They were all eagerly waiting for him to speak. He didn't say anything but his eyes kept walking on them as he looked above them. The look he gave was blank so they could barely read what it was that was going on in his head. But they know it was something bad as Lee had never given them a good news.
The warehouse was quiet as a grave yard. All of them waiting for the skinny man with tinted red hair and a dragon tattoo on his right arm to speak.
"You all have been through a lot." He paused and continued. "I think it is high time I let you go."
They faced their neighbors by their sides looking really confused as to what he was saying.
"I have decided to give you guys the freedom you deserve as human beings." Utter confusion plastered on their faces.
"What is he saying?" They murmured.
"Silence....." Spoke his new right hand man from the top of his voice as he ordered them to zip their mouths.
"Don't you want to go back home to your family, to your loved ones?" He continued speaking after they've gone quiet.
Their faces lit up with smile. Some had forgotten how to smile the moment they stepped in here. And now, they feel a bit weird as they smiled. They nodded their heads looking so happy. Finally, they'd be getting out of here. It has been there prayers ever since.
"Don't you....! "His eyes walking on them.
"We do. We do." They spoke, some of them already shedding tears already at the thought of getting their freedoms.
His eyes darted on their happy faces. They were hugging and shaking each other really delighted to hear the goodnews.
"Do you want to be free?" He spoke loudly.
Like desperate humans, they answered without thinking twice or holding back for anything. He turned to his right hand man, nodded at him and returned his gaze back to the slaves. When everywhere went quiet again, he searched their faces even if they were hundreds of them. They looked like they can't wait any second to get the hell out of hear. His fingers created little sounds on the metal he was holding. He stopped and his eyes changed into something wicked.
"In life... there's what we call sacrifice. Every good thing always come with a sacrifice." He paused, moving his eyes around them and continued speaking shortly. "And every freedom comes with a deadlier sacrifice cause the road to freedom is never an easy path."
Their hearts moved wild in their chests. They knew and understood very well that he meant their freedom wasn't going to be an easier one.
"No need to panic." He spoke after scanning their looks. "I am ready to give you the freedom you deserve as humans." He scoffed. "If you are ready to do this, I am ready to free that person along with some cash to start their lives over again only if the mission is successful."
Some of them now looked determined, hearing the word 'cash' and starting their lives over again. They had already mentally prepared themselves to get out of there no matter what the mission is.
"You're going to return to me my buried golds."
"Golds..." They murmured at each other.
"It's not a big deal." Spoke one of the men in the crowd. "I am more than ready to do this." Beating his chest.
Another joined him in agreement and in no time, all of them were in support. "We'll do it. We'll do it."Their voices sounding like warriors ready to go into a battle field.
"Silen....ce..." His right hand man yelled and their mouth immediately zipped up. The building became quiet again.
Lee smiled wryly looking really impressed by their warrior looks. "You want to be free?" Nobody spoke but their looks said yes. "I said, do you want to be free?" He spoke out loudly like a leader.
They yelled. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes." Sounding like warriors.
In a short time, every where became quiet.
"You bring back those golds to me, I promise you that you won't go back home to your families poor."
They nodded their heads looking extremely happy and more determined to do this. The price made them more determined to do this. They looked like they'll do it right then and now if only he could speak up fast so they could get down to business.
"Unfortunately....." he continued, "the gold is in the capital city." Their faces still brightened up with smile. They were warming up more to get down to business. This is a one opportunity they cannot afford to loose.
He took a deep breath and exhaled. "The golds is in the capital city of a place known as....." He paused scanning their faces again. They still looked happy and some were already warming up more. "Zombies Territory."
Everyone's smile quickly varnished into thin air as if they hadn't been happy earlier. Even if they were slaves, they knew about that place very well. It is a place of no return, said by many people. According to some investigations, it was said that the zombies don't die. They regenerate anytime any parts of their bodies are cut off. They even heard of the troops they sent in there, but none came out back. They had all been infected and turned into zombies.
Fear instantly cladded their bodies. They now had the look of a sacred cat just like his men earlier. There was no way they'll get there, to that country. It was better they die here as slaves than to go to that country with zero hopes of returning without turning into a zombie.
There was still no cure yet and many people now feared that place. Nobody, including troops or scientist or any medical personnel have been sent to that country for a year now. They all feared for their dead lives.