Binna had given the foods to some of her friends and had walked back to the room they were all in. They have taken their evening bath. It had been so long since they last had such sweet taste of water on their skin. They don't let them bathe as slaves and it was really soothing to their skin the moment the water touched their skin. To top it all, they were given clean clothes and blankets to cover their bodies. Their bodies sagged in happiness.
All six of them sat round on the floor. They didn't know each other much and none of them looked like they were ready to speak.
"So what now?", Justin finally spoke breaking off the silence." We need a plan of our own before getting in there."
"He's right." Kim spoke. "In other for us to come back without getting infected by those creatures, we need as much plans as possible. It'll be impossible to come back out there."
"You got any...?" Kate spoke.
Moments of silence flew pass them. Judging by their looks, none seem to have any plan.
"It looks like none of us here have any plans." Justin continued after seeing the looks on their faces. "But let me tell you this. Teamwork. Teamwork is needed and necessary in this deadly mission of ours. No matter what comes our way, we need to put our heads together. It's going to be a tough one, yes. But the moment we step in there, we're all going to be a combined force. Those zombies don't die. We have to reason together to come out there the same way we got in." His eyes walking on each of them as he spoke.
"But the gold is located in the capital country." Binna spoke. "According to what I've heard so far, the population of zombies in the capital is more than any other cities. If we can get to the country, how do we get in to the capital and how do we get out?"
Another momentary silence flew pass them. Each one of them cracking their heads to come up with an idea.
"When we get to that bridge, we'll cross it." Kate spoke. That was somehow convincing to them.
"N... no one leaves anybody behind." Smith spoke.
They nodded. At first, they wanted to laugh at him, but the matter on ground is not a thing to laugh about. Everyone in the room wore a serious face. They need to get out of there with the golds to get their freedom.
"Since there is no plan and none of us here seem to come up with one, then I guess we will have to go there with overly prepared minds, bodies and souls." Kim spoke. "And one more thing. Those creatures are like piranhas. If one gets to see you, just know a sea of them will come running at you. So how do we make it possible to go in there and come out without getting spotted by any of them?"
They subconsciously swallowed. It'll be very impossible to get in there without getting spotted by any of them. They even see clearly at both day time and night time. So how?
Justin heaved a sigh. "We'll just have to do the very best we can. We fight with our lives out there if that's the only option left. Even if they don't die, we still have to give in our utmost best."
As Justin said those words, they felt like quitting. They felt like this whole mission is completely pointless. But it was already late. If they go back now, Lee will definitely kill them for wasting his time and giving him negative high hopes. And what about the main reason they decided to do this? What about their freedom? No! It's not a time to back down. It's not a time to get scared. It's not a time to be negative. This is a time to put on the armour of bravery and of war. A time to be as wise as a serpent and the spirit to kill and of no mercy and of a war as a lion. The time to shield themselves with whatever. To go back home to their families and to start a new life over again. This is the time and the one chance they can get. They have to murder this opportunity with all cost.
"We'll do it." Kim spoke after seeing the expression clutched on their faces." It's now or never. We will.....No! We must all come back out the same way we got in there. It's a must. We will have to fight with all blood and sweats. We'll fight with all wounds in our body and our heart that have turned to scars. We will fight with all the pain we have endured in here for years. We will fight with everything and anything." He was trying to motivate them to bring back their fearless looks they wore earlier.
"Everything and anything." Kenji spoke fearlessly stretching his hand forward. "Who's with me?" His eyes walking on them.
Kim placed his hand on top of his. "I'm in."
Kate, Justin, Smith and Binna placed their hands on top of the person's hands below theirs. Their fearless look now back.
"For the sake of freedom." Justin spoke.
"For freedom.....!" They spoke together.
They got up to prepare themselves to sleep. Who knows! This might be the last time they'll ever get to sleep. A war was ahead of them and they need to savage this night very well.