Skeleton Warrior

[Skeleton Warrior lv20] (Blue Commander level monster)


[Description: The soul of a strong person as well as far away, but the powerful body, still makes its fighting ability very scary.

This guy was Zhouyi's target, and Zhouyi launched an attack directly at this guy.


Defense is even stronger than the Skeleton Warrior, Zhouyi immediately gave up on clearing the Skeleton Warrior's hp, apparently, it was easier to decapitate his head.

The height of the skeleton warrior caused Zhouyi a lot of trouble, and the skeleton warrior's bones are very hard, wolf claws want to cut through the skeleton warrior, but it is very difficult.

Even with the use of weapon enhancements, it was difficult to deal with this guy. The skeleton warrior is immune to almost all of Zhouyi's attacks, wielding a large sword in his hand and slashing like crazy.

Zhouyi had the idea of blocking the worn-out sword, but hearing the wind sound from the sword, he decisively chose to give up this crazy idea.

He now has only one weapon, if the durability goes to zero, wanting to deal with this guy, is impossible. Zhouyi was sure that his fist could not hurt the bones of the skeleton warrior. Even if it leaves a scratch on it.

The skeleton warrior's bones are definitely a bit harder than iron.


Zhouyi backed up while using his weapon to leave wounds on the skeleton warrior's body. The huge size made it difficult for Zhouyi to attack its vital points, but likewise, the skeleton warrior also had difficulty attacking Zhouyi. Zhouyi is too flexible and always seems to be able to anticipate the direction of the skeleton warrior's giant sword swing and dodge it in advance.

This is not precognitive ability, but in countless battles to figure out from which the enemy is most likely to attack, belongs to the judgment of seasoned warriors.

The skeleton warrior's seniority is not high, and can only keep waving the giant sword in silence, and then fall short again and again.

In the mid domain, its hp dropped to 50%.

Zhouyi got nervous all of a sudden.

The previous monsters dealt with are all minor characters, even the void monster Carter, does not have the skills. But Skeleton Yong's level was as high as level 20, it definitely had a rather terrifying skill!

"Unforgivable!" The Skeleton Warrior let out a huge roar as the giant sword in its hand emerged with a dotted red light, and before long, his giant sword turned into a vicious giant blade burning with blazing flames.

The skeleton warrior thrust the flaming sword to the earth, Zhouyi hurriedly dodged back and jumped, then pulled his legs and ran.

In the place where Zhouyi stood, the ground spewed out raging flames, Zhouyi dodged in a hurry, a huge -563!

Wounded by the contact! Vicious to this!

It is really too terrible, Zhouyi sighed while running around the skeleton warrior, the spurt of flames did not hurt Zhouyi again.

The flames subsided, but the flames on the skeleton warrior's hand on the great sword did not disappear, the skeleton warrior continued to swing the great sword and began to attack.

The giant sword burning with flames is even more terrifying, because of the greedy attack, Zhouyi is slightly close to that giant sword, and immediately by the rising flames took away 20 life points.

Just a little closer, will lose life value.

If it was a group of lv10 ordinary players to deal with the skeleton warriors, Zhouyi could already think of the blood flowing into a river. Zhouyi is sure that with the skill of spewing flames from the ground, the average player team might just collapse. The warrior standing in front of the team to fend off damage went, then the fragile mage is obviously difficult to survive from the swing of this giant sword.

Only while backing up, while pulling this monster to fight. And in the distance, on the walls of the Moon City, some soldiers spotted Zhouyi who was standing and tangling with the skeleton warrior.

"Look! There's a little thing that went to challenge the Skeleton Warrior! I can't believe it's not dead yet, and it's already forcing the Skeleton Warrior to release its own skills!"

The soldier did not mince words and praised Zhouyi's bravery.

"The battle line is tight, it's good to have some powerful adventurers to fill the gap in the battle line! Being able to deal with skeleton warriors is barely a usable fighting force." The captain guarding the city walls also nodded his head in approval.

For these senior NPCs guarding the city walls, dealing with skeleton warriors was nothing. What made them feel happy was that there was finally a new battle force to start supporting.

As warriors, dying in battle is not something to be feared. But it would only be more damaging to know that what you are guarding has forgotten you and that your guard is completely meaningless.

"As long as the support keeps coming, in just half a month, we can bury all these damn things where they belong!" The soldier looked at the ghost fires floating outside the city with some disdain.

"Alright! Patrol carefully! Since there are human adventurers to support them, is it possible that the undead has adventurer support too? These skeletons are not easy to deal with! Don't be careless! Don't be careless!"

The captain reprimanded his soldiers, then continued to watch Zhouyi running around with the skeleton warriors, many skeleton soldiers were burned to ashes by the skeleton warriors' flaming greatswords.

There were even more skeleton soldiers taken out by the skeleton warriors than by Zhouyi, the skeletons were afraid of flames, and the flame greatsword was effective against the skeleton soldiers!

Unfortunately, there was no way for Zhouyi to benefit from these mistreated skeleton soldiers, or else Zhouyi was sure he would have been able to level up to 11.

The skeleton warrior's hp quickly fell to 20%, the skeleton warrior once again ignited the great sword in his hand, the great sword thrust into the ground, a huge jet of flame, I don't know how many skeleton soldiers were burnt into charred bone fragments by the raging flame.

"Too powerful, I can guarantee that even the Holy Priest, killing these skeleton soldiers is not as fast as you!"

Zhouyi earnestly praised the big guy.

The skeleton warrior could not realize this, or rather, even if it realized this, it would not have hesitated. Skeleton soldiers only, in the output of the undead territory, countless skeleton soldiers can be produced every day.

When a farmer sows pesticide and accidentally kills a few wheat plants, the farmer doesn't feel guilty, he only thinks, is this pesticide effective enough?

The first time was not able to kill Zhouyi, the second time want to kill Zhouyi, it is even more impossible. This time, the flame did not touch Zhouyi, Zhouyi calmly dodged all the damage.

The short sword cut through the body of the skeleton warrior, the skeleton warrior roared reluctantly and fell to the ground.