Chapter 26

After the waiter guided us to our table, Baley kept mumbling.

"We didn't even get to buy anything!" He said sulking.

This dude and his way of spending!

"Relax Baley, there are a lot of stores outside, we can go after this." I tried to comfort him.

He just snorted at me. "My lady, don't worry about spending golds here! I am the richest magician among the four of us!"

"Four? You meant it?" My eyes became wider. Does that mean I can really buy everything I wanted without worrying that I don't have a single penny here?! "Then let's go shop after having snacks.."

Baley finally smiled. "Let's do that." He agreed.

Sahana who silently sighed at us. He was looking at us with a doubt look too! As if he wanted to ask a question but kept quiet instead!

Sahana, get yourself treated once in awhile. I wanted to say that but our order arrived.

"Oh, there was a shop with accesories my lady, let's go there next." Baley said. Excited.

"Then let's go there next." After I said that Baley became more excited. His eyes shows so much exhilaration. Which is cute.

Now that I think about it, I never went out shopping with any male friends I have back in my world. Wait, do I even have male friends before?

Well, maybe few? Or nah! I didn't really bothered about having a male friend!

"Are you okay my lady?" It was Baley's.

I look at him and tilted my head. "I just realized, that I never really had a free time back in my world since I became an adult.." I tried laughing with the absurd life I lived. "Well, as long as I am here, I will be living the best days of my life!"

As I was trying to change my brain being flooded with those memories, I got to see how Baley's eyes expressions change from being happy to being downcasted. Did I say something wrong?

"You okay Baley?" With my question his expression changes fast.

"Yup! I am excited to go out my lady!" He exclaimed.

I just nodded and eat this chocolate parfait. The parfait tasted sweet. Sweet enough to cover the memories in me. But that expressions Baley showed was really bothering.

Will he be ever sad if I leave this place and finally go back to my real world?

Sahana was the one who finished eating first. "I will wait for you outside my lady." He said and leave without waiting for my response.

Maybe, I really said something that ruined the mood! Me and my big mouth that don't know how to shut up!

When Baley finished his food, I stand up too and walk beside him out the restaurant.

Now I feel dejected because of those words I said.

"Then, where is our next destination?!" I tried to make my voice cheerful.

"Where else could it be?" And finally Baley's cheerful again!

As soon as we entered the store, I pick everything that caught my eyes. This place is heaven for all the ladies who loves jewelries!

"Is this real diamonds?" I ask Baley, showing him the plain necklace I am holding.

"Yes, no one would dare sell a fake diamonds my lady!" He answered.

Baley's already holding a lot of jewelries! Goodness Baley! He really is buying everything he thought would be useful!

I didn't stop him though. Let him spend more!

"These will surely fit for you my lady!" Baley said staring intently to those earrings.

"Of course!" The store assistant agreed and smile widely at me. "With the beauty the young lady have, everything will surely suit in her."

Again, how do you look at me for?

I flip my tied up hair and smile. "Baley, choose everything you want. I will let you doll me up!"

"For real?!" His eyes shines with excitement. Mouth gaping wide, then he started pointing at everything. "Then pack these here, and this and this, oh that looks elegant for the lady! Get that one as well.."

I sigh smiling at Baley. If Baley have a sister, for sure she will be spoiled by him!

I kept my mouth shut, I don't want to ruin his mood by asking again.

"The young lady is lucky to have a brother like him." The store assistant commented. "Lord magician is willing to buy everything for you."

"Oh, I am not--" I was cut off by Sahana.

"She's the Red tower's lady." Sahana said in a cold voice.

Upon hearing those words, the assistant panicked and bow infront of me. "It is my greatest pleasure to meet the lady!" He said and look behind him. Two more ladies came to me and bowed.

What is wrong with you people! I look at Sahana's way to ask him about what he said, but he just nodded and started checking the jewelries.

I thought Sahana was worried about Baley's spending, but here he is, choosing everything he wanted and let Baley buy those.

I just..gave up with these two.

After the jewely store, there are more stores that we get in, and going out with a lot of stuffs. The coachman, was with them too carrying thoses boxes with him!

When we entered the tailored dresses store, the three of them plus four more store assistants helped them chose dresses for me.

It is really draining my energy from changing one dress to another! And they won't let me choose! Whatever they saw and think that suits me, they will ask the assistants to wrap everything for us!

I am really drained now.

"And this will be the last store!" Baley said in a very happy voice!

Shoe Store!

And again, different shoes that fits me, will be wrapped and bought by them! They chose well! Without asking for me!

"Thank you my lord. And for the lady to visit us, this store will surely become more fancy!" Said the store owner beaming at me.

Without any more energy, I just nodded and hold Baley's arm.

"I am so worn-out now!" I mumble.

"Then shall we---" His words stops mid-air when the area became crowded in a second!

