Shock slashed on their faces. They never knew they'd be that much. To sum it all, they were even able to get to the truck in one minute or even less than.
"It's impossible." Kim spoke in frustration. Infact, they all looked frustrated.
"It wasn't even up to a minute." Kenji added also sounding frustrated.
"So what now?" Kenji asked.
"We only have one choice." Justin said. "We go by foot."
They heaved a sigh of frustration.
"This is even worst than a war itself." Kim spoke.
"Okay guys. We have to keep moving. It'll be dark soon." Justin spoke.
They heaved a sigh and continued their journey. It was a really frustrating and a tiring journey to them. They were almost caught by those zombies, but was quick enough to hide. When the road was clear, they continued. All of them looking really tired, their legs have become sore and there stomach making hungry sounds.
It had become dark when they finally looked for a shelter - a building to spend the night in. They lied on the floor to soothe their sore feet. After a while, they brought out their canned foods and started eating like hungry animals.
"If we go on like this, I'm pretty sure it'll take us more than a week to get to the capital." Binna spoke.
"Only if those creatures don't get on our way that much." Kate spoke. "If our journey goes smoothly, it'll take us five days. If it doesn't, more than five days just like what Lee said."
"This is really tiring." She added in frustration. "If the city close to the capital that has the second highest population of zombies in this country looks like this, I wonder how the capital that has the highest population of zombies look like." Frown and frustration could be seen limpid on her face.
They heaved a sigh knowing very well that she has a point. It's a bit difficult for them in this current city, then how will the capital be like.
"I think it's best if we think about that when we get to the capital. But for now, we have to think of how we should get out of here." Justin spoke.
"We should plan ahead."
"I know Binna. That will only add to our stress, but our main focus for now is getting out of here."
Binna roughly scratched her head and walked outside to clear her head for a while. She sat outside, staring at the dark sky.
"What is actually the matter?" Kate who just joined her asked. "I can see very clearly that you're also bothered about something else and not just what we're passing through."
She just sighed still staring at the plain dark sky.
"I'm a woman like you too Binna. You're older, I know, but it doesn't make me not to understand when my fellow woman is bothered about something. I know there's something else eating you up."
Silence flew pass them for a while and Binna's eyes were still glued on the dark sky. "My son. Before I was kidnapped, I stayed in a small village with my son and my parents. Ever since then, I haven't set eyes on him or my parents for five years." Her voice was breaking and tears were streaming down her face. "I just want to go back to him. He's my world." She sniffed. "So when Lee gave this offer, I had no other choice but to do it. I didn't even think twice either. All I thought about, all I saw, all I need is just to be with my son. I just want to see my son. I just want us to get done with this once and for all. I want to use the money and get him a better life and to pay for all the years I've not been with him. I just need my son so bad." More tears came streaming down her face and Kate hugged her from her side. "I'm failure. I've failed as a mother. I've failed my son. I..... "
"It's not your fault Binna." Patting her head as Binna kept weeping in her embrace. "It's not your fault. You're not a failure and never had been one to your son and mother hood. You've made a step I'm sure every mother out there will do for their child. You just took a more braver step not all mother's will do. Don't see yourself as a failure."
"I just want to see my son."
"I assure you, you will get to see him. Once we get out of here, our lives will go back to normal. You'll get too see your son and give him the life you thought you couldn't give to him."
She sniffed and unplugged the hug. "Thank you." She spoke now feeling better.
"You're welcome." She gave her a warm smile not reaching her eyes though.
"What about you? How did you end up with Lee?"
She turned her gaze to the open blank space and a little silence surrounded them. "I used to stay with my aunt after my parents died. I was maltreated a lot by her, her husband and her children. I became a rape victim severally by her husband and her first son." A tear flowed down, remembering everything clearly like it was only a day ago. "I've always dreamt of being a lawyer. I didn't have the money to go to school and my aunt and her family, didn't put me in one, hence, they treated me and used me as slaves. I only get to eat three days in a week. Once daily in those three days. And one day.... her husband lost her job. Things became more difficult for all of us." Her lips wobbled inwardly and more tears storming down. "They blamed me for everything. For their misfortunes." She sniffed and blinked her eyes severally. "Her husband fell ill one day and at that time, there was no money to take him to the hospital nor buy his medications. My aunt's friend, brought the idea of selling me out. She told my aunt it is the only to treat her husband since there was no money. My aunt... she didn't even think twice in doing so. I wanted to escape, but I was locked up in the basement till everything was set between her and the buyer. I pleaded my eyes out, but at the end... At the end, I ended with Lee." She wiped her tears on her cheeks. "I wasn't that affected when I joined those captives. There was no much difference between that place and my aunt's house. Used a sex toy, eating rotten food, over working.... I got used to all of it. So just like you Binna, I also didn't think twice in proceeding with this mission. I need the money. I need to pursue my dream as a lawyer. I need to start my life afresh."
Binna lightly dabbed her back. "I understand you, Kate. But don't worry, we'll all get out of her. We'll get our freedom back and start our lives afresh. You're going to be a lawyer and save many people out there who are just like you."
Kate wiped her tears and stared at Binna, smiling. "You'll also reunite with your son once all this is over. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."
Binna nodded. "We should go in." She spoke after she sighted a zombie from afar.
They went in and saw that the rest were already preparing themselves to sleep. Kate and Binna slept side by side like an elder and a younger sister.