Chapter 7

"Milady!" It was Sahana's desperate voice I heard before finally closing my eyes.

Twenty-eight is still young to be dead. I don't want to die like this, to be honest.

I should have joined those sports when I was still in academy. I should have join the basketball team so I can build up my stamina. Or maybe the volleyball team.

Not staying in the library. Survival matters. But since I don't have those instincts, I think this is it.

'Lord Almighty God....'


"Goodness these wolves...!."

It was a different voice from Sahana, So I open my eyes when I saw another people around us.

They are four of them.

What caught my eyes is not that lamp they are bringing, but those long swords they are holding.

"Sahana...." I called out to him and reach for his hand.

"Sahana.....!" Maybe I survived. Yes maybe. "You.... Sahana....." When I felt his hand hold tighter to mine, all these scary thoughts finally let go.

"Waaaaah... that was so scary.." I cried in between those words. "so ..scary."

"You two must not be here at this hour!" Said tha random man who approach us and help me stand.

But Sahana ended up carrying me. "Thank you so much for saving me and my sister."


"What are you even doing.... oh, a magician. And a..."

I look back to these man who unsheath his sword. He is also a huge built man.

Damn, must all men here be this huge?

"You two are not from here, I can see that. But entering a forest is a not a wise decision."

"Again, thank you for saving us, this is my sister Pres,."

"Albone here. I came to check those wolves, you should be lucky that we came on time."

After hearing few words of nagging, Sahana do all the talk while carrying me. Telling them, me, as his sister got lost and somehow ended up meetin with those scary wolves.

They said they are mercinaries that's been hired to guard the nearby villagers from those wolves.

Thankful to them, they helped us find and inn when we enter the village they mentioned.

"We were assigned to eliminate those wolves tomorrow morning, so the two of you should stay here until we clear the forest." Albone said.

I told Sahana that I can walk already, so he let me stay beside him while talking to this ah, clerk lady?

Helping us have our room prepared for the night, and giving us some food to eat.

A soup, a bread and a warm water.

This is really an old fashioned place, I can say. Girls, ladies to be precise are wearing dresses, those skirts above their knees and boots.

Even the men are wearing those kind of boots.

"This is really different."

After we finish our dinner, Sahana and I headed to the room they gave us.

"They said the room has it's own bath room, so you should wash up, you have to rest." He said while handing me the clothes that clerk lady gave.

"Yeah, I badly needed some rest." After saying that, I went straight to the bathroom.


Is all I can say. This is place is more than enough to be called a five-star hotel in Manhattan.

The bath tub, is big enough for five people to use.

Water is prapared with flower petals in it.


I tried dipping my finger to feel the water, but it amazes me when the temperature sunddenly change to luke warm.

Looking around, they don't even have a faucet, but the water in bale is already prepared.

Do they use magic too?

After washing and changing clothes, to this long dress, I keep my used clothes too.


They have a piece of cloth for the undergarments. Unlike the lingerie I was wearing earlier.

Seems like the Clerk lady knew my size, it really fit on me.

I fold my used clothes, to wash it tomorrow.

When I go out for the bed, I saw Sahana wearing a different clothes from his cloak.

He is now wearing an ordinary pants and shirt.

"I washed outside." He informed me. "I will be sleeping on the couch you stay in bed."

I just agree to him, and lay down.

"This place is really different." I talk to him without looking.

"Forgive me for bringing you here." He answered.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"It was all for the sake of my Master." He answered.

"Who's this master of yours? Bringing me here without being informed."

"Forgive me." Is all he said.

Hearing from his breathing, he fell asleep on the couch. Poor guy. The couch is actually too small for his size.

I got up from bed and put a blanket on his body.

Still, even after bringing me here, he did his best to keep me safe. Except for that wolves experience!

If only my girls are here. I wonder what is Shane doing right now.

Next day.

The villagers are making a scene early this morning.

