Elder of the everlasting divine sect

Chapter 8: Missionary of the Everlasting Divine sect.

In Fire Phoenix city…

Three men were flying in the air right now, two of them were Le and Tyron, however the other was a man in his 30s to 40s who wore a simple grey robe, he was about 1.80 m tall and had brown short hair. His face was not really handsome but also not ugly, in the end he was pretty much looking average.

Though the man was flying just like Le and Tyron in air, he sweated heavily and seemed nervous, his hands were shaking thus he was trying to hold the shaking hit with his other shaking hand. In the end it didn't helped much, however.

"I'll give you a mission, however, you have to tell me your name first." Tyron said while releasing a menacing aura, Le couldn't help but sigh and laugh, right now he was just observing the scene.

It was obvious that Le was confident in Tyron.

"M-My name is Shao Kang, from the Shao family that is located in the Empire." Shao Kang replied to Tyron obediently, he wouldn't dare to lie in front of such a behemoth.

"Shao Kang, I'll give you a mission, you can reject or accept-" But before Tyron could finish his sentence Shao Kang already interrupted him by bowing and shouting:

"I accept." His words were clear and loud, however, Tyron then proceeded to continue with his sentence.

"I do really appreciate your willingness, but I accepting so fast could cost your life. Nonetheless, the mission would require you to leave your family, your own flesh and blood, are you willing ?" Tyron spoke as he reached out his hands and opened his palm.

"If you once accept there's no way back, Shao Kang." Tyron added trying to pressure Shao Kang.

"I-I can't accept Venerable Master." Shao Kang then replied, this time… he rejected Tyron and Le.

Le then smiled and then joined their conversation:

"Very well, so in the end you are not just a bootlicking dog ?" Le said in a surprised manner as Tyron and he began to laugh a bit, Shao Kang was confused as he stood there watching Le and Tyron laughing.

'What?' He thought to himself, when he rejected he was ready to die, though these behemoths of cultivators could make him breakthrough the Soul Formation realm so easy as eating… He was not ready to leave his entire family, the family that provided him with resources and was loyal to him. Therefore he was simply paying back his debts.

"I, Tai Zun, will accept you as one of the Everlasting Divine sect elders." Le said while looking at Tyron, he simply smiled and nodded giving Le the permission to say so, in the end the two of them were a duo and thus Le couldn't just appoint who he wanted without communicating.

Shao Kang was perplexed…

"Everlasting Divine Sect? Elder?

Venerable Masters what do you mean?" He asked, what in the hell just happened from one of the other moment he became a elder?

"Let me explain, this world has many people like you. Arrogant cause of their own strange though their strength is remarkable it is only remarkable until someone appears who's stronger.

It's the nature of cultivation or at least many sects and schools teach so.

The stronger reigns over the weak.

It's a well known fact in the cultivation world, though yes it is right, it shouldn't direct ones path, most people are reaching their bottlenecks because of 2 reasons, lacking talent/resources and lacking a nature.

To become someone big in the world of cultivation one has to find their own nature, me as a example I am fierce and heated always looking for a good fight, Tai Zun however he's different he is more low-key and calm.

But if one does not find their own nature and only is a dog to those who are stronger, those cannot reach their full potential.

Your own nature is something thats in you nothing you just copy, you can't be like these young masters today, they only know:

"The stronger reign over the weak" Thats not who they are, that is what they want to be, but thats simply not enough when one wants to cross the line between a mortal cultivator and a immortal cultivator.

A good cultivator knows much about cultivation a great cultivator however knows much about themselves and thus can reach greater heights." Tyron explained, of course, everything he said was not really true, like that he was so fierce and looking for a fight. However, this Shao Kong did show much of his character by showing loyalty to his clan and not be a bootlicking dog.

"Shao Kang, your clan how formidable is it and don't be humble about it." Le asked, although Le understood Tyrons way of thinking and agreed that Shao Kang showed a great character by being loyal to his clan. Nonetheless Le had also some plans, in the end Le's true nature was not just calm but also cunning or at least to some extend.

"If you allow me and tell me I won't dare…

My clan is one of the 5 royal clan that has a history of 3.000 years, we have even produced Void Shattering experts, like Sword King Shao Wu who was well known through the entire Azure Dragon Continent.

And in this century we have also produced an Soul Formation expert!

But one of the reasons why my clan is one of the royal clans, is our young core.

Most of our direct disciples have the bloodline of a flood dragon thus making them proficient in cultivation of beast manuals, not just that, the bloodline is always strong in direct disciples thus making them into monstrous geniuses.

One for example would be Shao Long, the Dragon Warrior, he's only 16 and has already reached the 8th stage of the Golden Core realm making him one of the top geniuses in the empire." Shao Kang explained while proudly looking in the directions of the empire.

"Oh thats interesting, Shao Kang do you remember the mission I wanted to give you?" Tyron asked while grinning.

To be continued, thanks for reading, if you enjoyed this chapter please leave a comment :D and add it to your library, eventually even voting with a power stone.