Chapter 28

"It really is frustrating dealing with you right now.." I sighed and look at those red eyes. "I honestly went out, looking for you."

"So, something did happen while you were outside? Were you aware of the time as well?"

I change my mind apologizing. Looking at how serious he is right now, it will be useless to explain to him.

"I accidentally met the prince in the kitchen."


"W-well, it was an accident.."


I am sweating bullets already, but what's with his questions?

"Arcon saw what happened and guided me here." I said in one breath.

Eiliff tilted his head while staring. And because of that the guilt I am feeling becomes worse.

I tried avoiding his eyes, by looking at his side, but he followed my gesture.

"What?!" I tried to retort annoyance in my voice.

"Why were you in the kitchen? What were you doing there?"

"Why am I being interrogated now?" I made sure that my voice was loud enough for him to hear me. So that he'll stop questioning the reasons why I went out from this room.

And I just noticed it lately, isn't he overreacting? I mean, this happened before too. I went out to talked to...Wait, what was that again?

"I am asking you, why do you always do that anyway? Everytime I ask you a question, you'll only answer me with another question? Tss."

I roll my eyes and ready myself to lay down to bed. "You are not supposed to be here."

"I can do whatever I want."

"Whatever?! Didn't I tell you not to sneak in here?!" I ask irritated.

He pulled the blanket when I was about to lay down, covered my body in it. Even with the frown on his face, he still did that gently.

"I remembered you said that." He said. "And I remember that I am still asking you a question."

Again, I sigh and look at him, he is now sitting beside me.

"I was really looking for you.." I said and avoided his gaze.

"While we are not in the tower, walking around the house is not safe. Do not forget that.." He stopped talking when he realized what I said. "Why were you looking for me?"

I turn around to avoid that gaze! That's way too dangerous for my heart, I swear. Why must he look at me with those gentle expressions?

"I-I wanted to apologize about e-earlier.." I said in a low voice.

I wanted him to know that I am feeling guilty slamming the door on his face. Well, I just got mad because he ruined my excitement! We were at the flower field for goodness sake!

"I just got really mad earlier."

"So you were really mad.."

After he said that, I look at him. He looks tired now. Slouching in his seat, fiddling his fingers.

"Yeah. You know how much I admire flowers. Even if you brought me there, you should have just let me enjoy the scenery!" I blurted out suddenly.

I felt a pang of pain in my heart when I saw the emotions in his eyes. It was only a brief emotion, but he really looked sad. I just can't get mad at him like this.

It was childish for my part too. I admit. "Sorry.." I mumble.

Raising my hand to touch his face, but it went straight to his disheveled hair. As gentle as I can, I brush his hair with my fingers.

"You have to rest now." I slowly put my hand to his neck and pull him to bed. Since he didn't react of what I did, I left my hand on his neck. Making my arm his pillow.

This feels way more comforting. His warmth is relieving the anger I felt for the day.

An assuage as it is. Indeed. Yes, he made me feel comfortable. He made me feel somewhat familiar with everything unknown to me. He makes me feel weird.

So weird that can be dangerous for my heart.

At the very least, I was able to apologize to him, it was what matters the most for now. Hearing his deep breathing, he must have been tired for the day. Sleeping without retorting back. I mean, without initiating an argument. Well, this is better. Better than arguing about nonsense.


There is something warm on my forehead. Because of it, I slowly open my eyes. It was a heaven's blessing to see Eiliff's beautiful red eyes that staring at me.

Wait, didn't he sleep earlier than me last night?

"H-how long.. How long have you been awake?" I ask trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Thirty minutes now." He simply answered.

Wew! Thirty damn minutes is long! What the hell did he do while I was asleep in that thirty minutes?!

"What time is it now?" I ask looking outside the window. It is still dark outside, so I guess it's about to get dawn now.

"Do you want to watch the sun rise?"

I remove his palm from my forehead and get up. "Is it about time now?"

"So, you wanted to go watch?"

