
"I choose Berserker."

Zhouyi did not take much time to choose his profession. Zhouyi did not mind using heavy weapons to fight, on the contrary, he very much enjoyed wearing heavy plate armor, using a huge sword, and directly charging through the enemy's formation.

And choose berserker, because the berserker is more applicable to the venue, no matter how harsh the environment, gunpowder against a berserker, without paying enough to do so.

"Berserker? This is a career that only warriors can choose. No strong enough defenses. Also need to fight at close range." Rather, he praised Zhouyi.

Although he would praise everyone who came to switch jobs.

"If I want to switch jobs, I need a gold coin, and the soul of a skeleton warrior, as well as three materials of green grade or higher. Preferably herbs, or equipment."

[Whether to accept the quest "New Power!" ?]

Zhouyi, of course, chose to accept.

"Where can I obtain the soul of a skeleton warrior?"

Before his reincarnation, the first city Zhouyi chose was not Moon City. Now that he came to Moon City, he was also a bit confused.

"Go and defeat the Skeleton Soldier, after rank killing a hundred Skeleton Soldiers, you will be able to meet the Skeleton Warrior."

"Sounds like a bad guy to deal with, can you tell me more information about this guy?"

Rather shrugged: "Of course not, the warrior is a profession that requires a brain, the difference will only set fire to the mage, as a warrior you need to learn to think."

Mage career mentor immediately disdainful: "elegant mage, do not have to ask the monster's body stink IE, you can elegantly solve all the battles. And the warrior, with one carelessness, is going to die, my friend! Choosing to become a warrior must be your life made to do ridiculous decisions. When you are wrapped in bandages, you will certainly regret today's decision. But by that time, it will be too late."

Zhouyi undertook the task and said with a smile, "I do not snake and become a mage, if I can become a mage, I can hardly refuse."

The mage career tutor said condescendingly, "Indeed, we can't blame those who don't have magical talent. We should be a little more forgiving. After all, mages have received more from the heavens."

Zhouyi looked at this awful old man and actually didn't know what to say.

The mage might be a more noble profession for NPCs. But for players, choosing a mage is just a choice out of gameplay.

If a mage player said he was nobler than a warrior player, there would be ten teams marching through his yard every day.

Walking out of the transfer hall, it was time to deal with the skeleton soldiers next.

When you walk out of Moon City, there are skeleton soldiers roaming outside the field, and it doesn't take too much time for players to find this guy.

The skeleton soldier wears tattered battle armor and holds a rusty short sword and shield in his hand, which just looks bad to deal with.

[Skeleton Soldier lv12] (white normal level monster)


[Description: A soldier who died on the battlefield, after being revived by a strange power, can still use some of the skills he used in life.

I can't believe it has skills, it's very bad to deal with.

Zhouyi slashed at the skeleton soldier with his sword, and the skeleton soldier's tattered skeleton head was directly cut down by half.

The attack power of the wolf claw was quite strong.

The skeleton soldier did not die, the bones of the jaw opened and closed, seemingly emitting an inaudible war cry, and the short sword in his hand also slashed directly at Zhouyi, who did not block or dodge, but directly resisted the attack.


[You have received an armor-breaking blow from the Skeleton Warrior! You have taken 149 points of damage, your armor has been reduced by 10%, and armor durability damage has been increased by 10% for 1 minute]

"Holy fuck! This bunch of dogs!" Zhouyi instantly felt an overwhelming headache.

Skills that specialize in dealing with armor, this kind of skill does not do much damage, but every player would be very disgusted by such skills.

Repairing equipment, that requires gold coins!

Easily dodging the skeleton soldier's next attack, Zhouyi chopped off the skeleton soldier's head with one sword.

The skeleton soldier's head burned with two groups of ghost fire, Zhouyi directly cut off the skeleton soldier's head, and the skeleton soldier's body directly stopped moving, at the same time, the skeleton soldier's hp also began to drop rapidly until it fell to 0, the tragic white skeleton scattered all over the ground.

As the lowest level undead creature, the skeleton soldier is very fragile and has a very obvious weakness.

[You have gained the Skeleton Soldier's Soul Flame!

The fallen skeleton soldier left nothing but a small flame, but Zhouyi was unsure of its usefulness.

Next, it was a simple repetition of the action. Side dodge the broken short sword, wolf claws directly to the skeleton soldier's neck cut. By cutting the neck, the skeleton soldiers will die in a short time, if you attack their bodies directly, 3000 points of hp, it will take quite a bit of time.

When the 100th skeleton soldier fell, an even bigger skeleton stood up from the graveyard, it wielded a huge and tattered giant sword with one hand and stared at the human who disturbed his peaceful sleep.