Shao Family

Chapter 9: Shao Family

"The mission Venerable Master wanted to give me ?" Shao Kang said while he recalled the memory, Tyron indeed wanted to give him a mission however, he did interrupted him before and therefore Tyron couldn't give him the mission.

"Yes, it's about your family or moreover it does regard the empire.

At first it was only the empire, but now that you have mentioned the standing of your family in the empire… It does open us some doors.

Shao Kang what I will tell you now, is a top secret matter." Tyron explained to him, before making a little pause to breathe, he then proceeded to continue:

"Well, it's about the Everlasting Divine Sect, first of all Tai Zun has already named you a elder, though now you still need to accept.

But now back to the actual goal of the mission, I want you to me a messenger or a missionary for our sect, go to the higher ups of your family and tell them that they should gather the top geniuses in their family.

At first I thought it would be a good idea to involve the whole empire but now that I think about it, it was quite foolish." Tyron explained, Shao Kang nodded as he replied:

"Venerable Master, how can I reject such an invitation, although I have one concern.

If I join the sect, can I still have contact to my family? Although I will be loyal to the sect… the family has really helped me in my cultivation though I know master Tai has raised my cultivation to the Soul Formation realm-" But before Shao Kang was able to end his sentence Le waved with his hands and said:

"Of course, if we would forbid you to have contact to your sect you would have held some grudge, that would only destroy your loyalty."

"Oh… Okay, I thank you master Tai.

Nonetheless, now that I think about it, the mission I have received… Won't the higher ups question it if I would just gather the top geniuses ?" Shao Kang turned around to Tyron then and asked, though he knew how strong and powerful these two masters were, how would his higher ups know ?

"First of all, you have suddenly become a Soul Formation realm, I think that's a good reason or at least quite the convincing reason. And if that not works I will give you this." Tyron explained to him, suddenly he opened his palms and out of his dharmic energy a small dragon was created, and it flew towards Shao Kang, it then turned around to Tyron and said:

"Overlord please bestow me a name…"

"I'll name you Hao Cao, its your mission to accompany this one called Shao Kang. Take care if him and if anything happens you can use your true form." Tyron commanded, the dragon then obediently nodded and flew above Shao Kang's head.

"Si Xiang and me will now go to a place… We have an appointment if you could say so.

Shao Kang, in 3 days we'll come back and then I hope that you succeeded. You then will be rewarded handsomely." Le said as he pierced through space with his finger and opened a dimensional gate. He and Tyron then went through, leaving Shao Kang and Hao Cao back.

"What… Teleportation ?" Shao Kang thought meanwhile Hao Cao shook his little head and corrected:

"This was no teleportation, it was a spacial gate. As long as one knows where to go he can open a spacial crack in space opening a dimensional gate."

"Ah, I see…" Shao Kang replied, looking at the small dragon who was flying above his head, he then shrugged it off and began it fly towards the empire. It was quite a long light, however with his current cultivation realm it would be not a problem for him to arrive at the empire in 1 to 3 hours depending on his stamina.

After flying for a bit he then saw a figure from afar, the figure had a clear black robe and carried a sword in its hand, as he got closer one more figure appeared, it wore a mask with horns on them and had a armor made out of fur.

'Are they fighting?' Shao Kang thought, and soon enough he was sure.

"They are fighting!" He said to himself, knowing that his headline was only 3 days he would do anything to avoid interruptions. Therefore he simply tried to fly a other way, but nonetheless of the fact that he wanted to keep a distance the figure with the black robe followed him.

As he noticed he tried to fly faster, but just as he did so did the figure.

'Why are you dragging me into that!' Shao Kang thought while looking back every few meters.

"Hao Cao, it's possible that I need your help… My stamina is pretty much drained. I couldn't t get too familiar with the Soul Formation realm thus I had such problems, but its also this black robbed figure fault! It keeps following me.

It is possible for you to open a spacial gate ?"

Hao Cao then revealed itself as he replied:

"Well I can open one the problem is that I cant control it like Overlord Tai Zun or Si Xiang… We could end up in the middle of the no where.

Another thing I could do is kill them."

Shao Kang sighed, he didn't knew whether he should laugh or cry…

"I can't just kill some random, if they belong to a big family it would only bring trouble.

But if they keep chasing me I will have to kill them… But I have no other choice, do you think we can somehow escape?" Shao Kang asked again although he knew the answer.

"No! Its either we killing them or we escaping through a spacial gate its really the only way. The Overlords said I can use my full power in order to protect you however once I do this I disappear, meaning you don't have any backing for when you are meeting up with the higher ups of your family!" Hao Cao explained as fast as he could… Shao Kangs expression changed as he could feel the two auras behind him, how much stamina would these two have left?!

"Fuck it… Hao Cao use it!"

To be continued.

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