Chapter 25

When the four of them left, they said that they will call Flora to help me for my morning routine.

Even Flora was emotional when she saw me in that morning. She kept telling me about what happened to the town while I was in bed.

I wasn't aware, but she also told me that I kept waking up crying. She thought that I had been having nightmares because of what happened.

Well, that's to be expected. For a lady like me who barely gets hurt, and for me to suffer in that incident, it was really expected to happened.

She said that Arcon tried to soothe the pain by absorbing it in him. I was amaze when I heard that. So Arcon can do that with magic too.?

After Flora helped me bathed, changed my clothes, changed the bandage in both of my forehead and to my leg, she served me breakfast too. Just like a mother, caring for her hurt daughter.

"The thing now was the noble family got to investigate of what happened, it was a good thing that we didn't have any casualties." Flora.

I was looking at her, I have this question deep with me, but I can't seem to remember about what it was. As if I have been forgetting something.

"They said, that the Crown Prince was here too. His highness will personally investigate who let those assassins in this town." Flora

Crown Prince huh?

After hearing her said that, a vivid memory suddenly came in.

'Once I became the king!'

I tried to ignore that and listen to Flora's every words.

"By the way my lady, the Earl was here for the past few days.."

I got alarmed when I heard that. "H-huh?!"

"Yes, it was Sir Baley who didn't allow him enter this house." Flora.

I breathe out, silently thanking Baley.

"What did he come for?"

Flora look at me with worried eyes. "For the lady's beauty, it is inevitable not to catch the Earl's interest. There are rumors on how his lordship was obsessed with beauty.."

So, that's how they address him. Lordship?!

Lordship my ass!

"Well, to think about that scares me now." I said wryly.

"It sure does my lady.." She sighed and sit beside me. Putting the strands of my hair at the back of my ear. "We should really leave this town sooner. I can't deal with another incident that might hurt you again."

My heart felt her sincerity. "Yeah, thank you Flora.."

After exchanging few more conversation with her, she left telling me she'd prepare lunch for me.

I didn't even get to go out, since it still sting to my wound every steps I move.

I look outside through the window. There are nothing to be seen either. It seems like this house is far away from the inn we stayed before.

I wanted to see what happened to those houses that's been destroyed because of those entities.

I wonder, was everything alright? But I heard screaming from the children back then. Flora said there were no casualties, it was a good thing, but there were still who got hurt, right?

No, I shouldn't be thinking negative thoughts now. If they said that no one got hurt nor no cusualties, then be it.

It's nonsensical to think about negatives now. What happened happens, I am safe. Got hurt though, but I am safe now.

I put my hands on top of my legs. There's no blood in it, right? I closed my eyes for a second and exhale. After coming here, in this world, I have suffered enough to faint every single moment. It always feel like I will die in a minute.

The monstrous wolves that chased me and Sahana back then. An unknown entity, well he was Denver, who attacked the tower.

I look up at the ceiling. This ceiling is nothing but plain colored. Tss.!

Sahana got stabbed by Denver.

Getting along with the three idiots. Eiliff's behaviour suddenly became friendly.

And not to mention, those nights I slept with Eiliff. Feeling my cheeks heating up, now that I got to think about those nigts, I am feeling sheepish.


It was not my fault. Eiliff would suddenly appear, right? Claiming the bed. It was my occupied room. So my conscience is cleared. If it has to be bothered. It must Eiliff! He needs to explain his reasons on visiting me in my room!

Well, it was for a few times, but it already happened for a few more times!

I sigh and kept staring at the ceiling.

Baley and Chess who always gets along well when they are teasing either Arcon or Sahana.

The way Flora takes good care of me. Tending with every single thing I need while I am staying with her.

'It's just so calming...'

I stop staring at the ceiling when I heard foot steps from the outside of the room. So I was about to stand when the door opens.

"Milady, your meal is ready now.." It was Baley and Arcon. They didn't even knock!

"Where's Flora?" I asked them.

