Chapter 30

After breakfast, the three idiots left me here. In the garden. Sahana was even dragged by them too. Poor Sahana, will he get bullied by them?

Thinking about it, Sahana won't cry right?

Seeing the two lovely girls made me think about Sahana. I didn't even know the reason as to why I got curious. It's felt like I really have to see him in his younger version. I wonder, does Sahana cried a lot when he was just a kid? Or was he strong as what Flora mentioned about?

He did mention about his sister.

Mm..I am curious.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" He even poked my forehead with his finger.

"When I mentioned about how did Sahana look like when he was young, they all seemed curious as well, and left." I explain.

Eiliff sit on the vacant chair. I thought he'll just sit, but to pull me while sitting!

"Hey!" I reacted. It was too late though, but how can he do that without asking me!

"You're too far." He simply replied. "What happened?"

I roll my eyes and continue admiring the flowers. "I met the twins."

"I hope Amorie didn't bother you a lot."

"Huh? Why would she do that? She's a very cheerful kid! Though Cally is different, but how can kids be like that? So adorable, so cute!"

"I see why you got curious of Sahana's child like image." He said that smirking.

"What are you doing here by the way? Aren't ya a busy dude?"

"A busy.. what?!" He exclaim, even stand up from his seat.

"Aren't ya busy my lord?" I ask him again, his eyes shows an emotion that I can't explain. "Sneaking into every room I slept, waking up then leaving, I bet you are really a busy man."

He leaned his head, his face closer to me. "And what do you want me to do with that?Mm? My lady?"

Oh! An idea pop up to my brain. I look at him, smiling widely.

"What's with that smile?" He even gulp after saying those words!

"Hey! Why are you being nervous now?" Raising my eyebrow to him.

"I don't know. Seeing how you smirking at me makes me wanna leave here."

"Eh, so you are leaving me here all by myself?"

"What is it that you want?"

Aren't you trying to hide your nervousness acting irritated now?

I smiled again at him. I was about to tell him what he should do, when I heard a sudden burst out from somewhere.

I stand from my chair to look around, while Eiliff was standing still beside me.

"What was"

Baley and Chess exchanging chose smug smirk to each others while Arcon walking slowly behind them.

I heard a wailing sound, it was like coming from a child!

"Hey, you three, did you kidnap someone--?" My eyes went Arcon's legs. A freaking kid who's about to burst of tears!

Those disheveled brunette hair, the chubby cheeks and the huge brown eyes!

"Whaaaat...?!" I can't.. I can't seeing a child like that! "Who...who is this kid?!"

That kid looks familiar though...

"This is Arcon's idea my lady.." Baley was starting to explain, but the kid started crying!

The three idiots panic and tried to comfort the child.

"W-what should we do...?" Being nervous infront of a crying child!

The child with his crocodile tears and snot run to me. "Waaaaah, my lady .."

"Hey..." I look at Eiliff who's been quiet since the four of them came.

He look at me, and the child that's crying infront of us.

"Explain whatever is happening right now." His voice is scary.

"Ah, the lady mentioned that she wanted to see Sahana's being in a kid form." It was Baley who answered.

"So, this cute little kid is Sahana?" As careful as I could, I carry little Sahana on my arms. "Baby Sahana, stop crying now.." Little Sahana nuzzle to my shoulders. "So, how old is he now?"

"He is even aware of what these three did to him." Eiliff commented and stares at Sahana's cute face.

"He actually didn't know about it Master." Arcon.

"You three.."

"hm.." Little Sahana.

"Does he wants to sleep now?" I ask them.

"My lady?" Chess. "Perhaps, you don't have any idea how to take care of a child?"

"It does not matter whether I knew or not. This is baby Sahana..." I kissed Baby Sahana's pinkish cheeks. "How old is my baby now?"

Baby Sahana frowned for a second and giggle after I kissed his cheeks.


Damn. "H-how can you be so cute?!" I exclaim with so much excitement. I can't. I really can't take Baby Sahana's cuteness!


"Yes my lady?" He responded in a second.

I started walking out from them. "Let's go shop for Baby Sahana.."

"As you desire my lady!" Baley and followed me.

We haven't taken ten steps yet, when Eilliff ruined my excitement.

"For how long do you think Sahana will stay in that form?"