"Of course! Who wouldn't want to witness the sun rising?! It's a gift from heavens! The beauty it emits sorroundings cannot be compared to anything!" I explain while standing up from the bed. He even offered his hand to help me, so I accepted it. There's no way I would reject that hand that gives warm.

"I thought you love flowers more than anything." He commented.

"Everything, I mean every beautiful living things must be admired, rather appreciated well. You know what I mean?" He gave me the coat, which he put on my shoulders. I look up to him when I felt his fingers through my hair.

Ack! Was it the morning hair? I immediately fix my hair, thanks Flora for giving me shampoo to make my hair smooth.

"So, you admire beautiful things around?" He said as if confuse.

I roll my eyes and put my slippers on. I was worried about wearing shoes, but he already bend down, he held to my leg and put my slippers on!

T-this guy! What the hell is he doing?! Why is he doing this! Aren't you the most respecful dude in this continent?! The strongest among the magicians alive?! Even higher than the royalties.

But you! Bended one knee just to put me my slippers is different!

The way his hand gently holds my leg is giving me a different feeling. A feeling that I haven't felt ever since. Ever since the first time I held to him.

"There, you ready? We will be back before breakfast. If Flora finds out that you are not here she'll panic." He simply said.

So, it was only me who reacted that way! This dude, his numbness is on a different level.

Well, aside from that I have been sleeping with him at night most of the time. He'll really just do whatever he wanted.

I heard a snapping finger, since I am a curious and cute cat, I look around, but when I blink for a second, we are already somewhere.

"It might be chilly in here." I heard him said.

My head automatically move to where he is standing.

The light is slowly covering the darkness from the night. And what I am seeing right now is a different kind of beauty. A tall, well-built, with those pair of beautiful red eyes.

I gave him a smile when I felt my heart suddenly started pounding. Even staring at him is bad for my health.

"Good morning, Eiliff!" I said in a joyous sound. When the light illuminates the sorrounding, I turn around to face the sun who's about to rise.

Slowly covering the darkness, lighting around. The trees slowly moved along with the wind, and this is the best yet beautiful morning I had woken up. Rather, I have witnessed.

"Yeah, good morning."

I felt him stand behind me, he put his hand to my shoulders as we both stare at the beautiful sun rising.

"The sun rise is beautiful, isn't it?"

I slightly tilted my head and look at him, his eyes brimming with pure happiness in it. I am sure about that. And the way he said those words, isn't it amazing?

'The sun rise is beautiful, isn't it.'

Smiling to myself and continued watching the sun. "Indeed, beautiful." I mumble and enhale the morning air.

"It is really beautiful.."

Again, my heart started beating rapidly! My cheeks are actually heating up too. The reason? This dude whispered that in a vigorous way! And the way he look at me and with a soft smile on his face! I will die of heart attack here!

"Shall we get going now? Or do you want to stay for a bit?" He said randomly that ruined the mood.

It was already romantic dude! Why must you ruin it?!

Hah, seems like I have all the symptoms of being abnormal here.

"Better yet, Flora is awake at this hour." I answered him. Making my voice lower to hide my disappointments.

Like what he did before coming here, he teleported us back to my room.

"My lady! Master.." It was Flora's worried voice.

"Hi, Flora!" I greeted her with a smile. Smile Prestine, there's no other reason to be disappointed now.

"I almost had a heart attack when I came here with your absence my lady!" Flora said and hold my arms.


"We went out for a bit." It was Eiliff who answered. "Is everything ready now?"

"Yes My Lord, we can start leaving after breakfast." Flora

"See you later.." Eiliff raised his hand, I haven't seen his expressions yet he left already!

"My lady, I will prepare the water now. Please wait for me." Flora said and left too.


What's going on with my heart lately? I am being conscious with myself now. And my heart will pound rapidly when I look at Eiliff's face.

Maybe.. Maybe it was his face. Yes, it was his face that's making my heart in a dangerous spot.

His beautiful face, yes it was really his face.

"My lady, the bath is ready..." It was Flora's voice that woke me up from imagining things.

"Yes, thanks."