"She said she'll wait for you at the dining." Arcon said while staring at me. "Are you still feeling hurt my lady?"

"There's still pain in my wound." I answered and slowly got up from the chair.

Arcon approach and kneel. "Just a minute my lady.." After saying that he raised his left hand that made me widen my eyes!

"W-what are you!" I stop asking when he gently puts his hand, pointing to be exact to my wounded leg. "Hey, Arcon?!"

He didn't do anything, no! He did something to my wound! I can't explain what he did, but when I finally stand on my feet, the pain from the wound suddenly disappear!

"Arcon?" I look at him with my mouth gaping wide. "What did you do? The pain disappeared!"

"That way you won't be able to pain for the time being.." He answered smiling.

"My lady, this magician here can absorb pain." Baley

"Absorb?!" I was so shock with what I heard. "How can you just absorb the pain?!"

"It's to make you feel comfortable walking my lady." Arcon said as if it was nothing.

I kept looking at him, waiting for an explaination, but I didn't hear anything!

Baley offered his hand smiling. "If you wanted, we can go out after lunch."

My mood suddenly gets excited. So I can go out without thinking about the pain from my wound!

When we got out from the room, I just found out that this is a small house at all. Unlike from the inn we stayed a week ago.

Few steps and we reached the dining table. It was already set and waiting for me.

"My lady! It's good to see you!" Sahana.

He even pull the chair and help me have my seat. "Then let's all dig in now!" I happily said.

Arcon sit next to Baley across Sahana's chair. And Flora beside me.

"By the way where's Eiliff now?" I ask when I noticed him not around.

"Master was quite busy because of what happened." Arcon. "He said he'll be back after dinner."

"How about you guys? Aren't you all busy?" I ask again.

These food feels heaven! Flora made these so there's no way I'd let this go to waste!

"We will be staying with you until we are all ready to leave." Baley.

"If you need something, we can visit the center's market to go buy it for you." Sahana.

"Since today is the day His highness will be investigating around the area, it will be noisy outside too." Flora.

"How'd he look like? The prince?" I curiously ask, though I wanted to see how princely he really is.

"Hmm.. Not that good looking." Arcon.

I laughed when he said that! "Are you for real?!"

"Don't mind him my lady." Flora said and put another serving to my plate. "Eat more. Here."

"Thanks.." I accepted her food wholeheartedly. "So? I am curious about the prince. Is he not a looker at all?"

"If you wanted someone with a great look, feel free to stare at me." Baley boasted.

"Yeah right. So?"

"My lady! Am I not enough looker for you?!" He protested.

"I have been seeing you for quite a long time, let's just say that I got used to your looks." I said that made the three of them laugh.

Baley pouted, and continue eating his food. I was thinking that he won't retort back but he still did after drinking his water.

"My lady, your eyes must have been hurt, are you having a sight problem now? Can't you see this face here?!" He said giving me the gesture of his face.

Well, he is also handsome, truth be told. Those eyes, nose, lips, the perfect shape of his jaws. I look around them. Baley's red hair is what I admire from his looks. Arcon is quite serious looking guy, he's aura is different but handsome as well.

Chess, the one who smiles a lot! I mean he usually smiles a lot! A charming smile indeed.

Then I remember Eiliff, with his red eyes. Red eyes were not common from my world. But if you stare at his eyes, you will have this weird feeling inside. As if you are being indulge with those eyes.

"Sahana is better looking than you." I said coldly.

Sahana smiled ear to ear. "That's an obvious fact my lady!"

"My lady.. you are hurting Baley.." Chess said that but his voice was obviously making fun of Baley. Who is acting hurt now!


Arcon even laughed at Baley's expressions.

I can't help it though. So to make up with my words. "Let's go out Baley.." I said smiling at him.

His mood changes fast, from mumbling like a kid pouting to smiling like a happy kid. "Sure my lady!"

"We should go out, shopping?" I ask him. Well, he must pay for the items too.