I heard a crashing sound somewhere. It was too loud that it felt my heart breaks into pieces. That crashing was nothing but my heart.

How could Eiliff ruined my mood?!

I look at the sleeping face of Baby Sahana, then I glare at Eiliff.

"You really knew how to ruin someone else's mood."

"I am telling you in advance, Lady Prestine. That Sahana being a 'baby' won't take long." He look at Arcon. "How long do you think it will take for Sahana in that form?"

I am also curious, so I look at Arcon's face.

He shrug his shoulders then sigh. "Until he's aware of himself being a child, he'll stay as a child."

"Then? You think it will take for a few days? I mean, look! Just look of how cute baby Sahana!"

I heard Chess scoff of what I said. "Then what shall we do My lady?"

Even Baley smiled at me. Ignoring their master.

"Hmm. If it will take him few days. We better dress him up! So Baley, let's go shopping!" I exclaim. Carrying baby Sahana in my arms.

I didn't hear any arguments from Eiliff so I just continue walking.

"If that is what the Lady wants.." Arcon.

"We shall see it be done." Chess.

"Perfect!" Baley. "So, if you'll excuse Master, we should get going too.."

I was smiling to myself, the three idiots followed me. Well, they can deal with their master later. But firstly, we should go on a shopping for baby Sahana's clothes!

"My lady.." It was Flora's shocked face that welcomes me in the room. "W-who's child is that? And for you to carry, you should have called for me my lady!"

"It's fine...right baby Shana?" Let's call him that for now.

Baby Shana giggled at what I said. "Shopping.." He said in a very cute voice!

"Aww, look at my baby Shana, stay with me for a few days 'kay?"

" 'kay!" He answered me again with that very cute voice.

"We will sleep together, eat breakfast together, than we'll bath together. Agh! I'm so happy, is this the feeling of being a mother?" I mumble to myself.

Flora's face seemed confuse, but she just smiled at me.

"My lady, you are just admiring the child. What did the master said about the baby?" Flora being worried.

I was about to open my mouth to answer her when someone slammes the door open!

Baby Shana even flinched.

"Hey! Can't you see that there's a child here! Mind your manners will you?!" I wanted to shout at Eiliff, but Baby Shana will hear it so I made my voice lower.

"Wow, a child.."

"Tss.. Look at that ugly guy baby Shana, don't be like him okay?"

"Ugly.." Baby Shana said and look at Eiliff's frowned face. "Ugly!" He even pointed his finger at Eiliff's face. "Ugly!" And giggle.

Because of that Eiliff's face became sour. I wanted to laugh out loud! Go baby Shana!

"This brat!"

"Eiliff! Don't scare baby Shana!"

"Am I scaring that brat?!" He retorted back.


'Mama?' I look down to check baby Shana hugging my legs.

"Hey brat, let her go!" He scowl at the kid.

I roll my eyes to Eiliff, making sure that baby Shana didn't see it.

"What's with you today?"

Flora took baby Shana and started walking out from the room.

"My lord, my lady, it is better to take the young master out for a walk."

We both look at Flora after she said that.

"Wait, aren't we suppose to change his clothes? How about a bath?"

"He'll be fine, stop worrying about that kid." Eiliff.

"He must be hungry.." I still insist.

"Then, I will get going now my lady.. My Lord." Flora said while taking my baby Shana away.

No! Please don't go! Don't leave me here!

"You are quite enjoying yourself calling me ugly huh?"


I smiled at him. "Nope, it was just kind of cute seeing Baby Shana called you that."

"You are supposed to educate Sahana properly. Not to bully others."

"Bully?" I raise an eyebrow. "If it's bullying, you are bullying the child."

"That was no child! That's Sahana!"

"Can't you see how small he is compared to you? Tsk." I wanted to walk out from him too, but I remember my plan. "We are going out later."

"And where?"

"Oh! Shopping! I hope baby Shana will stay in that form for atleast a week or two?"

"Calling that guy baby.."

He whisper through his gritted teeth.

When he didn't react, I finally go out to find that baby Shana. I still can't believe how cute he really is! I mean look at those cheeks. Those pinkish cheeks, the eyes.

Sahana has a pair of brown eyes, but seeing it in his child form is awesome!

"M-my lady!"

I have to look down to the child that called me. My heart can't take the cuteness of these kids.

"Miss Cally, are you done with your lessons?"

