Chapter 27

As soon as I woke up in the morning, rather woken up by Eiliff because the crown prince wanted to chat with me. And he just can't say no to him, because, well, first he is the crown prince, second they said it's annoying to deal with him, third they can't say no! And lastly, they're being disturbed since yesterday!

I don't understand all the reasons why must I talk with him during breakfast! It's hella annoying to do so! And since, he's the prince, I was obliged to be with him.

"So, that's why I kept telling them the reasons of meeting you.." He was saying a lot of words too. "And you didn't even wanted to talk to me, too! How rude!"

"Ahm, your highness.." I tried to reason out. "Do you have any idea what time is it now? I mean, since I usually wakes up late, this is a sudden request for me, please bear with my insolence.."

"B-but.. ah whatever! Let's go out after this!" He decided without asking for my permission.

I didn't know about this too, that this prince is a spoiled rotten brat!

He's already mumbling to himself while eating, so I didn't get a chance to say a word to him.

Well, now that I got a chance, I noticed that

Prince Sarawat is really handsome close-up. Those strands of his golden brown hair is what made me keep looking at. His pointed nose, those golden yellow eyes, and even the shape of his lips is beautiful.

Maybe even if I try to dress him up like a lady, his beauty will always stand out.

"So you are still here, your highness.." It was a voice that came behind me, I put my spoon and look at him.

Eiliff, I initially smiled, but when he look at me I smiled even brighter.

"Are you asking me to leave now My Lord?" This prince asks, full of sarcasm in his voice. "But too bad, I just can't leave the lady's safety with you around."

Eiliff sit next to me. "What are you trying to say now, your highness?"

"If it's about the lady's safety, then you shall heed to my command!"

What command, dude?!

"What command was it, your highness? Are you implying that the magicians are too weak to keep the lady safe? Tell me.." Eiliff said in a threatening way. Doesn't he care about the guy he's talking to?

"Wasn't the lady's presence important to the tower as well? Are you questioning the royal knights abilities now? Lord Eiliff?"

I wanted to scram away from this table right now! The way Eiliff's glaring to the prince is making me nervous.

This breakfast won't end well, that's what I wanted to think. But if they are talking about my safety in this world, why do I feel like these two will be having a war now.

I flinch when Eiliff put down the glass on the table with so much force. So much force that the glass has cracked.

"Do you want me to try out the abilities of your knights, Prince Sarawat?" Eiliff is giving the prince a death glare.

Can someone take me away from here now? I really should get going now. I can't stay in this situation with these two.

"E-eiliff..." I wanted to close my eyes when he look back at me, I am scared.

"What is it lady?" He ask me, his voice suddenly became soft.

"Ahm, aren't we supposed to be preparing to leave?" I was out of ideas what to ask to him! I just wanted to get out from this menacing aura from them! A silent war was it?

"Yeah, everything's prepared now, all we have to do is to start our journey." Eiliff explains.

I secretly sighed and smiled to the prince. "I think, I will check the stuffs we are bringing with us your highness." I reputed to him. Smiling, I have to keep my smiles to everyone. My safety is a must afterall.

I was about to stand when the prince talk. "Are you making excuses now Lady Prestine?"

I slowly turn my head to look at the prince. "Of cours---"

"There's no need for her to explain to you your highness, Lady Prestine will be going now." Eiliff cut me off and blabber those words and getting up from the chair. "We shall take our leave now your highness, may you be blessed with the royal god's guidance."

Was it only me? But hearing Eiliff wish for the crown prince came out so rude? No, maybe it was only me.

Eiliff guided me to my room, walking as fast as he can to get away from the dining table.

"What was that--" Again he cut me off when he pull mu closer to him, his movements was fast enough for my eyes to follow.

After we get inside my room, his hands held me closer into him, pulling my head closer to his chest, then I felt a bit dizziness for a second.

"Are you okay?" I heard his soft voice asking.