"Of course, as you wish my lady!" Baley answered happily.

"Then Sir Sahana? Will you go out with them?" Flora.

"Baley is enough..." Sahana stops when he thought something. "It's a bad thing actually to let Baley go out for shopping."

"Why is that?" Me.

"Baley has a weird habbit of buying useless stuffs." Arcon.

My eyes widen. So Baley is rich too!


"Yes my lady." Chess. "Baley can't control himself from spending so much."

"Useless stuffs?! How dare you say that Arcon!" Baley protested.

"Well, he bought this magical table, the store owner said, but Baley requested ten more of it." Arcon even sigh. "And those tables are still finding where they could be use for."

"He bought those colorful blankets, it was actually weird to see those colorful blankets, at the end of it, it was all donated somewhere." Chess.

"It was used!" Baley.

"He bought magical tools, created by the tower's magicians, they have all been returned to the store." Sahana.

"Don't worry! Shopping is fun!" I said trying to lift Baley's mood. He's actually becoming sad.

"Are you sure my lady?" Baley.

"I had, once bought a piano for my house, but it didn't fit well, so Shane, my assistant returned that too. And I bought different styles of door for the house I was building back then, but the architect told me that it was all useless." Just remembering those stuff I bought before, made me laugh.

"Do you own a big house?" Flora.

"It was actually for ten bedrooms and two guest room? I guess? I can't remember well, since I asked them to decorate it well for two persons."

"You have a big house and only two lives?" Sahana.

"Yup, Shane lives with me. She is like my assistant."

"Why would you need an assistant?" Arcon.

"I am a writer. An author to be exact." I said.

"Wow! Isn't that an amazing talent, my lady?!" Flora exclaimed.

"Well, it was since I got succesful. Most of my books was featured and got movie adaptations too."

"Movie? What is that?" Chess

"Oh, it was like they adapt the entire story from my books to show it in a live action. It was mostly played by the most popular actors and actresses." I answered.

"I see, like entertainer?" Arcon.

"Yup, I forgot that this is a different world, sorry guys." I apologize.

"No, it was fine. There were more like entertainer here. But the most suitable for that was singers." Baley.

"Singer? As in singing songs? Live?"

"Live? Well, it usually happens during celebrations." Sahana. "They usually hires some most known singers here too."

"So, do you have here an orchestra?" I am curious.

"Yes!" Baley and Chess.

"Wow, I wanted to actually watch one." I said.

I don't have enough time back then in my world to do everything I wanted to do. Like watching a concert, or watching an orchestra. I barely had time to watch a movie. And it was usually movie adaptation from my books.

"You must be very succesful my lady." Flora

"I can't say that. But well, yeah to think that I could afford everything I needed. But mostly, I don't have enough time to enjoy, the publisher knows how to ruin my vacations.." I remember last time when they did an impromptu book sighning out of town!

"That's too hard for you." Arcon. "So, as an author what do you usually write? Your genre?"

"Romance, most of my books are romance. I tried doing a horror but I ended up being scared."

Baley laughed at me. "How can an author be scared of her own writing?"

"Well, my house is enough to be called a mansion. So if I started writing in the middle of the night, my imaginations won't let me sleep at night." Remember one time that I had to sleep inside Shane's room?

"You really are a talented my lady." Flora.

"Do you play instruments too my lady?" Chess.

I feel awed with their curiousity. They are listening intently with every words I said.

"I learned piano, one of my friends is a pianist."

"That's great to here. We have piano here too my lady!" Arcon.

"But I am not that good. Back then, Adriane would always scold me. She was a pianist for heaven's sake." I roll my eyes.

Dessert was serve and our conversation continued. Flora would listen and compliment me. Sahana barely asks questions. He's more into listening. But the three idiots are usually curious of my life in my world.

"You are saying that the way you are dressed here are over-dressed?" Baley.

"Yeah, I am not into dresses, I am more comfortable with tee-shirts and ripped jeans.."

"Ripped jeans?" Arcon.

