now.

"Please pardon my insolence for bringing you here with me without your consent."

Somehow that small light move infront of me, and now I can see this talking damn tree infront of me.

It's weird to see him on the floor, while burrying his face. And what's more weird is the clothes he is wearing right now.

A freaking cloak? It was like a body robe. It is even covering almost his entire body that I can barely see his trembling hands on the floor.

"P-please get up now." I told him as I slightly calm down. My heart slowly calm down too as I feel like I can trust this man.

"As you said Milady."

My eyes widened when I got to see his face.

He looks young, maybe around thirties, or maybe below. He looks so handsome!

Those brows that looks like it is well maintained, jaws that in great shape, sharp nose, and well, a bit pale lips.


I tried to shook my head as I clear my throat. I should never forget that staring is rude.!

"So, ahm, can you answer my question now? Where exactly are we? and Why am I here with you?" I ask instead trying to focus my sight on this small light.

"We are currently inside a dungeon."

"Ha?" Is all I could say. Trying to sink in to my brain what he said, I look around. And there it was.

A sole proof that we are in prison indeed.

The cellar, that single bed attached to the wall.

"Why the hell are we in here?!" My voice raised without noticing it.

Again, for that posture, he burried his face on the floor.

"---And stop doing that, answer me!"

"I-iit wa-was my mi-mistake for doing so Milady!" He even sigh after saying those words. "I didn't know you'll be curious about me, you tried reaching for me and when your body got shock because of the magic in it, you somehow got absorbed in it."

As he try to make me understand, I was trying my best to understand what he said.

"Magic? Got absorbed? Magic?!" I look at his tilted face, "Magic?! Is magic even real?!"

"Milady, you lived your whole life in different world, where we are now, people can use magic, and others were born with it." He said calmly.

I brush my hair, to remove the tangled, then try to brush it again with my fingers. "Magic. So magic are all true after all?"

"In this world, yes it is."

"Magic is real..."

"Yes, Milady."

"Magic exist."

"That's what I'm trying to say, Milady."

"Magic hah...." I smirk and look at him coldly. Because of what I did, he, again, burried his face on the ground. "So what is that damn magic got to do with me?"

"Forgive me, Milady!" His voice cracked again. Hearing those small sobs came from him make me cringe.

How can a man his age cry because of me?

I breathed out, let me sink in every word he said first. So magic is real, in this world...

"What World are you trying to tell me? Are we in different world now?" I was laughing when I ask him.

"This world is different from where you came from."

My nose hurt when I snorted loud.

Damn this weird guy!

"Look, I am quite the busy person, I may not look like it, but I am a very person type, so can I go home now?"

He panicked of what I said. "Milady...." Those crocodile tears finally fall.

I roll my eyes with that sight. How can he even cry with tears!

"I don't have enough mana for now."



Different world?

God, I just wanted to collapse right now!

I stand up and look around. I really am inside of a prison.

There is a small window but it's too high to reach. And base on the moist around, this may be an underground prison.

There's this reek of blood somewhere. Smelling from it. I rose from my seat and tried to walk my almost numb legs.

"So, what will happen now? I mean to the two of us?" I ask while staring at that small window.

I can guess, I can pass through that.

But when this guy stand next to me. It feels like he's towering over me!

So tall!

He is maybe six footer or maybe taller. I am not small, I consider my height average. I am atleast five foot seven inches. But my height didnt even reach his shoulders.

"Wow, I suddenly felt small." I tried to laugh out.

"Milady, will you be fine?" He ask, ignoring of what I said.

I walk slowly to reach that small bed attached to the wall and sit. This is a plain plywood. With a dirty pillow.


"Why are we here by the way?" Well, I am at ease thinking that he won't do anything to harm me.

He didn't do anything, but judging by him, he won't harm me, so I guess, it is okay to be at ease.

"I committed a sin worthy of death."

By all means, he is a criminal.

"What?" I try to be cool infront of him. I don't want him to see me being scared hearing the word 'death'.

"I lost the sight of my teleportation, and ended up inside someone else's house."

"So you could teleport?"

He nod as a sign of yes. "But for my mana this small, I can't even last five seconds if we try to fly from here."

"Hold on a second. You can use magic, so that means you were born with it. You can teleport, but for now you can't because of low mana? Did I understand you?"

He smile happily. Like a child nodding his head. "That is correct Milady."

"What's with the formality?" Though, I have a lot of questions, I am thinking of going home as soon as possible.