Upon calling her name that way, her eyes shines so bright.

"Yes! The teacher said that I was ready for the next volume of her teachings.." She was even delighted talking about that.

"Wow, so you must really good at everything." I complimented.

She look down on the floor, her small fingers fidgetting.

"I-if you have time, c-can we have tea together?"

My heart can't say no! I mean how would you reject her simple request?

But my baby Shana.

I offered my hand to her. "I have also a baby with me."

"Y-you have a baby?"

"Ah-m. Well, something like.. I have to take care of him?" She gradually accepted my hand.

The warmth of these small hand that holding me is refreshing.

"Are you looking for your baby now?"

"Well, Flora took him."

"Flora?" Her eyes full of curiousity.

I smiled nodding. "Flora's my personal maid, she's really good at aiding me with all my needs."

"Is she lovely? Mother said that having a personal maid lovely makes us grow lovely too. Is that why you are so beautiful?"

Oh God. Please let me stay longer with these kids.

"She always makes me beautiful." I answered. "Then shall we have tea now, in your room? I wanted to know more about your lessons."

She happily aggreed and walk with a smile on her cute face. Her straight hair was braided that looks so adorable.

"This is my room.." She inform me with those smiles. "Amorie's room is in the next door."

"You sleep separately?"

The color of indigo and peach blended perfectly! Her room is hu-ge! A queen-sized bed that's covered in pinkish sheets. The dolls in the wall. An open door to the balcony.

"You have a beautiful room--"

"C-can.. you can call me Cally..."

"---Cally. Your room is really clean." I smiled at her.

"Father wants both of our room cleans, so we have more maids to clean each room. But Amorie is a bit untidy."

Twins usually have different attitude. So Cally is the tidiest among them two. While Amorie, I can imagine how she just let her things in mess.

Twins... Cute!

Cally called the maid to prepare tea for us. She even guided me to the balcony. And what witnesses my eyes is their beautiful garden.

"Wow, this is beautiful.." I mumble.

Since Cally is still small I helped her get on her chair.

"Thank you."

"You are welcome.." My smile won't fade. "Your garden is beautiful. Different colors of roses, those lilies. The orchids. Wow."

"Mother admire flowers as well, it was father who gifted her the garden." Cally.

"Do you love flowers too?"

"Everytime mother would put flower crowns to my head it makes me itchy.."


That's so sad to have allergies to flowers.

"But even if I can't touch the flowers, I still love them.." Cally.

"Just staring at the flowers makes me feel fresh." I told her that she agreed.

We continue our little tea time, while conserving with different topics. Cally is really smart for her age.

The way she's talking about her twin sister Amorie, feels like she's really bragging about her sister.

"Amorie must love to be around with you as well.." I commented.

"Don't you have a sister?"

I think for a second. Feeling my heart if I can remember. "I honestly don't have enough memories of my childhood.."

"What happened?"

"I mean, I can't remember it well, but it feels like I also have a sibling. I am not sure though.."

"W-were you in an accident Lady Prestine?"

I look at her curious eyes. "Maybe...something like that."

Hey eyes suddenly becomes sad after what I said.

"I hope you remember sooner... Having a sibling is fun!"

"Of course. After meeting with the magicians, I always felt safe with them."

"You mean the strongest magicians?"

I nodded. "Yup! Baley, Arcon, Chess. They are all amazing."

"But I heard that the master is taking care of you too."

I lean closer to her. "This is a secret between us. But Lord Eiliff is quite moody."

Her eyes widen. "The Lord is something like that?" She covers her mouth with both of her palms. "T-that's unbelievable!"

I laugh at her experssions. "That's our top secret!"

After telling her to keep it as a secret, Cally giggled. Even the way she giggle was cute too. I really wanted to pinch that cheeks too! But I have to get a hold of myself.

"Young Lady Cally, may I come in?"

We both look at the closed door. There was a girl's voice coming from them.

"That's one of the maid Lady Prestine."

"It's okay... Let her come in."

Cally stand up so I followed her. She slowly open the door. There it is, two maids.

"Young Lady, the madame is here." The maid informed.

"Mother!" Cally exclaimed and look at me. "Let's meet mother now Lady Prestine!"

"Ahm, am I allowed though?" I think for a second, but when my eyes meet that sad expressions from Cally, "Wouldn't it be bettee to see your mother first?"