Their happy voices are all over that woke me up. So instead of continuing my sleep, I got up to check what's happening outside.

But before finally getting on my feet, I get to check the empty couch where Sahana slept.

Poor guy. Sleeping in that small couch.

My heart suddenly felt guilty. He should have taken the bed instead of me. I will perfectly fit to that couch.

I open the window to witness the remains of the wolves pack in front of the inn.

Wow, those mercenaries must be strongs. Killing those monstrous wolves over night.

"A job well done for those mercenaries."

I look at the voice.

Sahana entering the room with a tray on his left hand.

"Wow," Is all I could say when he placed the tray in the table.

"By the way Sahana, where are we going next?"

He set the food properly and offer me the cup of I think look like coffee.

"We could start our journer to reach the Master's tower."

Eeek, tea. Who wants tea in the morning?!

"I don't like tea... But wait, where to?"

I look at how well he's snipping the tea. A well mannered man, worthy of the sight.


"Drop the formalities and call me by my name."

"But it will be disrespectful!" He reason out that made me raise a brow..

"Listen Sahana, I don't have any ideas what kind of world you live in, 'coz honestly, I don't believe in anything you said, about this Master of yours. But it takes time for me to absorb everything. So uncomfortable." I tried to slowly sip from my tee. Ack!

"Forgive me. Miss Prestine."

I roll my eyes and pick up the fork and knife and started eating.

"So, explain yourself now. And tell me how to get back home."

"You have to meet my Master to understand the situation." He said in a very low voice that I barely heard.

Who the hell is this Master of this guy? Speaking of that Master makes him so sad. He may not want it to be obvious, but his eyes said so.

Now that it's brighter, I can clearly see the expressions his face is making.

And it's really annoying me that I really wanted to punch him!

I enhale, to calm my nerves and exhale as I wanted to finish this food he gave.

"So, when we'll we meet this master of yours?" Instead I ask.

I finished my food and stand up, when He didn't answer my question, I left him and headed to the bathroom.

Here, I started thinking.

If meeting his master is the only way to have my way back home. Then be it.

As long as there's no danger on the way, fine!

Is what I thought.

Now, infront of these three person standing firmly of us.

"Lord Sahana, the Master was asking for your reason of doing this."

It was a voice that made me shiver.

Right after our breakfast, after taking a shower and getting ready to wear another kind of dress, we started our so called journey to Master's tower Sahana mentioned.

But it didn't even take us an hour, when we meet these three person wearing the same cloak Sahana have.

"I must be in the presence of Master if I speak out." Sahana answered.

I slowly walk behind Sahana to hide from these people.

Their presence is different. As if there's an invisible wall that I can't pass through.

As if they are saying that we are a different breed from them.

The way they stand, they way they are looking down on Sahana.

I can't see their faces because of the hood, but I don't wanna pry anymore. That maybe can cause my early death.

"Sahana...." I whisper to him.

He move his head and look at me. "It's okay Miss Prestine, we all are living under the Master's will, so they won't hurt us." He said trying to assure me.

That one person try to move forward, to us. And Sahana raise his arm trying to protect me.

"Lady Prestine must be seen by Master." Sahana said firmly.

"We are incharge of checking the lady's ability." Said the one guy who stop his pace and look at me.

Something weird color comes out from his hand when he point it at me, I titled my head to look clearly, but my heart started pounding.

It was a loud pounding that makes it hard for me to breathe..

"" I tried calling him when I ran out of breathe.

It took quite the time when I can finally breathe, but my head became dizzy, that everytime I look at them, my sight will be hazy.

I wanted to stand properly, but when I take a step forward to Sahana, I lost all the energy in my body.

They were arguing about something that I can't understand, until I collapsed again.

Does collapsing in the middle of nowhere is my thing now? It's embarassing though! How could I collapse infront of those...

Sahana?! Where am I?

I got up alarmed when I didn't see Sahana around. Panicking while getting up, I run out the door to look for him.

