Chapter 29

'Don't blame your own ignorance boy!'

The middle aged man said sourly. He raises his hand holding a whip.

'You don't have any power in here!'

Hearing those small sobs coming from him, groaning in an excruciating pain from the whip, the young man holds tighter to the rope in between his hands.

A young man, that look younger than twenty. Suffering from all the pain, torture and those whips while hearing those unbearable words from adults.

I heave a sigh...why am I here? What am I seeing?

"Help me..I beg of me, I will do anything in return, j-just help me.."

I was taken by surprise when I saw those pair of eyes. Full of rage. Revenge. I step back as he tried to crawl his way to me.

"Please! I beg of you help me! He---"

I got up from the bed panting. Gasping for more air. I felt the pain in my heart. Those eyes, those eyes brimming with nothing but revenge. From a young man who's been tortured.

He was tied in a rope, barely covering his body with a shredded cloth. It was cold inside that prison.

"Were you dreaming..."

I look at Eiliff, his eyes don't show any emotion at all. "It was-- where have you been by the way? Haven't seen you the whole day.."

He look at me and tilted his head. "I went out with the prince, I was called by the Furrley family."

I think for a second to absorb about my dream. I can clearly remember the face of that young boy.

"So, what were you dreaming?"

"When did you come here?"

He furrowed his brows, sighing while shaking his head slowly. "I asked first. Why does this always happen? I'll ask you first, then you'll answer me with another question."

Isn't it hard hiding your irritation, though?

"I dunno, it was not clear, but--"

"But?" He sit on the bed, facing me. "But what?"

I blink numerous times, staring at my hand that's shaking already. The shaking just stops when Eiliff hold my hand.

"What is it? Is it still about what happened last time?" His voice, in anger.

"No.. it wasn't it.. it was.. it was about someone, beg-begging for help.."

He put his hand to my head.

I don't know what it was, or what he did, but my eyes feels heavy.

"You need to sleep more.."


He help me laid back to bed while my eyes are about to close This sleepiness is quite heavy for me to ignore.

"Sleep more, and make sure you ignore your dreams.." He whisper.

I wanted to hear his voice more but I can't keep my eyes open. Maybe he did something, like using his magic to make me fall asleep. That's possible right?

Aside from that, I wanted to ask him more about his day. Why did he leave right after we came back from watching the sunrise? They even mentioned that the prince was annoying, so why did he go out with him? I wanted to know the why the Furrley family ask for him to meet them?

I let out a deep sigh before finally letting myself sleep. Eiliff looked tired though. But he still look so pretty, even with his brows being furrowed.


My eyes suddenly opens wide when I felt that my feet are touching a cold floor. I shiver with a thought that I might have sleep-walked. But no! Never will I ever do that. I mean, I am not a sleep walker!

Looking around the small space, I noticed the area where I am standing. This is familiar, like the first jail I went in with Sahana!

What the hell am I doing here now?! I was sleeping next to Eiliff for heaven's sake!

I sniff to check if I am safe in this place. Though sniffing the area won't help me anything. This place smells dried blood.


My head turn outside, the wailing from unkown scares my life! What are those weird groaning of pain? Who was there outside.

I heard a sound like a steel strap, hitting to someone's back. I am not sure about whatever is happening, but there was a one louder scream coming somewhere.

'Know your place! A piece of trash like you must obey the lord!'

Another sob came from somewhere. I started walking aimlessly, pulling my skirt to not stumble into it.

Someone's being turtored.

My heart kept beating like crazy, the place is cold that I can see my breath.

'This insolent bastard!'


'Heed to the Lord's command!'

Another sound of hitting etch into my ears that made me walk, almost running to that slightly open door.

I stop my feet and let go of my skirt. My hand and my heart won't stop from shaking in fear.

I am scared. What am I doing here? How did I come here!

'H-help me...'

I stumble on my feet when the door opens widely, two adult came out. Base on the uniform they are wearing, that suit is like pf a knight.