I slowly open my eyes and let an 'ow' expressions to my mouth when we are not in my room. This is an open field, filled with different flowers.

"Hey! Did you get us teleported here?!" It was an idiotic question.

"Asking the obvious now?" He retorted a question then comb my hair with his fingers. "It's a bit chilly here, take this.."

I was about to ask him a question, but he already remove the cloak he's wearing and put it on me. He even helped me wear his cloak properly.

"How'd you do that? I mean, why did you do that?" Asking him while flipping my hair back.

"Don't you usually carry a hair tie with you?." He ignored my question, instead fix my hair. He did something to my hair that it felt like his actually tying my hair.

"Flora was the one who let my hair down."

"Still, for a lady like you having a long hair."

"A shoulder length hair is not considered long, you ain't aware?" I was literally looking down.

He is so close that my hands could touch his hard chest! Damn this huge built dude. He is only fixing my hair, why does he have to stand so close infront of me?!

"There finished." He exclaim, looking at my face!

"Thanks.. by the way, where are we now?" Asking him while roaming my eyes around. Obviously, we are in the middle of this flower field!

"This is the town's boarder, if you look closer there.." He pointed somewhere. " will see the magical barrier."

"Why need a magical barrier?" I started walking, feeling every flowers in my palm. Smiling. This place is heaven for me. For a person who loves flower. I felt a bit sad when I remember that I can't even grow a flower properly. Well, what matters is that I love them.

"Aren't you aware?" I heard his voice inches away from me behind. "There are monstrous wolves that are roaming at night time. Didn't you experience being chased by them?"

I shiver when I remember my nearly death experienced. "Stop reminding me about that!"

Stopping my pace I look at him, I really have to lift my face to see him. "Damn it, I always have this feeling of being small around you!"

"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow, I wonder if he heard what I said. But with that reaction, I guess he didn't.

"Nothing!" I just bantered and waited for him. And when we're finally standing side by side, I cling my hand to his arm right away.

When I did that, he followed my hand, his face showing a confusing looks. "Aren't you being too clingy lately?"

Raising not only my face to look at him, also my brows.

"Clingy? In what way I am being clingy?" I was taken by his words, to be honest.

I followed his eyes looking at my hand holding onto him. Then he speak.

"Aren't you clinging into me right now?"

I stare at my hand that's holding his arm. "So, since I am holding onto you now, you thought that I am clinging to you? Is that how you see this?" I lower my eyes to my hand.

"Don't tell me that you have your own defenition of the word 'clinging', my lady.."

He sounded sarcastic and now it's getting in to my nerves!

"I believe that clinging and holding to someone is of different meaning, My lord.." Then shall I be sarcastic as well. I look at him and smile. "Therefore I believe that I am holding to your hand right now is because I needed to hold on to something while walking in this feild, so if it does bother you My lord," I removed my hand that's holding him and put both of my hands at my back. "Forgive my insolence.." I said all those words trying hard not to scowl at him.

"You.. you are being sarcastic now.." He said in a very low voice.

I walk pass him slowly, then turn to face him, I was not expecting the wind to blow my way, making my hair detangled.

"I wanna go back now." I said in a low voice as well.

He didn't say anything, his face looks like he was about to say something yet, he didn't utter a single word.

Eiliff kept staring at me, I even thought that I made him mad because of my actions. Well, good for him to get mad. But why isn't he saying anything?

He walk slowly, and when he's finally inches away from me, he raised his hand and help me keep the strands of my hair from covering my face.

He, he is so close! Again, this height difference really is a bothersome, I look way high just to see his expressions.

"If that is what the lady wants" He said almost whispering.

After hearing him said that, I slowly blow a sigh and look around this field filled with different flowers.

"Are you mad?"

I didn't answer him. There's no way that I will be mad over that useless conversation we had! I am a bit disappointed!

