The slaves

His men had gathered all the slaves together. The slaves were kept in the warehouse. They were used for different purposes. He sold them to different people around the world. The buyers either use them for prostitution, or they have to work their ass off in any place they were assigned to. Some of the buyers even prefer using them for farm work even if they were modern facilities available. They feel the modern facilities are more expensive. You have to treat a machine like you're nursing a baby. How tiring and money wasting.

The slaves were mixed with both males and females, old and young. Some of them were brought in there for failing to pay their debt to Lee when the due time collapsed. Their skins looked pale and some of them suffered from dehydration and malnutrition. But to Lee, he's doing his best to keep them kicking. No buyers will want to buy a half looking dead person.

Sometimes, Lee and his men forcefully take the women they want to spend their night with. They rape every atom of their soul out, and some of them die in the process. Only Lee was exempted to torture them till death. If anyone tortured them till death, he'd definitely deal with that person. This is his only source of income and he doesn't joke with it. And when they feel bored, they use the slaves to play dangerous games. If one of the slaves end up loosing, they'll be served rotten food. A food that contains a lot of maggots, or sometimes they offer them life centipede to eat. If they fail to do what they've been told, a hot iron from the fire will be placed in any part of their body they wish to place it, not minding if that person was a female or a male. If they wanted to have more fun, they'll strip a lady naked and around twenty of them will brutally and roughly sex her in every part of her body including her anus. Or if they wanted to go further with it, they move to the ears, forcing their big things in it.

The moment any of the slaves get captured and are stored in the slaves dorm, none of them will get to see the light till a buyer comes and buy them. Some of them have been kept in their for years without seeing how the outside world looked like. It was not a place none could escape either, because it was made of irons. The only road to the door was the path leading to Lee's office. And there was no possible way one could pass through there without getting caught.

Those who did their very best in trying to escape ended up getting caught and getting killed. None of them tried making such move after giving them slow torturing death in front of their eyes. They prayed within them to get out of this hellish place one day. Some of them have given up their faith and stopped praying.

Lee worked with some cops and some government officials to help cover them up. Those government officials visit often to catch some fun with the ladies. The female slaves feared the government officials more because they were beyond rough and hard and turned to a famished beast when having sex with them. Their hands and legs will be tied, and whips will be striking their bodies real hard when having sex. If they don't get enough, they'll pour oil in their skin, lashing them and at the same time brutally fucking them. That was beyond painful. They also go as far as putting some cigarette ash in their v-jay just so they could hear them scream more in pain. To them, they enjoyed the painful screams. They could bear Lee and his men's torture, but the officials, they'll rather die than have anything to do with them. Both the men, suffered it too from the gay officials. None were spared. At the end of the day, they'll be given little food or rotten food and water. There was no other choice but to eat what have been given to them if they don't want to die of starvation.

Lee on the other hand, also use the slaves as bait to get his dirty jobs done. They were used as bait like a leader in a war front. The only difference was that, they don't lead, rather used as a bait for their enemies and end up getting killed. Lee don't mind if they die for his own selfish reasons, but he was still careful on how he used them.

Their heads pondered hard in their chests as they saw Lee appear before them, not saying a word. He stood above them very quiet and his eyes moving like a second clock around them. His new right hand man was beside him. His men got the news shortly that the slave was now appointed as the new right hand man. They were angry at first, because they now have to listen to a slave. But hearing the plan he ventured out to their boss to get the golds, they somehow had to admit the truth that he really deserved it. He's a master planner to all works so far and they were sure that this plan of his will also come out to be positive. He's just too good in skilling out plans for them. He deserved it somehow. Atleast, they now hope for a positive result in all their missions.

The slaves also knew that it had been his motive from the very beginning. And now that he had actually achieved it, they wonder what fate now installs for them.