As soon as I soaked my body in the tub filled with water, Flora helped me wash. I am used to her seeing me without clothes. Her bathing me, massaging my body gently.

Even the way she washed my hair is amazing. She's so gentle with scrubbing me too.


"Yes my lady? Are you uncomfortable anywhere?" She responded a question.

I shook my head and smiled. "Thank you."

"My lady?"

"Ah, I mean thank you for taking care of me well."

"My lady, don't mention it. I will stay beside you, aid you with anything you needed." She said sincerely.

It takes us time after the bath, before we could leave the room. She chose the dress, fit for travelling. A comfortable boots and tying my hair. She all did it alone.

"With Flora's amazing talent, making me beautiful everyday is a blessing." I mumble, staring my reflection on the mirror.

"Don't say that my lady, I didn't do anything. You were born with that beauty." She said shyly.

"Still, thank you..."

"Good morning, my lady!" Baley greeted me, beaming with a bright smile.

So I smiled back and greet them. The four of them are waiting for me to have our breakfast together. Eiliff is nowhere to be found. So I just ignore it. What happened in the morning was enough to fill my mood in.

But looking at the four magicians felt like something is missing, someone is missing.

"Did you sleep well my lady?" Chess ask, pulling the chair for me.

"I slept well, there's nothing odd with it." I answered. "Thanks.."

They just seated when I finally sit on my chair.

"We were worried that you might be having hard time to sleep because well, you were asleep yesterday. The whole day!" Arcon.

"Yeah, I was expecting to see the lady with eye bags." Chess.

"That's rude of you Chess." Sahana.

"I am all good..." I slept with Eiliff though.

Our conversation only ended when we finished eating. Everyone was ready to leave now. They did everything on their own. Without asking me to sweat. Is this the feeling of being a lady in the tower?

Hmm, yeah, maybe it is.

I have Flora, who takes care of me so well. The three idiots and Sahana the strongest magicians. And the strongest among them, Eiliff, that I don't know where is he at now?!

Now that I am ready to leave this house that we stayed for a few weeks, I felt like I am really missing something. It is the feeling that I am awfully missing someone's presence!

"Let's head out now my lady.." Arcon opened the door for me.

As I begin my first step, my heart became heavy with the feeling of missing someone. Am I forgetting about someone now?

"Are we all here now?" I ask to Arcon.

"Yes my lady.." He responded in a second.

"Aren't we forgetting someone?"

"My lady? Did you forget anything? I'll go get it for you.."

I stop him from going back to the house. "No, there's nothing I left there. Flora took care of everything."

"If something is still missing, we can just buy it for you my lady." He said, worried.

I try hiding my worries as well with a smile. "I was thinking as if I am forgetting someone now. Sorry, let's just go."

"Whoever it is, don't mind them at all my lady.." His voice became cheerful, but his eyes is indifferent from his smiles.

"Yeah, let's get going now." I said and walk straight to the carriage.

Flora came out from the carriage and smiled.

"We will take the carriage until the next town my lady." She informed me.

"How long it will take for us to get there?"

Arcon held my hand and help me get inside the carriage.

"For a few days, maybe two or three days." Arcon.

"That would be tiring." I mumble to myself.

"Only the two of us will be in the carriage my lady." Flora said and sit beside me.

"What about the others?"

"We will be riding a horse my lady. Baley and Chess will be behind you, while me and Chess will be your coachman." Arcon

"Okay... take care."

"Yes! My lady.."

I felt the carriage moved and it was already the sign that we are all leaving this town. I don't know if we will be back here any sooner.

Things happened here. It was a terrible experience for me. Almost getting killed by unknown entities. Got scared my pants meeting with that earl. Who was said to be obsessed with beauties.

Meeting the young lady of the noble family. And meeting with the prince.

Watching the sun rise with Eiliff. Even the inn we used to stay before the incident happen. All I could say about those things, are terrible. Horrible experiences for me who came from another world.

Will I even be able to get back home? To where I lived my life?

But Sahana said his words. He will help me return home.

