Like her mind had been made up a long time ago, she confidently stood by the side of Justin not gazing away from Lee.
"I am one hundred percent ready. I'll do it. I need the money."
Not just one but two. Contentment and happiness filled his body.
"Count me in." Another voice piped in walking close to the two who stood in front.
"Kim...?" He called arching his brows.
"Yes. I also need the money, and I need to get out of here ASAP." He spoke with so much bravery.
Kim, a guy with monolid eyes similar to that of Kate. His black hair reached his neck and his eyes were also black.
Lee's face graced with more smile. "Justin, Kate, Kim...."
"Binna...." A woman included her name in the crowd and started approaching where all three of them stood. "Count me in too."
Binna had stayed in the warehouse enduring endless tortures from Lee and the government officials for five years. No buyer wanted her, rather, she has been used as a sex toy. She is also among the most used victims amongst women. But she's a brave woman and that was why she made quite a lot of friends amongst her slave partners. She was never scared to speak her mind. She had endured countless of endless tortures, sometimes because of taking the blame for someone. They weren't that surprised that she also volunteered to go.
Binna is around her late thirties, but due to the torture and malnutrition, she looked like she was in her forties. Her rough hair was curled and her dark eyes were filled with both boldness and craziness.
"I see Binna...." Nodding his head. "Finally, that bravery of yours will be used for something useful." His voice holding a hint of derision.
Lee's eyes walked around them. "Anymore volunteers...." There wasn't a reason to ask, but he just had to. "Anymore..."
"C.... co... count me in...." The moment everyone heard who spoke, everyone including Lee and his men burst into laughter like maniacs.
His name is Smith. They laughed at him because he was nothing but a scared kitten. He usually pass out a lot of times because of the little work he was told to do or fear, including when he was scolded at. He was was nicknamed amongst the slaves including Lee and his men as either four eyes because of his glasses or a weak soul. He was skinny and currently, he was even trembling in fear.
As he walked further to the people standing in the front, the crowds stopped laughing and immediately resumed their laughter once again. His trembling steps and his oversized trousers were enough to make them laugh. Some were also crying in laughter. How ridiculous!
"Okay.... Everyone settle down." Lee spoke trying to surpress another outburst of laughter that resided in his lungs. "Four ey..." He laughed again. He could not control it anymore. It was just too unbelievable. Everyone also started laughing again. Lee's new right hand man laughed really hard rolling on the floor.
"Okay... Calm down.... Calm down...." He spoke again, trying his very best not to laugh out his soul at the sight of Smith. He breathed out loudly and deeply, as if it was enough to reduce his hunger to laugh. He cleared his throat. "So Smith.... May I know why you're here?"
The poor guy swallowed. "I.... I.... I also n... need the m... money." He was trembling and also stammered in fear.
Lee exhaled out loudly still trying his best to surpress another range of laughter that was about exploding. "Four eyes.... This is a war and not a video game." Warning sounding in his voice as if giving Smith a second chance to retract his decisions.
His tembling hands moved to his glasses adjusting them a bit. "I... I do want to go away from here."
"Weak soul, you're going to a place of no return. The zombies land, no, the zombies territory. I guess you're fully aware."
"I... I know."
Lee gave him a derision look. He was kind of waiting for Smith to say something, probably taking back his word. Unfortunately, the trembling poor guy did not.
"He's certainly not going to come out from there." He muttered those words to himself. "Okay Smith, you're in..."
He gave a trembling smile.
"I guess there's no more volunteers." His eyes moving around the slaves.
"Count me in." A man came out from the crowd.
"Kenji..." He called his name so pitifully.
He was also a scared cat like Smith. But unlike Smith, he is more braver and stronger, though not as brave as most of his slave partners. His teeth were brown and he looked like a mad person. He sometimes behave like a mad person and his friends prayed he's actually in his correct senses before stepping out as one of the volunteers.
"The mad Kenji... How pitiful.."
"I'm not mad okay. I'm not mad. I'm not mad." He barked like a demon possessed mad person.
Lee's face was holding a look of 'i don't care'. To Lee, he can bet with his life that Kenji will surely not survive this one. But he have to manage him.
"Anyone else....." His voice reaching the ears of everyone.
The rest of them looked like their minds have been made up. There's no way they'd go to that country. Everywhere went dead quiet and no one else seem to be interested in the offer.
Lee sighed staring at the six people standing in front of his captives. How impressive, he thought. He never expected a single soul and in front of him stood six. They were just the people he needed to complete his mission. No matter what, no matter how, those golds must get to his hands.
"Justin, Kate, Kim, Smith, Binna and Kenji, to my office." He commanded and turned his back to leave.