Letting the steel strap on the floor while smirking on their faces.

I fisted my hand, seeing those smug faces right after hurting someone.

Walking as slow as I can, not to make any sound. Holding my breath not to be heard, I waited minutes for them to disappear. I finally walk inside the small room.

This room is smaller than the one I came in. No windows at all.

Just a..

My heart break into pieces when I saw this young man, silently crying. Face burried on the floor.

His back is shown bleeding. Was it because of the lashes those two did.


Why do this to a young man?


Even his tears looks like blood.


He can't utter those words properly.

'W-why are they doing this to you?!'

This young man's whole body is shaking. There's no doubt about that. With that piece of cloth covering only his groin and with the coldness of this place. He's trembling too much.

'Are you okay...?!'

I kneeled on the cold floor and with so much gentleness, I hold his face and look at his eyes. His eyes shows only one emotion. Rage.

'Y-you can see me?'


"My lady, your bath is ready. It's already cold in this area, so I prepared you a thicker clothes..."

I blink when I saw Flora smiling at me, holding those clothes with her arms. She was the one that woke me up. So it was all a dream.

A weird dream.

The scene on my dream still pained my heart. Seeing that young man, sobbing on the cold ground. Blood was all over his back. His eyes that screams with rage.

"My lady?"

I look at her and try to smile. "Y-yes, sorry.. I will get up now."

As I stand up from the bed, my eyes moved outside that wide window. There are few houses outside.

It's chilly in this area, unlike the Tohan's town.

The wind brushes through my skin makes my flinch with its cold.

"Breakfast was prepared by the other servants, my lady. But I inform them what food you eat every morning." Flora.

She started removing my night dress and helped me get in the tub.

"Master Eiliff will be with us on the way to the Winter Town my lady."

"How long will it take us to get there?" I closed my eyes when she gently pour the water to my head.

"It will take us the whole day before reaching the town.."

"It's even cold here now.." I mumble. Then I remembered what happened last night. "Flora?"

"Yes, my lady?"

"I fell asleep on the carriage right?" I wanted to know how I got inside that room.

"Yes, I tried waking you up, but it seems like you were really tired."

"W-who carried me inside the bedroom? And whose house is this?"

"Sir Sahana carried you my lady." She said in a low voice. "Sir Baley insisted but Sir Sahana didn't allow him to."

I see.. "How about this house? Gosh! Now I felt embarrass!"

Flora laughed at me. "No need my lady. The house's owner was a bit disappointed that the lady was sleeping when we came in. And this house is owned by the Viscount's family."


"Viscount Lorelle my lady.."

Viscount Lorelle?

The name ring a bell. I wonder where did I hear that name before.

"My lady! It's so good to see you well today!" Arcon.

"She was not even sick.." Baley

"Yep, she's healthy.." Chess

I smiled at them. It's so early but Arcon looked like he's in the good mood.

"I fell asleep yesterday...Sorry guys..." I felt my cheeks heat up. That was really embarrassing!

"No! You don't have to say sorry my lady!" Chess. " was just fine."

I haven't seen Chess gets flustered like that before.

"Well, I--"

I got distracted by the two ladies in uniform that coming to our way. Wearing those black dresses, they must be the servants of this house.

They both bowed their heads to us.

"We greet the magicians and the lady for coming to this state. We are all honored to serve you with our utmost care.."

"Aah...who are they?" I blurted out a question.

"They are the servants that assigned to aid you, my lady." Arcon.

"I have Flora already.." After saying that, I saw the one girl's eyes shown disappointment. They are both young, maybe younger than me.

"B-but my lady..." Said the one maid who's wearing a pink hairpin. "We were told to be of your service."

My guilt arises when I saw sincerity in their eyes.

"As if we'll be staying here for a long..time?" I look at Baley.

Chess stand behind me and whisper. "We will be here for the next two days my lady."

I see, two days? I thought going to the Winter town cannot be delayed. Why stay here for another two days?

"This way my lady..." Said the maid with a hairpin.

