The expression slashed on their faces was limpid that they had changed their minds. Lee sauntered down the stairs towards them. His smile really bitter. He had hoped for them to go bring back his golds. It was their freedom after all and he had thought they'd do anything just to be set free. He heaved out a frustrating sigh. Is this it? He understood the reason for their fear but who won't do anything just to be set free, plus, he's also offering an amount for who ever gets his golds. He needed them badly. If they were not ready to do this, then who in the world would. A bitter and wicked wry tucked his lips.
"Why change your mind now uhn?" He barked out in frustration. "You were all really happy few seconds ago, so why do you have a scared kitten's look on your face. Why?" He continued barking in anger and frustration. "Don't you want freedom.. I'm finally setting you free and you're backing out? Why? Because of those brainless walking dead? Do it and get your freedom. I'm also ready to pay anyone. You will also start a new life with the money. Just do it." His body was boiling up in frustration.
"If you're so desperate to get your golds, do it yourself." A woman standing few meters away from him spoke.
He chuckled and shot five bullets in her. Everyone gasped in shock and in fear. He was really frustrated to the core and what she said added more fuel to the fire burning in him. How dare her speak like that. He couldn't go in there. How will he enjoy his money if he turns into a zombie.
"Nobody... I repeat nobody ever speak to me like that." He barked in anger and moving his gun on them. His body fumed in another level of anger. "Fine. If you're not ready to go bring back the golds, all of you prepare to suffer more." His eyes were blazing in both wickedness and anger. "I will make each and everyone of you burn to hell in suffering. Whatever I've been doing is just a shade compared to the darkness I will cause you."
More fear cladded them. He's always harsh and mean but the way he sounded and the look fuming in his eyes, it was beyond dangerous. He looked like he will make them suffer till even death will be begging for death.
With anger and frustration speculating his body, he marched up the stairs angrily.
"I'll go." A voice spoke that was heard loud and clear, caused everyone to look at that direction. He also halted his steps. He slowly turned around and he caught sight of the man who confidently looked at him.
"New boy, you?"
He called him new boy because he had only been in there for two weeks. Unlike the other slaves who had been captive for years, Lee wondered why he wanted to go.
"I'm Justin and I'm ready to do it."
Justin is a black man. He's tall and well bodied built, but due to the torture they gave him, he had tend to loose some pounds in just two weeks. His skin was gradually becoming pale like the rest of them.
A derision wry tucked his lips. "You've only been here for two weeks and you're so desperate to go?" His tone also holding a hint of derision.
"I need to go back to my daughter. I also need the money for her other expenses."
Justin was brought here due to the huge amount of money he owed Lee. Lee had threatened to take his daughter if he does not pay on time. Unfortunately, when his due time expired, he had no other choice than to take his daughter's place. She is really ill and he had spent a huge amount of money he borrowed from Lee to treat his daughter's sickness. He needs to go back to her even if this was his only option to be set free from Lee's brutal torture.
A spark of hope sprinkled in his body. His angry and frustrated look quickly vapoured out. Finally....
"Get the golds you'll get the money." He spoke in one hundred percent tone.
Justin nodded.
"I'll go too." A lady spoke and all of them pulled their attention to her.
Her skin was dull like the rest of them. She had epicanthal eyes. Her hair was a shoulder length and a scanty fringe bouncing on her forehead.
"Hey...." A friend of hers held her arms looking really scared for her. "Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into. That's a place of no return. Won't you rather just stay here maybe till a buyer comes to get us than turn into zombie? There's no cure yet and you're well aware of that."
She dabbed her friend's hand. "There's no freedom without sacrifice. I have to do this. A lot of years of my life have already been wasted. This is an opportunity to start my life afresh."
"And what if you don't come back uh?" Fear tremored all over her body.
"Dear friend, you don't judge without seeing results. I'll do this and come back, I promise." She spoke in a bold tone like she had seen the end result.
"Kate...?" He called looking at the girl.
Kate has been his victim a lot of times. She was sold out just like some of the slaves in the warehouse. She has always dreamt of being a lawyer and she cannot achieve those dreams of her's if she's still stuck in the warehouse stocked with the slaves.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" His gaze never flew away from her.