"Uhm, Can't we go there together?" Cally ask me, then look at the maids. "We will go there together."

"Yes young lady, the madame will be glad." The maid said and bow.

I thought will be going to meet the madame, but Flora came in with three more ladies and changed my dress!

"F-flora, what's going on now?" The three maids are carrying accesories and shoes for me to choose, but ignoring those shining shimmering diamonds is a must!

"The Madame wanted to meet with you my lady, so going in that room where the madame is staying, you better be prepared." Flora

"Ha?" I checked the dress I wore earlier before going to breakfast, it wasn't so simple, but it was pretty and comfortable to wear!

"W-wait, why is everyone---" I can no longer say a single word when they started combing my hair!

"The madame wanted to see you my lady.." Flora whispered. "And the rumors said that she's quite peculiar when it comes to beauty."

"And? Why bother with all these make up and dresses?" I ask in a low voice.

"Of course! You have to be more beautiful than the madame herself!" Flora whispered back. "You are a lady from the magician's tower my lady. You have to stand out everywhere!"

I can't take this make over Flora, though your hands are gentle, but the problem is in me! For goodness sake, I have never been attended like this before!

"The dress is a lime green colored, the lady has a perfect curves!" it was a compliment right?

The two of them suggested for me to wear a corset, but Flora disaggreed.

They tied my hair up and put on earrings.

"The lady is really beautiful.."

"How about this necklace my lady?" Flora showed me an ordinary necklace.

What I am wearing is a bit of low shoulder. The earrings are of shape of flower with it's golden leaves. What an earring!

"Let's not wear anything Flora." I suggested.

"If that is what you want my lady." She said and put back the necklace.

"The madame was said to be in the garden. It was an unannounced yet there will be a short celebration." Flora.

"Who's coming with me?" I stare myself in the mirror. Wow! Flora and her magical hand. Making me this pretty!

"Sir Baley and the Master. I will be there to guide you from time to time."

Flora ask the two servants to leave the room which they obliged.

"Thank you." I mumble to them.

"My lady.." Flora started and put her palms to my shoulder.


"This won't be a simple meeting with the madame." Flora

"I actually was imagining what kind of meeting it would be."

"The thing is, today the Viscountess hosted a small party for her children, so mostly the attendees of the party are all parents." Flora.


"So, please be careful talking to them. Those who are attending will be of high nobles too."

I smiled, showing her that there's no need for her to worry. I'm used to parties before too. The only different this time is that these people are nobles.

"But isn't it quite rude for her to invite me without a prior informations?"

"That is the thing too my lady. Sir Baley said that it was pretty rude of the house of viscount." Flora sighed. "But we are currently residing in their estate."

"Well, we just can't ignore them." I sighed. "Will there be things I need to be careful about?"

This time Flora smiled at my reflection in the mirror.

"Even if we are residing in their estate, there is no need to be careful about them, especially if it's the lady from the red tower.'"

"When did I ever recieved that title?"

"My lady, lord magicians are protecting you, it was Sir Baley's idea to introduce you."

"What's with the magicians by the way, Flora? How can they brag about being higher than the law, stronger than the royal families."

"That's quite true my lady. As what I heard, they made an arrangement before. Aside from the royal family, there shouldn't be higher than them, but the magicians in the tower are far more superior than any other magicians."

"That made them higher? Than the royal family?" Come to think of it, Baley's been into it, being above than the law.

"What about Eiliff? What's his current status aside from being the master of the tower?"I suddenly got curious.

"I can't imagine how strong the master is.." Flora whispered. "He can even make the king kneel infront of him.."


Wow! So the strongest of all is Eiliff. He's far more above the law and the entire royal family?

Can he try to take over the throne and make me his queen? No! There's no way he can do that. I mean, I won't demand like that.

"Lady Prestine has arrived.." It was a voice coming from the maid that guided me.

I look at Flora and nod.

"I will be there in a minute my lady."

"Okay, see you later."

I heard the creaking sound of the huge door. I stand up straight, trying to hide how I gulp when the door finally opens!

I was expecting few visitors, but these people here are staring at me intently!

Different kind of dresses from the ladies, and those normal uniform from the gentlemen. Kids are on their seats.

I gulp and tried to hold onto my hands. I am quite nervous now!