"Then, let's get going.." I said and cling onto Baley's arm.

"Yeah, they prepared breakfast too!" Chess

"I see.." I am quite hungry now. Now that I think about it, I haven't eaten anything since yesterday!

I was the one who started to walk first and the others just followed. I don't know this house for pete's sake! The two maids assisted us on going to the dining area. Well, I only hope they serve the best meal for breakfast!

Flora said that she informed them about the kinds of food I usually eat for breakfast! If only, I wanted cereal with banana, then coffee!

But this place barely have coffees, and having one is expensive too!

We all stop infront of this huge door! A double lock door. I even try to look higher to reach the edge of that door.

"My lady, please let me.." I look at my right where the maid with pink hairpin talk.

I nodded to her.

She knock the door three times and speak.

"My Lord, the lady and the lord magicians arri---" She didn't even finish her sentence when the door opens widely!

I take a step back to level Baley's and Arcon's.

A man with a very elegant uniform came out. He's younger, maybe a year or two older than me.

"To be able to meet the lady from the Red Tower's magicians, this is an honor worthy to be remembered in history my lady.." He said and bow, he even put his right arm across his chest as he lower his head.

He is the owner of this house! The master! But why is he bowing his head to me.

"...and to the legendaries magicians who keeps protecting our land, this lowly subject of yours greet you with all my heart.." He said.

Hey! Isn't that how you greet royalties?! Why greet that way these magicians!

"It is indeed an honor, my lord." Baley said that, but it went through his nose.

He is not even sincere.

I smiled at the man who greeted us. "Thank you for letting us in.."

"The name is Viscount Devie Lorelle, I welcome you to our humble estate.."

"She's Lady Prestine, Viscount, never forget your manners infront of the lady..." Baley's voice was like, threatening..?

But, why would he say that in that tone?

"I deeply apologize for my mistakes in the future my lady..." Yet, this viscount answered with respect.

"Yes..please.. we'll be in your care why we are here.." I mumble through my breath. I slowly pulled Baley to my side and smile at him. Chill dude, this is not your house.

And I am curious about this too, how can these magicians act like they are higher than anyone who holds a title of a noble? I mean, they are not showing that much insolence, yet they never bowed to them.

'We are above the law...'

Well, let's just shrug that question off. What matters now is my meal! I am hungry!

As soon as we get inside the dining area, I stopped my mouth from gaping wide! This place, is nothing but a simple dining area?! Those paintings on the wall, few gold and diamonds figurine! That golden made figurine of a woman with one wing caught my eyes.

No face, yet the figure is great.

"I crafted that figurine before I got married..." It was the Viscount, I didn't even notice him standing already beside me.

So, this dude is married now.

"That is so beautiful..."

"I am not that talented my lady, for you to compliment me.." He said shyly.

Our short conversation ended quickly when Baley said that the table was all set, I glance one more time to that figurine before walking to the dining table.

Baley and Arcon, yes both of them! Pulled the chair for me!

"Thanks.." I whisper.

Again, my mouth wanted to open wide! This is no simple breakfast dude, this is a feast!

I wanted to start eating now, but the head of this house slightly bowed his heard and close his eyes.

A silent prayer?

I just do the same thing they did.

"How about your children?" It was Baley who started.

"My offsprings will be here in a minute.." The viscount said and look at Arcon. "Please do forgive my little daughter.."

"Why?" It was my curiousity that tells me to ask.

"My little daughter seemed to admire Sir Arcon, my lady..." He said in disbelief.

"Really? Isn't that amazing? Being admired by children? Arcon?" I look at his way.

"Well, my lady---"

"Sir Arcon is here?!" It was a small voice coming from outside.

All of us turn to look at the door, but the viscount sighed.

"He is here?!"

"Young Miss, please mind your manners infront of our special guests.."

"What's with them?" I whisper to Baley.

He just shrug his shoulders and smirk.

I felt Arcon tensed up from his seat when the door finally open.