"Yeah, pants that are ripped." I laugh with my explaination. " I dress up during celebrations too, and I always wear jeans at home."

"So it was like weird for you to wear dresses like that my lady?" Chess who even pointed at me.

"I just got used to it." Well since this place dresses up like a medieval period. "Thank God that you don't wear corsets here."

"Noble ladies preferred corsets my lady." Flora.

"Really? But Flora, were you a noble too?"

They became silent for a second. Chess look at Baley and Arcon, then he look at Flora.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"Flora was a noble, she came from a fallen noble family actually my lady." Sahana.

Fallen noble? "What do you mean?" I sigh. "Wait, if it's not comfortable you don't have to answer."

"My family was involved in an accident my lady." Flora answered smiling. "But because it was a worthy of death sin, my family's nobility got revoked."

"Sorry." I said, that was one hell of a shameless question Prestine!

"Oh, the noble of blood here is Baley, my lady!" Arcon.

"Baley?" I look at him.

"Yup, he was not an ordinary noble, but he belongs to those of full blooded noble." Arcon.

"What do you mean?" I got curious.

"Well, my ancestors are all from noble blood, it was even said that getting tied up from the low class nobility was forbidden. But I got tired of that life, when I found out that I am capable of living in the tower, I did my best to live with the master." He explain as if it was nothing.

"I think being a noble is a pain in the ass." I commented.

"You just said it right, my lady." Chess

"For real." Arcon.

"It was like living in hell." Baley.

I look at Sahana. "How about you?"

"What about me my lady?"

"How about your life before living in the tower?"

I only hope that I am not asking them too much. We didn't had time to have this kind of conversation. It was only that this time, all of us are here sharing stories about our lives.

"I belong to the bloodline of magicians my lady." He answered shortly.

"He was born with the greatest mana my lady." Baley. "It was only natural for him to be this great."

"Isn't that amazing Sahana?" I tap his arm.

"He can't be compared to our master, though." Chess.

"He's nothing but a crybaby, my lady." Baley.

Ah, these two suddenly started bickering against Sahana. They really know how to tease the poor Sahana. Synchronised well, I gave up asking questions.

So Baley is really of noble blood. That's great to know. Learning about their lives is refreshing. There's no way I will get to meet these kind of people from my world.

What else could it be, they are living in the world where magic exists.

After the long time taken for lunch, they finally decided to clean the table. Flora and I went to my room to change.

Going out, it will be me Sahana and Baley. Arcon said that he will try to catch up with us, while Chess and Flora will stay and prepare for the stuff needed to bring when we travel soon.

"You look so beautiful my lady, even with this plain dress!" Flora was exxagerating.

She tied up my hair, and change the bandage from my forehead. Well, atleast I look normal for my eyes.

"There's no doubt, that every young man will be taking their time to chase after you."

I shiver remembering the earl. "I hope not to meet with that earl."

"Well,Sir Baley will be with you my lady. The Earl won't dare talk to you with the presence of sir Baley.."

Way to go from the man who came from the noble!

"Yes, this time I make sure to shop to my heart's content!" I exclaim, I even clapped my hands.

"You don't have to worry about the expenses my lady." Flora said. "Sir Baley will make sure to pay everything up."

I smiled at her.

After changing to a new dress. I felt refresh as well!

I usually wore flower layered dresses, but this plain cutted-dress is awesome. Below the knee dress and an anklet boots is comfortable too. The dark green dress matches the bracelet Flora let me wear. And this flowered style earrings is the best too!

My hear tied up, Flora even applied a light make up for me too!

"Let's go shopping!" I was so excited to go out. The dress is enough to cover my wound too.

When I was finally out from my room ready to go out, Baley was already standing few steps from the door.

"Whoa! My lady, how could you be so dressed like that?!" Baley reacted seeing me. "It's unfair for me part!" He said then look at his clothes.

I smiled at him. His clothes wasn't so bad. He looks dashing with that yellow layered cloak!

