Did you eat the alien Viagra?

Namely normal level, leader level, and boss level monsters. There is a big difference between the three, not only in hp value, but also in toughness, and skills.

This leader gets the name green, representing that this guy can already explode green elite-level equipment.

Slime General, is an elite monster. Compared to the ordinary Slime, this guy is very powerful. General Slime's hp value and defense far exceed those of ordinary metal Slimes, and General Slime's attacks do not stop, unlike ordinary Slimes.

Zhouyi is not an ordinary player, he did not hesitate and launched an attack on the Slime General. The short sword made of boar's tusk stabbed directly at the round Slime.


If there were no Boar's Tusk as a basic weapon, Zhouyi would probably not have been able to break the Slime's armor. But it was all in Zhouyi's expectation, as long as he could do damage to this guy, Zhouyi had the confidence to defeat this monster.

Zhouyi kept adjusting his position to avoid having his body intact in front of the Slime General. The Slime General was much faster than the Slime. Zhouyi had to be careful to prevent himself from being killed in one second.

General Slime's hp is 2000, but it is dropping under Zhouyi's continuous attacks. The rounded Slime had no way of dealing with the nimble Zhouyi, and could only keep taking hits.

Zhouyi's pace looks like a simple movement, but in fact, it is a special skill to deal with large monsters and always stand on the side of the monster. It is not easy to do, without other people to distract the monster, it is almost impossible to never appear in front of the monster.

But, it is not completely impossible. Zhouyi was confident that he could do it.

Against such a stupid monster, in addition to taking a lot of time, difficult to defeat Zhouyi. As time continued to pass, the Slime General let out a miserable wail and fell to the ground.

[You have defeated General Slime! Level up! You gain 2 free attribute points.]

General Slime let out a sad cry and fell to the ground.

Zhouyi was somewhat looking forward to the last time he checked what this big guy had left behind.

[Metal Slime Metal Battle Armor] (Green elite plate armor)

[Use requirements: lv5, strength not less than 15]

[Defense +32, physique +2. Durability 50/50.]

[Description: Battle armor made with the metal essence left behind by General Slime, is extremely strong, because of the blacksmith's poor craftsmanship, it has not yet fully exploited the full power of this armor.]

This is extremely powerful battle armor, with strong defensive power. After killing countless just Lai Mu, Zhouyi's level also came to level 5, can use this thick plate armor.

In the legend online, plate armor is more suitable for knights, knights are warriors who have chosen to constantly strengthen their defense, they do not choose to hide in the face of monsters, but stand in front of them and resist the monsters' attacks.

In addition to this sword plate armor, the monster also left behind a herb.

[Herb growing on an iron block: green material. Can be used directly to increase defense by 30 points in the next hour.]

This was a rare herb, and Zhouyi could be sure that the apothecary would like this.

Only these were two items. The monsters in Legends Online were a bunch of stingy guys.

After eliminating all the monsters, Zhouyi began to collect iron ore. Players have limited backpacks, so Zhouyi filled his backpack and returned to the small village.

There was no one at the blacksmith store, although the blacksmith store had weapons for sale, every player who had seen the price of these weapons would curse the crooked merchant.

"Mr. Blacksmith, I've brought iron ore! Your price will surely satisfy me."

The blacksmith stopped his hammer and wiped his sweat: "Of course, I swear on the name of the God of the furnace, my price, is the highest in the village!"

Zhouyi cursed this treacherous merchant in his heart to be abandoned by the God of the Furnace immediately. There is only one blacksmith in this village, indeed there is no second person to pay a higher price for iron ore.

Zhouyi took out all the hematite ore, the blacksmith nodded in satisfaction: "You are a warrior, I require a large batch of iron ore to forge weapons and defense against the coming beast wave. I bid ten copper coins a unit for iron ore."

"A reasonable price." Zhouyi accepted the blacksmith's money bag, which contained five silver coins and 60 copper coins.

"Then do you need the mineral remains left by these Slimes?" Zhouyi said.

The blacksmith said, "The remnants left by the Slimes? Those metals are of little use, but if you want to sell them to me, 1 no copper coin per copy is a reasonable price."

"Are you kidding me? I need a more sincere price." Zhouyi cursed the treacherous merchant in his heart again while the smile on his face did not disappear.

"You're an insider, it's a hurtful thing to do business with someone like you. You need to buy me a big glass of beer before we can continue the deal. I'll give you 1 silver coin per copy of this material."

This kind of Slime residue metal block, Zhouyi's hands have dozens of pieces, did not hesitate, he handed all these metal materials to the blacksmith.

Perhaps this kind of metal material in the hands of the blacksmith can be sold at a higher price. But the price of a silver coin is enough to satisfy Zhouyi.

When the player's level increases, the price of this material will drop significantly. At that time, this kind of material can be recovered for 20 copper coins at most.

The game quit Zhouyi rinsed his face with water. He immediately felt a lot more refreshed. Now he can't stay in the game all the time. He had friends.

He called a phone number: "Robert, I guess you didn't miss that game, right?"

"Of course, I'm a professional game expert! I smell money in this game, and maybe a month later, I'll have gotten a new car."

Zhouyi laughed out loud, "If you're a professional game expert, then you should go on the dole right away."

"You guys, you don't have any sense of your humor. You should have called me for more than just to ruin my good mood, right? What, did you get the secret of the game? Since your car accident three months ago, you seem to have become a different person. Not only have you become super lucky, but it's also your body that has become super strong. You must have eaten alien Viagra! If I could, I would like to have one!"

"If there is such a thing, please prepare one for me too. However, it's really something to call you. I want to form a team to fight together in Legend Online. I don't think you will refuse."

"Of course my brother. We are the best of friends. We are the strongest bounty hunter combination. Even the strongest gaming union, Eden, needs us."