Every ladies are giggling.

"--- We were trying not to bump into him, but it became like this." Baley's voice was regretful.

I was trying to tiptoe to see who was it being crowded.

The place where we three are standing became crowded too.

"Your Highness!"

"The crown prince is here!"

I wanted to roll my eyes, but stop when the crowd became silent, they bowed, a sign of giving respect into him. But Baley and Sahana didn't bow so I stand up straight while clinging into Baley's arm.

The crown prince, is a real prince in that posture. Small smiles with the crowd. Damn he's standing out so much!

It was his golden brown hair that stand out the most. No, honestly it was because of those eyes, they can be compared to sun's brightness during day time. Even if those eyes gives out a cold look.

Ah, he really knows how to stand out with that looks. I thought to myself

Not that I care, I wasn't aware that he was staring at me. While I am clinging to Baley's arm, I pull him out from the crowd. Because the place we three are standing became crowded too much!

"That's the Crown Prince, my lady.." Sahana whispered.

"Well, based on how everyone gave respect to him, I was already thinking that he may be of a higher status."

"Ahm.. Mylady, you know.." Cleared his throat. "In this world, you just can't walk away like that, in the presence of the royal family.." Sahana's words made me stop walking. Baley's not commenting at all

I look at Sahana, he's eyes full of concern. "You know, people might think that you are not paying respect to his highness."

"Then, what will happen to me? Just in case.?"

"They could punish you.." Sahana said in a very low voice, it almost came out as a whisper too. He lowered his head. "For example, putting you in a prison.."

"Why are you telling me as if it will only be me that gets punished?" I got curious though. "You are obviously ignoring the prince too!"

I heard Baley coughing beside me, when I look at him, he's as if showing those proud smiles at me. His eyes illuminates that the brightness of the sorrounding.

"What is it Baley?" I got curious with those smiles.

"My lady..." He started, resting his hands to my shoulders. Lean on closer. "We are above the law."

"And so?!" I raise an eyebrow.

"And so? Hmm, you are a guest and not part of the magicians, and like an outsider? So? They won't think twice when they punish you, my lady.." He said sheepishly.

"Agh! I really wanted to punch you right here, right now Baley! Didn't you started intruducing me as the Red tower's lady?!."

Baley's eyes squinted for a second and laugh. "Master mentioned about you being violent my lady."

"Shall we get going then?" Sahana interrupted.

I Felt how Baley look back before walking slowly. "Most of the time, we are being chased by them." He whisper.

"By them? You mean 'them'?"

He looked at me with a weird smile, then our walk suddenly got disturbed.

"Lord Baley!"

It was a high pitched voice from behind us. Baley and Sahana didn't even bother to look at the lady.

Wait, since my curiousity is at risk, I stop walking then look behind us. It was really a lady.

A blonde girl to be exact. She looks familiar, and based on how she's trying to hide her from gasping for air, she must have ran to catch up.

"For the lord magicians to visit the centre, you must have prioritized checking us here." She said smiling.

But that smile was only for Baley and Sahana.

"We didn't come here to check the area, it's been checked by Arcon, Lady Purrley." Baley said in a cold voice.

My brows furrow. Wasn't Baley always cheerful?!

"What are doing here Lady Purrley?" Baley.

"Ahm.." She looked at me for a mere second. And that mere second, she already check me from head to toe.

When I noticed her doing that, I raise my chin up, baby, I wasn't born to bow down to a lady like you.

"Ah, I was incharge to tour his highness around, but I wasn't expecting to see you here Lord Baley.." When she said Baley's name her eyes always shines.

Does that mean, this lady found Baley as her love interest?

"Then assist the prince well.." Baley.

"M-may I know..." She became hesitant. "Introduce yourself..." She commanded at me.

She really commanded at me as if I have to heed in to hers. Like hell. No!

"She's the Red tower's lady, show your respect, young lady Purrley.." Sahana said as if a threat.

The lady was really hesitant infront of me. She looks like she's about to strangle me! Scary.

She mumble something before bobbing a curtsy.

T-that posture! That curtsy was an elegant posture! Even if she curtsied, she still looked dignified!

"For the lady to visit the centre, it is my greatest pleasure to meet you here My lady." She said in a low voice. As if she's against saying those words. "Lady Ernaline of Count's Purrley house.."

Don't tell me she's related to the Earl!

"Is she related to the Earl, Baley?"

I heard her gasping from my words.

"For the lady to adress Lord Baley informally.." She commented and glare at me.

"She's the lady from the red tower, lady Purrley." Sahana.

She cleared her throat by coughing in a small sound and smile at them. Sahana and Baley.

"It is my greatest honor to meet the two greatest magician of the continent Lord Baley and Lord Sahana." She said. "I hope that we'll be able to meet more in the near future."