"You should get going now my lady." Flora "Be back before dinner okay? And Sir Baley, take good care of the lady." She look at Baley.

He nodded as response and offer me his arm. "So, shall we? Milady?"

I nodded and hold his arm. "But, where is Sahana?"

"He's outside checking the carriage." Baley.


"Yup, carriage, it will take an hour if we walk." Baley.

"Can't you just teleport?"

"The prince is around, if we use teleportation now he'll notice. And it's annoying to be around him." Baley snorted.

"That...remark was not so respectful Baley, aren't you talking about the prince?" I commented.

As soon as we got out, Sahana who's pateintly waiting smiled at me. "There you go my lady." Sahana said, his smiles became wider when he look at my dress. "That dress fits well to you my lady."

Ooh.. "Thanks Sahana!"

He opened the door of the carriage and both of them helped me get in. This carriage is too narrow that I have to check my head to avoid bumping in to it.

"Thanks..." I thanked them when I finally get to sit.

Baley positioned himself beside me, while Sahana seated in front of me. This is really narrowed!

"Are you ready my lady? It will be a little bumpy on the road." Sahana said worried.

"Yup! This is my first time being in a carraige!"

"Then let's go." Baley said and knock at the wall.

I didn't notice it but we are sittin just behind the hackman! So that knock was a signal to go.

At first it was a weird feeling for me. I didn't get nervous when I started learning to drive cars. But inside the carriage is a different experience for me!

Well I ever learn to do horse back riding as well?

I look around while inside, there are areas that we've passed through and it was the affected of that disaster back then. And a lot of people doing every efforts they could to rebuild the houses and others too.

"This territory are faster to respond." Sahana's voice.

"Well, the count's family was in here, and the Earl was also devastated when he saw the affected area." Baley

"The Earl's obsession to beauty sometimes come in useful." Sahana said and look at me. "I just hope not to bump at him today."

I heard Baley scoff. "Who said I will let him get near our lady?"

This time I look at Baley's smirking face. "Damn you look cool when you said that!"

"Huh?! I am always cool my lady!" Baley retorted.

I laugh at him and continue watching every places with this small window.

"Don't let that earl make a move to lady Prestine." Sahana reminded Baley.

"Yes Sir Sahana, as you command." Baley said with sarcasm.

When we arrive at the town's market, I was feeling wonderful around! The clean area and those store stalls selling anything is a great thing to see!

This is different from the market we went last time with Flora.

This area consists of a lot stalls! Lined up stores with different items!

"Let's get going now?!" I said full of enthusiasasm. I pull Baley and Sahana's hand to walk wit me.

I was walking, feeling this serenity in me. Damn! I was really unable to go sight seeing like this freely back in my world!

Because my friends are all popular, it always ended up with picture taking and autograph signing with the fans! Well, those times barely happened. Since we all decided that when we go shopping we must be aware of our sorroundings as well.

Perks of being famous.

But this! This is awesome!

I don't have to mind anyone around. Nor the paparazzis arounds. None of those would matter here!

The first store we entered was a tailored store. Truth to their words. Baley spends so much. Buying stuff that's not needed!

"Then, can we buy from this corner to there?" Baley said while pointing directions!

Those are clothing fabrics! Where are we gonna use that for?!

Sahana sighed and left us. "I will be waiting outside my lady..." Whisper. "Please stop Baley from buying this store."

I nodded at what he said. "Okay, please be patient."

Then I look at Baley who seemed thinking. "My lady, do you think we can use these fabric when we reach the tower?"

"Nuh! Let's go out." I said and pull him to walk out from the store.

There are few stores that we entered and it happened again. With Baley thinking of buying those stuffs that won't be useful!

"No! Not this too. Next store!" I kept saying that until we reach the restaurant.

Sahana followed us when we enter the restaurant.

"How was it? You actually look stress now." Sahana whispered at me.

Baley giving us glares when Sahana whispered!

"It was tiring actually." I whispered back.