Hearing him talked about magic, I could use it as a reference for my next book.

"Ah, it will be disrespectful if I will be informal to you, Milady."

So, I guess this world he mentioned is quite an old fashion. Calling me Milady, instead of asking for my name...

"What is your name?"


Sahana? "What a unique name." I commented. "It's Prestine."

I was offering for a hand shake, instead he took my hand and kiss the back of my palm.

I was took by surprise by his action. Clearing my throat and slowly take back my hand.

"It is my honor to know your name Lady Prestine."

He still added 'Lady' to my name.

"So, how can we get out from here?"

"We will be questioned by their knights tomorrow, so we must leave before dawn."

And now, it's knights.

"So, how can we?" I ask again and thinking of passing through that small window.

But I suddenly thinking for passing through. I can maybe able to pass through, but Sahana cannot. He has this huge built of a man.

"Aren't you that weird tree before? I remember your voice. Even in my dream." I suddenly remember.

He bow his head. "Forgive me for doing a desperate action."

My left brow raise. Something must have happened.

"So, how can we go out? And how will you bring me back to my house?"

"We can escape from here, but we must hurry up. I am trying to build up my mana for some magic we can use to escape. But Lady Prestine, about your second question. I don't have an answer to that yet, please forgive me."

My fist is ready to hit him some senses, but I doubted it, I wanted to see him shed tear again. So I have to get along with his plan with escaping. For now.

"Look Sahana, you owe me an explanation about this, okay? So for now let's escape this damn prison."

He agreed. "I can use a teleportation magic for now, but I don't have any idea where we will land."

Should I punch him? No, with that huge built of him, he won't even feel it.

"How far can we go from her?" instead I ask trying to calm my fists from punching him.

"Maybe, ten kilometer.?" He was even unsure of it.

Since, for a writer like me, being mentioned about magic and teleportation, it makes sense that I am curious a bit. Just a bit.

I read once in a fairytale book, where magic is being used, teleportation is possible. But never have I ever thought, that I will experience it.

"Then let's go."

He look at me for a second and offer me his arm. "Hold on tight, Milady."

It didn't even took a second, right after I hold onto his arm, dizziness was all over my head again.

I move closer to him as the dizziness became pain. And before I knew it, I slump on the grassy floor.

"Waaah!" It's embarassing to say, but that freaking teleportation really happened.

And here I am, talking deeply to a tree, vomitting.

"Please forgive me, Milady." I can hear his panicking voice.

"Here..." I look at him, this vomitting really is not good. Making me lose all the energy I have.

I wipe my mouth using the handkerchief he gave me.

"It's still dark."

"Yes. And since we are in the middle of nowhere, I can guess we are in the forest."

As I fix myself and calm down from vomitting, I stand up next to him and hold his arm, tighter.

"W-what are those sounds?" Nervous, I hide in his back.

He is this tall, he can even hide my entire being at his back!

What a huge man, indeed.

I was in the middle of my thoughts about this huge man, when I hear a weird sound.

I got alarmed when he hold my hand.

"W-what is happening ...?" Before he could answer me he started running, while holding me.

And those sounds are not weird. Those are howls.

My eyes widened, those are howls!

For real?! Wolves!

"Naaaaaaah, what the hell is happening?!"

"Run Milady, run!" He commanded at me.

I am not a runner for heaven's sake. But running is the only way to save our lives here!

I even got time to look back, and here they are, those wolves are even huge running after us!

"Wh-what... wolves!" I was screaming as he was running dragging me. He became faster and faster, I was still looking at my back.

Praying that these wolves won't reach us!

No! I have to run for mylife!

The movie adaptation from my book hasn't released yet! I haven't been paid for all the hard work I did for that book!

Those actors and actresses are meant to meet me for a celebration too. I can't die here with these wolves!

These huge wolves, showing their fangs, salivating makes me tremble in fear!

Even with one bite, I will be half with that!

"Milady, jump!"

I was gazing over the stars, when his command came late for my hearing.


I tried to move my body, but it became numb when the howls became louder.

Those steps from the wolves is scary enough to make me lose all my consciousness.

"Sahana...." I whisper beneath my breathe.

Here it is, the first bite onto my body.

Even the saliva from those fangs is like a poison.


I close my eyes hard, as I was ready to confess all my sins to the Almighty one. Praying for the goodness and blessings for those who are in dire situation.

'I confess.....'