Yes! Disappointed. His words felt like it was actually insulting my action. I never liked being insulted. If holding into his arms is a big of a deal, then I'd rather stop doing that to him.

It was just a force of habit of mine. Holding someone else's hand while walking around. And he must be aware that I walk way slower than anyone! That was the reason why I always hold someone with me.

But for him to tell me being clingy? No way!

And, why am I even sulking because of it? That was supposed to be a nonsenses conversation!

I opened my eyes for a second and now I am already inside the room I am occupying. Quite curious of Eiliff's sudden teleportation, I look up to witness the dark expressions to his face.

So, he is mad? I wonder what the hell did we even talk to be in this mood? The beautiful flower field, what a waste that I didn't get to admire them.

"You better leave now." I said bitterly, disappointed. I am really disappointed that he wasted the time I can have to admire those flowers!

I know that he knows how much I admire flowers, but for him to ruin that? It's unforgivable!

"I am asking if you are mad?" He repeated his question.

I glare at him. How dare you ask me if I am mad? Of course I am mad! My heart ache because of your sudden mood changed!

"You wasted my time for your nonsensical moods Eiliff, you better leave now." I lean closer to him, put my fisted knuckles to his chest. "And don't you dare sneak in this room!" I pushed him outside the room, and slam the door to his face!

That was a rude act, but why would I care?! He brought me to that field but for him to argue about my hobby of clinging, why must it be a big deal?! Holding someone's arm while walking is not a big deal! Atleast for me, I am so used to that habit!

I lay my back to bed leaving my legs dangling on the floor. "It wasn't a big deal!"

It was really nonsense! I just don't understand what's with him earlier?!


"My lady..." I heard a soft voice from somewhere. "It's past dinner now. It's not good for your health to sleep wholeday without eating, my lady.."

I got up from bed when I understand what she was saying.

"W-what do you mean?!" I panicked and tried to check around the room, my eyes stops when I saw that it's really night through the window. "Was I asleep the whole day?"

"Yes, my lady, you missed your lunch already. Watching you sleep the whole day, I panicked thinking that maybe you are still sick." Flora's voice is worried.

I sit on the edge of the bed and smile at her. "No, I am not sick at all. Sorry for making you worry."

"My lady, I am not the only one who's worried." She said.

Then Eiliff, scratch that.

"Sir Baley said that you had a fight with Master Eiliff, pardon me for prying my lady, but if there is something that the two of you misunderstood, please try talking it out with the master." She said and her face became hesitant. "Lord Eiliff is not good showing nor expressing how he really feels, so please bear with his stubborness."

I scratch my cheeks gently, remembering the argument we had at the flower field. Then the way I spoke to him before shutting the door to his face.

"I must have--"

"He might have said something that offended you, but I think that it wasn't intentional for his part my lady."

"Ahm, Flora, you see.." Flora carefully put the food in tray in the table next to the bed. "We really argued about nonsense!"

"My lady?"

"Y-yeah, and I got really mad at him that I slammed the door to his face.." Now I am feeling guilty of what I did.

"If you don't mind my lady, will you tell me what it was that you argued?"

Flora's concern, her voice being sincere and her face show's the expressions of sincerity.

"Aah, so after breakfast with the prince..." I ended up telling her what happened earlier. The almost fued that happened between Eiliff and the prince, until the way Eiliff ruined my mood by asking nonsense questions!

Flora was listening intently, she sometimes nods then she'll sigh.

"My lady, this may be rude of me to correct your habbit, but in this world, it's a big deal holding onto someone else's arm, especially if you don't have an intelligible relation with the master. Maybe he just wanted to inform you about it."

My left brow raised. "But it was really not a big deal, Flora."

"Here, have a bite my lady, after you eat I will help you wash up." Flora said smiling. "Talk it out with the master Lady Prestine, I am not in the position to give you an advice since I don't quite understand the world where you lived, but please bear with the changes of your sorroundings while you are here with us."