"Oh my, the beauty speaks well how they take good care of you my lady.." A lady with a silver hair approached me first. She was smiling.

Her features are really great. A beautiful, smiling face, her hair that illuminates the brightness of the sorroundings.

"Forgive my rudeness, I am Varrielle of the house of Viscount Lorelle, it's my greatest pleasure to meet the lady from the red tower." She slightly bow her head.

I smile at her, trying to ease my nerves.

"I must thank you for inviting me here."

"Of course my lady, it was a very short notice, forgive me." She said.

Few ladies smiled at me, so I smiled back to them.

"Lady Prestine.." And it all started to introducing!

This is tiring as hell! I can't believe how my jaws survived smiling the whole time while greeting everyone.

"What's the occassion by the way?" I ask the madame when the crowd finally cooled down.

"This is for my sweet Cally and Amorie."

"The twins are lovely.." I can't stop myself from complimenting them.

"Cally is matured for her age, I was a little worried but she's my daughter and I love her."

"She excels in everything, I can see that." I smiled. "She is a sweet child."

"I hope my little Amorie didn't disturb you a lot Lady Prestine." Her voice became worried. "Knowing my Amorie, getting into trouble most of the times! She's sweet too, but she's really of the age when she can make her mother cried out of worries."

I laughed at her comments about her child.

"It even came to the point where she was throwing tantrums."

"I think it's natural for her to throw tantrums most of the times.."

"She said she'd marry Lord Arcon someday.."

When the madam sighed, I sighed the same way. H-how on earth?!


The madame laughed awkwardly. And sip from her tea.

"Well, that's what happened. I was hoping she'd forget about it but, it seemed like it really is engraved to her brain, my sweet Amorie.."

Her voice said that sadly, but her eyes shows an amusing expressions. Maybe Amorie really wants to marry Arcon. Ha! This is fun, should I tease Arcon about this?

Aren't Amorie at the age where she can dream on marrying someone right? I mean, I think it's quite normal for her age.

"Well, the Miss Amorie is still a child madame, her ideas about marrying Sir Arcon will change in no time." I said smiling.

"I really hope so.." The Madame smiled at me. "By any chance? Do you have any child my lady?"

"Ah, n---"

"Mama!" It was a sweet voice coming from behind me.

I was too surprise by their sudden appearance behind me. There the ever beautiful Eiliff standing silently while staring at me. And in his arms is baby Shana who looks so happy seeing me.

"Mama!" Baby Shana repeated, his small legs kept on moving as if he wanted to run.

"For the Lord of the tower to join the tea party, I welcome you to our humble estate." Madame Varrielle even curtsy to Eiliff.

I look around when I heard continuous murmuring, everyone really stood up just to greet Eiliff.

"Ah, it's so good to see you again baby Shana!" I exclaim and take him from Eiliff.

"My Lord, I wasn't expecting you to be here, sorry for the short notice." Madame Varrielle.

"We are currently residing in your estate Viscountess, it is just right for us to attend this tea party you hosted."


I look at baby Shana's face. Why does he keeps calling me mama?

"Hmm? What happened?" I ask and look at Eiliff.

"Papa..? Papa is bad..?" Baby Shana pouted.

"You have a very handsome child Milord." The madame commented.

"This isn't his child though.." I reacted to the madame's words. He hate this kid! How could baby Shana, rather Sahana be his kid?!

"It just happened.." Eiliff said without any emotions.

I gave Baby Shana sweets for him to eat, even the juice was served to our table. There are few ladies who'll come and talk to me. Most of them are all mothers now, so it can't be help about their questions while looking at baby Shana in my arms.

"I don't quite get it, but..." The madame smiled. "What is the name of this cute baby?"

Baby Shana pouted first, but then answer. "Shana..."

My heart will melt in any second I swear! This kid, a.k.a Sahana, is really cute!

"Baby Shana, can auntie carry you?" The madame said in a very sweet voice.

My baby Shana look at me for a second then pouted at Eiliff.

"Can I?" The madame smiled at him.

When baby Shana allowed her to be carried, the madame's smiles became wider.

"It's been so long since I last carried my little girls.."

"Oh wo~w! We have a new brother!"

Amorie and Cally's are holding each other's hands while walking their way to our table. But Amorie's eyes really sparkle with joy.

"My baby brother?!"