Heh! She's ignoring me. What's with Baley and Sahana that she'll acting cute talking? I mean, well you just can't ignore the beauty of these two. But to act cute like that?! Her eyes beaming brightly, truth be told.

Her staring at Baley made me really think that she likes him.

An evil idea pop up to my brilliant brain. I move closer to Baley, I even followed how both of my hands embrace Baley's arm. That way he look at me and smiled.

"It seems that Lady Prestine is tired, we have spent the day to tour her around." Baley said that Sahana continued..

"We shall take our leave now Lady Purrley." Sahana.

She look disappointed. But grimace at me. How dare this lady!

"Then, it was my honor to meet the two magicians here by accident." She said and slightly bow. "May you two blessed with the guidance of the royal gods."

"Lady Purrley.." Baley's voice is really cold! I mean how could he talk that way?!

"For you to intentionally ignore the lady, I get that this is your first time meeting the lady, but if this happen again in the future, I will consider that as a crime of ignoring the Red tower's master as well.." Baley warned her.

I wanted to laugh of how she flinched at Baley's words.

"Pardon me my lady, I-- I was not aware on how to greet you properly." She said in a very sorry voice.

I look at Baley and Sahana's cold expressions, then at her. 'Nah, it's all good.' That's what I wanted to say, but I have to be respectful.

Despite on how she ignored Baley's words! Be kind Prestine. Kindness is a must!

"Let it be Baley, since the lady was regretful for her actions.." I wanted to laugh at her disdain expressions. "Let's go."

Because I don't want to meet the Earl here! I am tired and I don't wanna get sick because of the pressure that Earl is giving me.

When we finally walk further, the crowd lessen and Baley sigh, a long sigh.

"Talking to her drained me too." Baley complaint.

"For her to act that way, maybe she's really have fallen for you Baley, what did you do to her?" Sahana ask.

"I didn't do anything to her. It's not my fault being born with good looks." Baley.

I wanted to go back and rest. This day was tiring. The shopping with these two. I was expecting Sahana to complain, but he changed everytime it involved me. I mean all the spending went for me. But for him to get along with Baley, weren't you the one who complained the most of his expenses?!

Now that the area was cleared, I can finally see my way to my bed. I need to wash as soon as we get back at the house. I need to sleep ear---.

The hell is this... those bright eyes. Those yellow bright eyes, as bright as the sunshine! Staring at me intently. He's not only staring, he's as if looking something from me!

Those golden-brown hair illuminates his golden yellow eyes, but his stares are making me feel uncomfortable.

Then he smile, I wanted to faint from those bright smiles.

"Your Highness..urk!" Baley.


"The crown prince..tss." Sahana

Sahana! I know you get along today but don't he as disrespectful as him!

"Oh, for the two of you having a wonderful emotions seeing me, my heart overwhelmed with happiness!" The crown prince even raised both of his arms, welcoming hug?


"I was happy earlier your highness." Baley said bluntly.

"And I am happy seeing you Lord Baley, and with the beautiful lady..." The crown prince said and look at me. "It's a pleasure to meet you.."

He-he's so handsome!

"Ahm..." I look at Baley's emotionless face, then Sahana's dark mood. "Yes, it's a pleasure as well your high...ness."

The hell, should I curtsy infront of the prince?

"Oh, forgive me for making you feel uncomfortable.." The prince.

"You really should be your highness, staring at the lady was a rude remark, don't ever forget that you are the crown prince." Baley nag.

The Prince just laugh at him, he bowed to me and offer me his hand.. A handshake?

I was obliged to give him my hand. "I am Prince Sarawat."

I was taken by surprise, not him kissing the back of my hand, but the way he said his name.

'Prince Sarawat! You are the future king, showing childesness now could only trouble you!'


"My lady?" I slighlty shook my head, trying to plaster a smile. "It's Prestine..."

"Lady Prestine, what a very lovely name.." He said.

I took back my hand with force, I know he was surprise by my action but I ignore him. Trying to calm my heart that suddenly beats so fast after seeing those blurred memories.

"What are you doing here your highness?" Baley.

"I was checking around, since the investigation was over, I heard that the towet magicians are here, so I obliged myself to meet with you." The Prince said.

I was looking at Sahana, so that I won't be focusing to him. He's really good looking. His brown hair really stands out. And I can't keep my hands to myself.

I pressed Baley's arm. I have to stop myself from touching those hair.

"We met Lady Purrley earlier." Sahana said while walking to the carriage. "Let me help you get inside my lady." But when he ask me that, his refreshing smiles distracted my thoughts.

Thanks Sahana! Thank you.

I unclutch my hands from Baley and acceptes Sahana's hand. "Then I'll be going in your highness." I tried to be respectful.

There's no saying when will I get punish for showing flippancy the prince.

He smiled at me, even his eyes smiled! Gosh, I really wanted to brush that hair with my hands!

