Mr Nice Guy

"First, I want to thank the six of you." Even if it wasn't coming from his heart, he just have to say it. He needed to be on his soft side. He just have to, no matter what. He knew body else would do what they're about doing. "I'm really grateful. But you see... I don't even know if I should say this. But please.... do all you can not to be infected and bring those golds back to me. Is that clear....?" He hated how nice he sounded, but he was using all he can to speak to them this way. It disgusted him to deepest part of his soul but there was no other option. He just have to be nice and sweet to them like a child who wants candy.

"And what about the preparations?" Justin asked.

"Everything will be set before the end of tomorrow."

"We'll be needing guns, matchet, dynamites and any other thing you can think of." Binna spoke.

"We'll get you all you need. But just so you know, you do know that those creatures don't die right?" His look was now cold as he faced Binna to speak.

They're all aware that the zombies regenerate if any part of their bodies are cut off. Guns are also useless in this deadly mission they're about embarking. They see both at day and at night and they're also fast runners. Mostly, they're extremely sensitive to sounds, so it's going to be a mission of the survival instinct. A mission they'll have to fight with their spirit and souls.

"We're aware." Kim spoke but no emotions in his voice. He sounded like he's ready to give in his all in this mission.

"Four eyes.... " He called in a boring tone looking at the weird scared cat. He heaved out a sigh, probably feeling pity on him. "Are you....."

"I... I do want to do this sir." He spoke in his trembling voice.

"Fine..." His eyes walked on all six of them. "From now on, till the time of your departure, you'll be sleeping in one of the rooms here."

A smile plastered on their faces. Being slaves, they slept on the ground whether it was sunny or raining down snows. No matter how the weather condition was, they still slept on the ground. Lee's rooms have soft beds they can lie on and soft pillows they can sink their heads to. Only Lee, his men and his partners like the buyers with the government officials, get to sleep in those rooms. They were really happy. Alas, for the first time in a long time, they'll be sleeping comfortably on a bed.

"Including good foods and water." Binna added.

He gritted his teeth inwardly in irritation. If it wasn't that they were doing this for him, he would have punished her right now. But who was he now. He was only at their mercy. He fears that they might change their minds if anything goes wrong.

"Fine..." He spoke calmly, but inside, he was burning up like a dragon ready to go beserk.

"Can we have the food now, I'm dying of hunger." She continued speaking.

His eyes twitch. He so want to strangle this lady to death. "Yes, you can." Giving a pretentious smile. "My men out there will show you to your rooms."

They all turned to leave but Binna halted her steps and gave him so orders.

"And uh, make it snappy. Real. Quick." She ordered like a boss.

He nodded giving a pretentious smile. The moment all six of them left the room, he punched his fist hard on the table. That woman was making him go nuts. Who was she to order him in such manner. If they don't bring back those golds, they'll surely here it from him. No! He shook that thought of his head. They'll bring those golds back. They have to bring back those golds at all cost. It's a must he must get his hands on those golds.

"Boss..." His new right hand man called. He approached Lee smiling at him. "So how is it going boss?"

Lee smiled as he patted his shoulder. "I'm in awe of you because of your mind blowing plans. You're so smart."

He laughed feeling really proud of himself. "I told you boss. Trust me and now look... You didn't just get one volunteer but six. Six boss." Showing the numbers with his fingers.

"I think we should celebrate."

"Not yet boss. We should celebrate when the golds have arrived."

Lee nodded his head in agreement, very proud of his smart right hand man. "When the golds get here, I'll have to reward you." He spoke in a promising voice.

He smiled wilder. "Thank you boss. Thank you."

"But first, go give them something to eat. They need all the strength they can gather to fight those zombies."

"Okay boss."

"And...." stopping him from taking further steps. "Make sure you come back here to prepare them for their mission."

"I will boss." He spoke smiling and left the room.

Lee walked to his chair and and happily sat on it. He placed his legs on the table. He brought a cigarette from his pocket and lit it on. He was hatching his plans on his enemies. He will definitely make them pay. He's going to be very rich soon anyway. He will definitely take the daughter of one of his enemies he had been drooling for, for sometime now. This is his time to shine. The time for the world to know Lee and how merciless he can be. It is his time.