Three people came in. Two young kids that's so adorable to look. They are twins!

"Oh...oh? Ooh! We have a beautiful guest!' Her eyes shines, smiling widely.

She is really cute. Her hair that's a perfect curl. T-that curly hair for a young kid is the best! Her eyes that shines like she's seen the most amazing thing in the world!

"Amorie, that's not how you greet our guests.." Said the other kid.

They are really twins!

"Amorie, Cally greet the guests properly." The viscount's voice became strict.

The two kids stand straight and bow. No! That's a beautiful curtsy from these adorable kids!

"Forgive us for causing such scene.." It was the straight hair kid.

"I am Amorie Aldreen Lorelle of house of Viscount, greeting our guests."

"I am Callixto Cally.."

So the cute curly hair kid's name is Amorie and this straight hair kid is Callixto. What a beautiful names for them It really suit the owner of that name! And that eyes that shine like a diamond. A perfect smile.

Aw, I wanted to pinch that chubby cheeks Amorie!

"You have adorable kids.." I exclaim to the viscount, but he sighed at my comment.

"Most of the time this little lady here..." He carried Amorie. "Is a bunch of trouble.."

"I am a good girl!" Amorie complained. I thought they will continue bickering about the viscount's words but Amorie's eyes shines so bright.

I followed her sight, only to find out that she's staring at Arcon's that way.

"Good morning, miss Amorie!" Arcon smile, but dude, what's with the sweat?

The two kids seat on their chair, across our sits. Amorie facing Arcon and Cally is facing me.

"Sir Arcon you visited us again!" Amorie giggled.

That's freaking adorable Amorie!

Cally looks different from Amorie. They really look the same, well they are twins. But Cally is a silent type, unlike her twin sister.

That light silver hair really matches those beautiful round eyes!

"Amorie, Sir Arcon is one of the strongest magicians in the continent, please watch your manners.." The viscount.

"It's fine my lord, Miss Amorie is still a child.." Arcon reason out.

"How old are they now?" I ask curiously. They look younger than ten, so maybe around six or seven.?

"Me and Cally are now seven.." Amorie answered in a very cheerful voice.


Then, how to deal with these kids now?

"If you are seven now, you must be studying alreay?" Baley

"Yup! We are in the same class, Cally and I and Cally, my sister is ve--ry good at everything!" Amorie proudly said.

"I-I am not that good Amorie.." Cally.

She's quite shy, not only the silent type, but also shy. Usually kids grow up with that attitude never gets to fill their confidence.

"What are you saying? You learn reading and writing even before we start studying!" Amorie. "The teachers also said that you are smart!"

"Amorie.." The Viscount.

"But father, Cally is shy!" Amorie.

That continue until the end of our breakfast. I am too shy to have a conversation with the kids! But still, hearing Amorie kept talking made my mood. Having kids around the area is really great.

I wonder... "How does Sahana looked like when he was a kid?" I ask that question randomnly and keep staring at Sahana's flustered face.

Whoa! I did say that question out loud!

"My lady, if you are that curious we can have Arcon help you.." Baley smirk.

"Shut it Baley.." Sahana.

"It'll be great My lady!" Chess. "Seeing the younger version of Sahana..Now I am also curious."

These two really..

"Can you do that though, Arcon?"

"Well, it will take me a few minutes--"

"My lady! There's no need to see my younger self!" Sahana.

"Why not? I mean, I wanted to see how you really look like when you were the same age with those kids" I reason out, though Sahana's face became more red! Cute.

Wait, why am I seeing cute lately? Whatever. Kids are adorable. Their energetic selves, their giggles their laughter are the best!

"Then my lady, I will prepare everything later." Arcon said, bowed slightly and disappear.

"What did Arcon said?" I ask and look at Sahana.

"He will be back before lunch time my lady!" Chess.

"That will be fun.." Baley. "Seeing Sir Sahana being..tsk tsk tsk."

"What was that.?" They both look at me smiling. That's way too suspicious