I can't survive in this world without him! Na he's my sole comfort to take me back home!

I got stunned when I finally got out from the room. There's nothing to see here, but a freaking long stairs!

"Sahana!" I shouted at the top of my lung calling for him.

"Sahana!" Then I decided to take a step down. I must be careful how can they design this steep stairs!

"Sahana!" My heart is pounding loudly when I can't hear anything back.

The sound of the wind outside this weird house is all I could hear!

"Where the hell are you?!Sahana!"

Walking fast, almost running. These damn stairs is making my life terrible. I must find him. Remembering those three idiots who's obviously bullying Sahana, I must find Sahana.

I stop running when I look at the door. It was slightly open, my feet started walking to that direction, hoping to see Sahana.


Stunned. My heart fell when I saw something am not supposed to see.

"Sahana..." I called out to him, who is burrying his face on the ground. The same posture when he was asking for forgiveness back at the prison first.

"W-what's going on?" I ask staring at him intently, without noticing the few people around him.

"And there you are.."

It was an irritating voice, hearing.

"Sahana, get up." I didn't take my eyes off of him.

A huge built came to me. I look up to this person towering over me with a brave look.

Yes, I must be brave for the sake of Sahana!

But I got intimidated when this huge built guy look down on me.

H-he's taller than Sahana. But that smug smirk on his face is not worthy of my attention.

So I walk pass him and offer my hand to Sahana. "Let's go now."

"Is that how you greet the owner of this house?"

There that tall guy, I didn't notice earlier, but this guy is wearing the same cloak as Sahana. The onli different is that hem's color bloody red with silver.

"Thank you for letting me use one of your freaking dirty room." I talk back at him.

With that menacing aura from him, I can't be at ease.

He seems dangerous, to make Sahana kneel.

"Why are you bullying Sahana?"

He look at Sahana for a second and then face me, no, as if looking down on me.

That menacing look really is something, but I stand still, no matter who this person is, he must not ask Sahana to kneel for him!

"If that is what it looks like, them I am really bullying this useless trash."

That ticked my ear. "The only trash here is definitely you." I look back at his red eyes.

Now that I notice, his eyes are the same color of a blood.

Red blooded eyes are not real. But this guy have a red eyes! Is he a vampire? Wait, do vampire exist in this world too?

I was in the middle of pondering whether he's a vampire of not when I felt something touching my chin.

"Look up here lady." He said forcing me to face him!

I slapped away his hand, and it took me quite a refresh when I saw his surprised face.

"You dare!"


Again with this pressure making it hard for me to breathe!

His eyes are shining red as his expressions became scary. To thd point that my legs became jelly.

"A human dare to hit me! This impul---"

I can't clearly hear what he is saying, I got on my knees trying to get some air. But when I stare at the floor, There was a red liquid slowly moving.


Sahana... is coughing.. Blood..

"Mas-Master plea...sse"

My head became dizzy again! For heaven' sake! It became more harder to breathe, as I was also coughing.

My heart pound irrationally, as I was gasping for air, I heard a loud thud.

It was Sahana, laying on the floor with his mouth coming out of blood.

I look up to that bastard, to find him looking down on me. That freaking smile making me want to slap!

"My Lord!" Sahana breathe out but more blood comes out from his mouth.

"Is this the wench you were trying for me to meet?" He said. That boastful voice is irritating. "How weak!"

Though this pressure is making me weak, I can't stand up to his words. How could he say that with a smug on his face.

How could this bastard!

"Fuck you!" I said as I gasp for air.

I look at him, holding his face that I punch.

His face is now laughable.

Looking at me with a surprise look.

"That has to hurt." I said and walk out from his sight.

I help Sahana stand.

Flinching from all this blood, but I still need to help Sahana stand.

"My Lord. Forgive me." Is all Sahana could say.

This man is still staring at me. That puzzled look is quite the sight now.