I didn't say a word, when Flora left me, I started eating the food she gave. I don't feel like wasting this food.

Savouring the meal Flora brought while my mind starting to wander back to the flower field Eiliff has taken me. Feeling it in my skin, the chilly wind that gently brushing to my pale skin. The scent of different flowers everywhere, and the person who was behind me that time. I remember the feeling of holding his covered arm with his clothes but I knew how it felt when I held him.

Sipping the last drop from glass of juice Flora prepared, and now I am full. I should stop thinking about what happened.

Thinking about Eiliff is not good for my heart!

Flora came in again the moment I finished eating and helped me wash and change my clothes. A night dress.

"Even if you slept the whole day, you have to sleep for the night my lady." She said smiling. "And we will leave tomorrow morning, as what Master Eiliff commanded."

I just nod at her and close my eyes. I heard Flora's footstep going out now. When I heard her close the door, I open my eyes to stare at the ceiling.

I wonder where Eiliff is now? He usually came in to my room once everyone's asleep.

'Don't you dare sneak in here!' I remember how I shouted at him before pushing him out.

Now my guilt is eating me! I have to find him and apologize.

Thinking about talking to him, I got up from the bed. Wear my slippers and put the coat. Flora always hang beside that full-body mirror.

I checked myself for a second. My hair down and made sure that the coat is enough to cover my body in this satin nightdress.

Checking the area, left then right, all cleared. I slowly make my step getting out from the door. Now that the entire house is in deep solitude, I can roam around this time!

There are small lamps everywhere, so it's not that dark, but not as bright. Just enough to give light in the corridor.

This house is smaller compared to the inn we stayed before. But this is better now.

I made my way to the kitchen to get something to drink first. As I pour the water to a glass, I heard a faint foot steps somewhere. I got alarmed hearing those steps.

Stopping what I am doing and prepared for whatever is to happen. No one should be here in the kitchen this very hour!

I felt my heart became nervous. If something were to happen, I am ready to scream to wake everyone up!

Slowly, I put the glass to the table, as slow as not to create a single noise.

I gulp when I heard the steps came closer. Enhaling enough air to support my lungs so I could scream, when I step backward.

"Watch out!"

"Aaah--" My mouth was covered with a huge palm. My beart beat capriciously. "Hmp!" I lift my right toe to step on him with force.

I felt him wince and remove the hand that covering my mouth.


A loud thug of sound was heard. And the glass that was on the table, created a broken sound when it hit the floor.

While I am limping with the pain, because of sudden heavy thing on top of me. I closed my eyes and pray.

'Please not again!'

"What the hell is going on here?!" It was Arcon's loud voice that made me open my eyes. "My lady.. and your highness?"

Your highness? I look infront of me when I heard Arcon said that.

On top of me is the crown prince!

"Y-y-y-y-ou!" I raise both of my hand to push this insolent dude but it didn't even bother him. He is staring at me for heaven's sake! And in this position.

"My lady can you stand?" Arcon.

That's a stupid question Arcon! Is what I wanted to comment, but I remained my mouth shut, staring back to this prince who is not moving.

"Can you please get up now?!" I said in a hasty manner while pushing him up from me.

"F-forgive me, but please, refrain your legs from moving Lady Prestine..." His voice was kind of hurt.

When he look down, my eyes followed what he was talking about.

My right leg, in between his thighs, few inches and I will be touching him.

"G-goodness..." I felt my face heat up.

His voice jagged and I can feel his heart beating rapidly.

Arcon helped him stand, and I saw how he pushed the prince to the side.

"Are you alright my lady?" But when Arcon ask me, his voice was gentle.

He offered his hand and I immediately grab it, slowly, he push me to stand up and check me whole.

"What are you doing here your highness?" Arcon's eyes squinted to the prince who's holding his chest and enhaling and exhaling. His face look shocked.

"I-i.." The prince stammer then look at me. "I was checking around when I heard a sound here. I didn't know that it was the lady."