As soon as I got up, Sahana gently close the door and let me be alone for the meantime.

I can't hear what they were talking, but seeing Baley's serious face, it must have been about the incident this town experienced.

Well, the responds from the higher authority was fast. Fast enough to get the town recover from that disastrous magicians.

I stare at my hand, slowly wiping the hand that prince kissed. I won't get used to getting kisses from my hand everytime I meet a new persona here! Wasn't shaking hands enough?

The feeling gets weirder and weirder at all. But that Prince. His broad shoulders and wide back, he must be well fit as well. I haven't seen anyone here that's not like with that physique. Everyone here is well-fitted that they can be a model.

A perfect male model. Showing topless, those abs are really to die for.

Then I remember Eiliff, I suddenly miss him. I close my eyes and try to remember those times I was with him. It's only been a day, but it's kinda lonely without him.

He's a busy man afterall. Being the magician's master, getting involve in the investigations.

'It's just so calming..'

I rested my back. Maybe he needs someone around him everytime he feels tired from a long day working.

Well, I was like that too before. But him, to go out everyday, though I don't have any idea how he do his job.

And I don't even have a single idea of whatever he does.

"My lady!"

I was startled when I heard Flora's voice from somewhere! I open my eyes, and almost hit my head from the ceiling. I am still inside the carriage, but here Flora! Opened the door and smiling at me gently.

"You look worn-out, my lady, I have prepared your bath earlier.."

I was blinking, still confused. Why the hell am I here suddenly?! I didn't sleep, I just closed my eyes for a second!

"My lady, if you are confuse, perhaps Lord Baley or Lord Sahana used teleportation for you to arrive here." Flora said.

I hold her hand that help me got out from the carriage. "Thanks.. I was with them, but I am really surprise that when I opened my eyes, I am already here."

"Are they working now?" Flora ask and carried few boxes that we shop.

The coachman helped Flora to bring these stuffs inside the house.

"My lady! Did you enjoy your outing?" It was Arcon, who immediately help them from carrying those boxes.

I offered them help, but the three of them disagree so I just shut up.

"It's seems like Baley was really unstoppable." Arcon commented.

"Both of them actually!" I commented and walk passed them. "I will be in my room, I want to rest early, shopping with them drained my nerves."

"Then, I will be there in a minute my lady!" Flora said and left me infront of the door.

As soon as I entered the bathroom, I remove my dress as fast as I can. When I soaked in the tub, I was still removing every accesories I wore for the day.

'Forgive me Flora!' I ask for forgiveness for ruining her efforts to make me beautiful.

I rested my body while in the tub, a cold water after the tiring day is really refreshing. There's no way I'd sleep right away without washing!

Being in a cold bath is really amazing. Flora really is the best when taking care of me! Of my every needs!

Closing my eyes while feeling the cold water all over my body, I wanted to rest. Then I got curious about that prince.

Prince Sarawat.

'Your highness! Did you escape from the palace again!'

He was laughing while scratching his cheeks. 'You know the pressure they're giving me. This is the only time I can rest, you know that!'

'I know!' the irritation was all over me, 'You and your reasons your highness!'

'But Haniaen!'


I was gasping for air when I woke up. Looking around in a dark room, checking myself in a night dress already.

That dream.. it felt like it really happened before.

But..that's way more impossible of happening!

"You are finally awake..."

I was still gasping for air when I heard a very familiar voice. The voice I have been talking to every night.


"You fell asleep in the tub, do you know how dangerous that was?" Him nagging at me if I was aware of it.

I breathe out, when he saw me do that, he sit on the bed and put his hand to my forehead.

"You are here?" I ask, I know for sure that he is already here now! Wasn't I thinking about him earlier? But seeing him here now makes me smile.

"You are really here..." I heaved a sigh and smile at him. "You are here."

"Were you having another nightmare?" His voice sounded worried.

"I don't know if it was a nightmare." I answered and lay back to bed, I pulled him with me to bed ,that he obliged to do so. "--- if it was really a nightmare."

"What was it?"

I closed my eyes, I felt calmed now that he

is here. "I am not sure, but, is it possible to dream about forgotten memories?"

He's the master of the tower right? And the strongest one, so he must have answers. No, he maybe know something.

"There were vivid dreams that shows your future or from the memories of your past." He said that made me open my eyes.

"Is it possible?"

"It does have possibilities, tell me what was it?" He ask again and lean closer to me, almost hugging me in this position.

I unconsciously yawn, my eyelids became heavy and the sleepiness is about to cover me. Closing my eyes and about to sleep, my mouth moved and said those words.

"He.. was. calling me.. Haniaen..."

After saying those words, I felt my consciousness getting darker and darker as time passes by, but it was only for me to finally sleep peacefully tonight, with Eiliff beside me.