My equipment is looking for its brother, where is its brother?

Robert's ability in combat is unreasonable if you say it is not at all. But if compared to his ability in exploring and gathering information, his fighting ability is really not worth mentioning.

So Zhouyi needs him as a guy.

In the last game, the two are the famous "13th mercenary". They ask for a high price, but as long as they undertake the mission, no one will suspect that the mission will fail.

"You're in Utopia Village, your current level is 5, where are you? How many levels are you? I hope to see you before I finish my second transfer, which is level 20."

"What a stupid thing you are saying, my friend. I'm currently exploring a big secret about the novice village! And I'm already level seven. When I leave the Novice Village, you'll be level 8, and you'll be considered a winner."

"What secrets can there be in the novice village? The village chief's chicken was robbed by thieves? Or the blacksmith stole the apothecary's underwear?"

Chatted idly with Robert for a few minutes.

"What's your id name? Or is it Robin Hood?"

"What are you talking about in your sleep my brother. Legends Online, everyone can only use their real name. You're not using your name as your id again, are you? There is a second one in this world"

Zhouyi hung up the phone. At the beginning of the game. Every second was and is precious. Zhouyi wasted all this time, not only contacting his old friends but also having a good meal.

Robert was an expert in searching for information, and, being able to detect the existence of the treasure in the novice village, Zhouyi could only express his admiration. But as a reborn person, he knew something that would not be less than Robert.

Enter the game. Zhouyi's original attributes are far beyond ordinary people, after equipping two pieces of equipment, if an unequipped level five player wants to deal with him, Zhouyi can guarantee that the guy must feel that his level is a little too high.

In the game Legend Online, if you are killed, your level will be reduced.

After emptying his backpack, Zhouyi had about 80 silver coins in his hand, he went to the store and was ready to buy recovery potions.

The store's owner was a kindly old man with a snow-white beard, squinting eyes, and a smile that never stopped on his face.

"Warrior, look at the equipment on you, you know you must not be an ordinary person, I wonder what you want to write? , we have skills, potions, and materials here. Each and every one of them is worth every penny!"

"What do you have here?"

"Please take a look, there must be something you like."

The store really has a lot of good things.

[Weapon Strengthening: white skill, learning requirement: lv3 or above, warrior-based profession. Effect: When you attack an enemy with a weapon other than a shield, you early into an additional 10% damage. The effect lasts for 2 minutes. Every minute consumes 10 points of mp value, you can though off. Cooldown 5 minutes.]

[Flame Reinforcement: white skill, learning requirements: lv5 or higher, the intelligence of no less than 5 points, warrior-based profession. Effect: All your attacks deal extra fire damage, the increased damage depends on your intelligence attribute. However, the increased damage will always be between 5% and 20%. Duration: 1 minute. Each use consumes 20 points of mp and has a cooldown of 8 minutes.]

[Small hp recovery potion: restores 100 points of hp value in 10 seconds pinch. Requirements for use: players who are not fully simulated.]

[Small mp recovery potion: Recover 20 points of mp value in 10 seconds. Use requirements: not fully simulated players.]

In addition to these, there are some miscellaneous items that Zhouyi can't use.

"I need weapon strengthening, and hp potions, how much is it?" Zhouyi asked.

The old man of the store replied with a smile, "10 silver coins for weapon strengthening, and 5 silver coins for a bottle of hp recovery potion."

"I want that skill and 16 bottles of hp recovery potion."

"Sure, 90 silver coins! How generous."

Zhouyi was a little annoyed that the price of these items was obliquely reduced by 10 times after getting out of the novice village. But he had something as important to do, so he could only put up with this treacherous merchant.

Leaving Utopia Village, the players at the village gate finally dispersed. And the wilderness where the boars would be refreshed, players shouted and kept getting stunned by the boars' charge and then sent back to the village by the boars.

After the boar wilderness, there is the Slime colony. Players came here and punched and kicked at the metal slimes. But Metal Slimes are thick-skinned, it's not hard to defeat them, but it will take a lot more time if you don't have enough attacking ability.

"You guy, wearing what should be Slime battle armor, right? When did you defeat the Slime General?" A player spotted Zhouyi who was wearing Slime Battle Armor and shouted.

Many people had spotted Zhouyi. All were attracted by the attraction of the plain battle armor on him.

Although the Slime Battle Armor didn't look cool enough, it could be a genuine piece of plate armor. The rough iron wrapped Zhouyi tightly, and it was clear from a glance that this guy was not to be messed with.

"Our squad needs your equipment, and I can give you $1000 if you're willing to sell it to me." A player said with his head held high and in a voice that brooked no doubt.

"How about I give you $1,000 and sell me this Slime Leg Guard of yours?" Zhouyi said with a smile.

The Slime Battle Armor was only worth $50 at most after 10 hours, maybe 5 hours. But now, its price is hard to estimate.

"You know, brother. There are other ways to get a piece of equipment than trading it. I do not like to use that method, in fact, I will not refuse to use that method. Because there are always some people who are excessively crazy and unpleasant."

The man who wanted to buy the Slime Battle Armor waved his hand, and his team members instantly surrounded Zhouyi.

"In another half an hour, the Slime General might be refreshed, so why must you want my defense gear? I will be very unhappy if you do that. But, even though I say that, I'm actually happy, bro. My Slime Battle Armor is calling for his brother, and I don't mind helping my Slime Battle Armor find his brother."

The crowd burst into a fury.

"Kill him! Let him start practicing again and also let him get to know the world properly." His team members immediately stripped out their weapons and attacked Zhouyi.

[You have been attacked by a player! You are now in a state of unlimited self-defense rights! Players who attack you for no reason deal 40% less damage to you, and when you kill a player who attacks you, you will receive no penalty for sin and will definitely receive one of their sword equipment, one item, and 20% gold!

Legends Online does not encourage players to fight each other to grab equipment. Once you initiate an attack on a player's magic weapon, the penalty is quite severe.



Two players directly hit Zhouyi who could not dodge in time. It was a good thing that these players had given all their equipment to their leader. They didn't have good equipment, their weapons, all of them were just wooden sticks. Zhouyi's defense had 48 points, and this group of players with an average level of only 3, only players with higher levels and all free attribute points increased in strength could deal damage to Zhouyi who was wearing Slime Battle Armor.

As for the low level, or not all free attribute points are used to increase the strength of the player, it is completely unable to hurt Zhouyi, and can only cause a little painless damage. Even if the damage is already very low, but also again by the active attack penalty, and then an additional 40% reduction in damage.

And Zhouyi's hp value was up to 548 points, this damage was directly ignored by him. Zhouyi carried the boar's tusk and stabbed directly at a mage player.


The mage player directly shouted in horror: "Holy shit! This guy did 84 points of damage to me with one sword, one more and I'm going to die!"

The mage's body is very fragile compared to the warrior's. This mage was only level 3 and only had 250 life points, Zhouyi's short sword cut his hp value by one-third at once, he was terrified.

"What kind of monster is this? This guy's attack power is over 100 points! The blood is also terribly high, to less than 400 points!"

"It's a monster! What am I fighting a thing?"

Just as the mage player was surprised, Zhouyi's short sword slashed across his neck. Fatal damage floated up.


As the mage froze, Zhouyi activated his new skill, Weapon Enhancement. In one fell swoop, the mage player was sent back to the novice village, at his lv-1.

The chief who wanted to buy equipment was also anxious, this guy's attack power was a bit beyond expectations. The chief asked these players to help PK, if they die, the chief will have to bear the loss.

"You guys get out of the way! Watch me!"