"Your highness, this is not the palace, this house is too small for you to be roaming around. And this is where the lady reside." Arcon said angrily.

"Can you walk my lady?" But when he's asking me, his voice became softer.

"Y-yes, I just got s-scared." My hands moved and hold to Arcon's arm. "I just got scared."

"Pardon me Lady Prestine." The prince said and look at me with worried eyes. " I wasn't aware, forgive me for scaring you. It was not my intention.."

I blink several times, is it common for the prince, the crown prince to be exact to be lowering his head in front of me?

"Y-yeah..." I just answered and look at Arcon who's expression is menacing.

But how the hell Arcon can change his mood this instant?! I mean, when he's looking at the prince, he is obviously showing disdain, but his expressions change to softer when he's looking at me.

"Do you still need anything here, my lady?" Arcon.

I shake my head and look at the prince. He even avoided me when I look at him, I caught him staring at me, but immediately evaded my eyes.

"Then, I will leave now." I said in a low voice. The broken glass was cleaned by Arcon in a very quick movement, rather using his magic.

"You can call someone if you need anything my lady." Arcon. "It will be dangerous for you to get out from your room at night."


Arcon walk beside me, he is as if guiding me in every steps. Aren't ya like an older brother now.

"No need to say sorry my lady." He said and smiled at me.

I didn't get a chance to look back where the prince was, because Arcon is guiding me and his hand is barely touching my back as we walk. Making it hard for me to look back.

"The prince?" I ask.

"What about him? Just ignore him." He said.

"Aren't you being disrespectful now Arcon?"

Arcon stop, infront of the room I am occupying.

"My lady, pay no attention to the prince, he is nothing but a ball of annoyance to us." He said smirking. "And he can't do anything against the magicians from the tower.

Aren't you being so full of yourself now? "What's with your treatment to him? I mean he's still a royalty, compared to the magicians, he have a higher status than anyone."

"My lady, even if he is the future monarch of this country, don't forget..." He lowered his face to me. "We are above the law." He said smirking.

I scoff of what he said. What's with the magicians? Even Baley said that. And I just remember how Baley greeted the prince in a sour mood the last time. It was the first time I saw the prince. And the first time I witness how they are like ignoring the prince.

"Yeah, whatever... Let's get some rest now." I said and Arcon click the doorknob, slowly opening the door.

This door was the one I slammed on Eiliff's face.

'Ack, I forgot about the real reason why I went out.'

"Rest well my lady, you have to be in a good shape for our travel tomorrow." He said and bowed at me.

"Thank you Arcon." I smiled at him.

"Don't mention it my lady." He said and he was the one who close the door when I enter the room.

As soon as I get in, I removed the coat and throw it somewhere.

Why am I wasting so much time to nonsense this day! I went out to meet with Eiliff, but I met up with the prince.

"Where have you been?!"

"Gaah!" I almost jumped when I heard a very serious voice behind me.

The person I was looking, is now here in flesh.

"Stop scaring me people..." I mumble and turn around. Only to see his dark mood.

"I asked, where have you been?" Even his voice sounded dark to my ears.

I look at him for a few second, then walk out from his sight.

No, I just went to the wash room to wash my hands. I am not washing my hands because I held Arcon's arm, but it was because of that prince!

I look down to my legs. there was pain in between my legs, but when Arcon helped me stand up, it disappeared.

"Are you really ignoring me?"

When I look up at the mirror, Eiliff's expressions became lighter. His eyes full of worried, with that wrinkled forehead.

I heave a sigh and face him. "I went out to get some water."

"What happened?"

"Didn't I tell you not to sneak in here?" Instead I ask him.

"What's with your attitude now?" He ask, following me from behind.

"It's honestly a bit frustrating dealing with you." As said that while sitting on the bed.

"What?" His voice became louder, as if he heard something wrong.

"Aah, just get out now. Leave me alone."