The fun part was Flora's ways of taking care of me. The three idiots who can make me laugh. Sahana's soft side and even his crying is cute.

Then Eiliff..

Where the hell are you now?!

Even though I am trying to remember the happy moments, my heart still felt missing. Missing someone's presence.

But, who could it be that I am missing now?

"My lady, are you tired now?"

I look at Flora's concerned face. Asking me that, it hasn't been an hour yet Flora!

"No, am all good, are you okay?"

"I'm fine my lady. I am just worried that maybe you are uncomfortable while in a carriage."

"Well, I am not used to this kind of vehicle yet. We have cars back in my world.."

"Cars, my lady?"

"Yes, it was a vehicle that's powered with an engine, it was faster." I tried to explain.

"I see, I don't quite understand, but was it more useful than a carriage?"

I nodded. "Yup! We can accelerate it faster than this carriage."

"That's a good thing for you my lady, but this world hasn't created such things yet. And horses are more useful here than any other ways of travelling."

"It seems like you are comfortable with carriages Flora.."

"Well, back home we have carriages too. And it's the only mean of commuting my lady."

"So, you can ride a horse too?" I got curious.

"A bit, but I still get nervous when riding a horse alone." Her face flustered while saying those words.

I smile. "I haven't tried riding a horse by myself. When we left the tower I rode it with Eiliff. I didn't even know how to ride the horse." I said laughing, remembering how my foot almost hit Eiliff back then.

"When we comes back to the tower of magicians, we can practice there my lady."

"Will they even allow us to do that? And isn't it uncomfortable riding a horse by ourselves?"

"I think so, our legs will suffer if we do so." Flora answered me with a smile.

"Anyway Flora, how long will it take us to reach our destination?"

"There are few small towns along the way, then we can reach the winter town, I remember Sir Baley used to live in that town before."

"Oh, so that winter town must be own by a noble family too? Right?"

"Yes my lady, the noble family lived there was lead by the duke."

'A duke?' So it's a higher status. That must mean that the town must be more vigorous than this town.

But it's winter there.

"If it's name is winter, does that mean the area has been cold all the time?"

"Yes, they said that the town never experienced summer, I mean the heat of the summer."


"The town was cursed by a magician, who tried to ruined the territory."

That thing exists too?!

"What do you mean?" I got curious.

"The story was all known over the continent. And it has been over a hundred years ago my lady."

My curiousity is ticking up. "What happened?"

"One, there was this strong magician who's been roaming around the land. His whereabouts where unknown to anyone, neither anyone knew of that certain magician. This peeked the interest of the Grand Duke. There was even rumours that his excellency was obsessed with strong magicians.." Flora sigh, yet continued.. "The Grand Duke was not satisfy of his services towards the royal family, it was even said that the dukedom was aiming to be higher than the royal family..."

I nodded.

"... When the Grand Duke met with the magician, they said that he imprisoned it and torture to give whatever he wanted from the young man.."

"To be able to do that to a young man! Unforgiveable!" I commented.

"Yes, it was.." Flora's face became emotional. "They said that the torture against the young man, who happened to be the strong magician, continued until his power go berserk."

I gulp. This is the story behind that winter town.

"The magician ran-out of control of it's magic and casted a spell to the dukedom.." She sighed and look outside through the small window. "To never let the land experience what the outside can do. More flood and starve to those who aim to hurt him. And to never let the sun rise again to that town.."

My heart stumble in pain. Because of a certain greed of a man, the whole town suffered. I will never blame the young man, who was tortured to death, still it's painful for all those innocent who recieved the wrath from him.

I look outside the window too, to heave a sigh.. Then I saw Baley who's already smiling at me, I wave my hand back and smile at him.

"My lady, are you still comfortable in there?" He asks.


"This will take for a few hours before we reach the gate.." Baley

"Okay, be careful.." I mumble and laid back to my seat.

'And to never let the sun rise again to that town..'

Casting spells and curses against the one who laid a hand on you will be justice, but to involve those who didn't even know your pain is indifferent..