
Foods of all different kinds were brought to their rooms. Their mouths salivated instantly as the nice aroma filled their noses. Instantly, they started digging and eating like hungry dogs.

"Get us more juice will you?" Binna commanded.

She knows fully well that they cannot do anything to her right now. They were at their mercies after all and that's why why they've been acting like good children to their slaves not to get them upset. And besides, it was also Lee's order for them to behave like good children to the slaves.

They gritted their teeth the moment Binna ordered them like that with such audacity. Her fearless and commanding eyes looked up at them and she noticed none of them making a move, rather they looked like she'd be getting beaten up by them anytime soon.

"Do you want me to report to your boss. I think you really want us to back out from this mission uh. I also think it'll be better if you guys go." She spoke in a disgustful tone.

Suddenly, their bodies cladded in fear. They bowed and left to get her orders.

"And some more foods." She ordered. This is her chance to do what she want and she'll make them feel the pain they caused her and the rest.

Shortly after, more drinks and more foods arrived. The slaves ate to their contentment not giving a break from the delicious food. When Binna noticed that all of them were filled, she took some foods to go give to her friends.

"Where do you think you're going?" One of Lee's bodyguard spoke, causing her to halt her steps few feet away from Lee's office.

She turned around and gave him a badass look. "And who do you think you are to speak to me in such manner?"

The man shrugged and approached her, giving her some deadly looks. She didn't waste anytime and gave him a tight slap on his face the moment he got closer to her.

"Don't you dare look at me in such manner. You should lower your head and speak to me. Do you get it?" She barked with so much audacity.

Oh yes! She is so going to give them the taste of their own medicine and she is starting to love it.

He was about slapping her before Lee's voice echoed, causing him to halt his hand in mid-air.

"What is going on here?" He barked at them.

Their heads turned to the man who just barked at them. Lee sauntered towards them. He's still doing his best to keep his cool.

"Lee...." Binna called him by his name with so much audacity. It was the first time she had ever called out his name. His blood boiled as she she called him by his name in such annoying manner. "I think you should tell your so-called men to speak to me with respect."

Lee shrugged. This crazy woman is definitely getting on his nerves.


"Ma'am....." She cut him off instantly. "Call me ma'am and not by my name."

That was the end of it. The tiger in the cage was let loosed and he grasped her neck tight.

"Who do you think you are to speak or order me in such manner." His teeth were clenched together as he spoke in an anger.

She scoffed not even looking as if she was getting choked. "I see you don't want your golds uh Lee." Courage lingering in her voice. "Get your dirty hands away from me this instant." She commanded.

It is taking him all what he have to control himself not to kill this woman right here and now. His hands were retracted back to his sides and his looks on her were still dangerous.

"What uh? Lower your head to me when talking and stop giving me such disgustful looks."

Lee bit his lower lips and clenched his hand into a tight fistball. She slapped him hard on his face because he still was not doing what she ordered.

"Lower that crazy head of yours and call me ma'am this instant." The audacity in her voice was increasing everytime she spoke. And honestly, she was so enjoying all this she was doing so far. Even though it wasn't enough, compared to all what they have done to her and the rest of the slaves, she was still happy and besides, it was the start of something new.

Like an obedient loyal subject, he lowered his head to her. "Ma'am....." He spoke in so much irritation.

A delighted and satisfied smile tucked her lips. "Good boy." Dabbing his head. "Now, prepare a hot nice water for me to bathe. Get it don't before I get back." She ordered and without waiting for a reply or anything, she left.

Lee's body trembled in fury. He cannot tolerate such act from his slave anymore. He have to make sure they depart real soon and bring back what they've been told to bring. Just a little thing left for the preparation to be finalized.

"Go get her what she needs." He ordered his men in fury.

That so-called woman that feels she now have the power will pay so deadly for her life. It's a promise he made to himself before storming off back to his office. His men knew how angry he was at the moment. If she hadn't volunteered herself, they were pretty sure she'll be a dead meat by now. She also had the audacity to slap him and ordered him to lower his head. To top it all, to call her 'ma'am' and not by her name. Her death would be just a second away if Lee didn't see her as an important vessel. Her bravery was needed after all. So Lee and his men have no other option but to do as they want. They'll endure everything. It's only temporary, not permanent.