God's Familiar

It is always exciting to fight a monster, but it is certainly more exciting to reap the fruits of victory.

[Skeleton Warrior's Soul: Blue material. Contains great energy, the soul of a strong man roars, if this energy can be emitted, it seems that one's power can be increased again.]

[Blood Irrigated Flower: Blue material, can be used directly, restores 20% of hp value after use.] [Blood Irrigated Flower: Blue material, can be used directly, restores 20% of hp value after use.

[Skeleton Warrior's Greatsword] (Green elite-level weapon)

[Use requirements: lv15, strength not less than 55 points, with skills: heavy weapon

[Attack power +180 points, strength +15

[Description: A huge sword that must be used with both hands, with an attack power beyond imagination.

Another stingy guy, actually only another sword green equipment. Zhouyi was not disappointed, after all, he only needed the mission materials. Unexpectedly he also got a special item, herbs that can pay a percentage of remittance life value. If you want to transfer, you need three green grade items that can percentage restore life value is very valuable. As the game continues to develop, the value of this item will only get higher.

Where should I get another green grade item from?

Returning to the transfer hall, Zhouyi walked up to his mentor: "I have killed the Skeleton Warrior and obtained the Skeleton Warrior's soul. I also harvested some skeleton soldiers' souls, but I don't know what these souls do."

"If you can't defeat the Skeleton Warrior, then collect enough Skeleton Soldier souls and I can still help you complete the transfer."


The mentor took the skeleton warrior's soul and continued, "Of course, it's best if you can defeat the skeleton warrior. But it's not easy to defeat the Skeleton Warrior. When your level exceeds the Skeleton Warrior, or more than one Warrior hurts the Skeleton Warrior, then the Skeleton Warrior will not yield the Skeleton Warrior's soul."

Zhouyi shrugged his shoulders, "Then it seems I'm good. Not bad where should I go to find blue grade materials?"

"There's no need. If you have the soul of a skeleton warrior, then give me the soul of a skeleton soldier again. A certain amount of energy is needed for the transformation. The extra material is only a requirement for those weak people who can only synthesize a skeleton warrior's soul using a skeleton soldier's soul. The strong ones should always have some special rights."

[Congratulations on completing the quest!

[You have successfully transformed into a Berserker!

Do you use the item "Hero's Recognition"?

You have changed your profession to a special one, Dragon Slayer. You will unlock special skills, and your upgrade difficulty has increased! Your upgrade experience requirement is 200% of the normal profession!

Golden light enveloped Zhouyi, and the career mentor felt dizzy seeing this golden light.

"Oh my god, what is this? A golden glow, this should be the glow belonging to the gods! A newbie adventurer has actually completed the God's Trial? How is this possible!"


The golden light rushed directly into the sky, and everyone who saw this golden light felt warm and comfortable.

"Holy shit! God's light, actually appearing on a warrior's body, this is a mage's humiliation!"

The warrior profession instructor laughed loudly, "You should be more elegant! My friend!"

Zhouyi gently clenched his fist, and the new power made his body seem like it was going to explode. This feeling of being all filled with power was something he hadn't had in a long time.

[Congratulations! You have changed your rank to "Dragon Slayer"! Every time you upgrade, you will gain an additional 2 attribute points and 100 hp points! Each point of your strength will boost your attack power by 10 points, each point of your physique will boost your hp value by 6 points, your defense power by 5 points, and your attack power by 2 points. Each point of your wisdom and spirit will raise 15 points of magic resistance.

[You acquire the skills: Dragon Slayer, Dragon Slayer's Wrath, Dragon Slayer's Intelligence, Dragon Slayer's Power]

Dragon Slayer: You deal extra damage against dragon enemies, damage depends on your level and increases by 1% per level.

[Dragon Slayer's Wrath: Your mp value is replaced with rage value, and the incoming one that uses mp value will also be replaced with using rage value. Every attack you make or damage you take will raise your rage value, and you can consume all of your rage value at once to significantly strengthen your next skill. The more Rage you consume, the greater the skill enhancement!

[Dragon Slayer's Intelligence: Your intelligence will always be no less than half of your strength.] [Dragon Slayer's Intelligence: Your intelligence will always be no less than half of your strength.

Dragon Slayer's Strength: This skill is treated as a "heavy weapon". You can use two-handed weapons, and when your strength is greater than the strength requirement for two heavy weapons, you can equip two heavy weapons.

God, from the base, is far stronger than half of the profession. As you level up, this gap will grow.

Berserker will only gain an extra point of attribute and 50 points of hp value for each upgrade, and no point of power will only boost attack power by 6 points.

In addition to these basic attributes, the gap in skills is even greater! Especially dual-wielding heavy weapons. The killing power of heavy weapons far exceeds that of light weapons, if you can equip two, then Zhouyi's killing power will break through the sky!

The lv15 green greatsword already has an attack power of 180+150, a full 330 points of attack, if equipped with two, that is 660 points of attack, at the same time, and then calculate the base strength, Zhouyi reached lv15, his damage per attack will exceed 1000!

Mage profession, Zhouyi only needs one hit to solve. After all, mages will only gain 70 points of hp for each upgrade.

If not beyond the limits of humans, and what qualification to stand in front of the giant dragon? Dragon slayers, even giant dragons are able to kill, humans, as simple as puncturing a balloon.

The career advancement was over, and the warrior career instructor immediately asked, "My God! Have you already completed God's Trial when you were still a newbie adventurer? How did you do that!"

The mage profession tutor also asked, "Ever considered becoming a mage? Believe me, you can definitely achieve more in the profession of a mage."

The two career instructors started arguing, and Zhouyi was somewhat silent. These two did not seem to care about what they thought.

At this time, a soldier walked in: "Who has become a God's Familiar? The city lord wants to see him."

Zhouyi said, "It's me. I happen to want to see the City Lord as well, someone entrusted me to deliver an item to the City Lord."

The one Zhouyi was talking about was the knight at the edge of the ancient battlefield. He once handed Zhouyi a medal, but unfortunately, this medal was limited to knights only to use the equipment. By handing this medal to the city lord, he would be able to obtain the heavy duty. Zhouyi was not able to cross the ancient battlefield intact and only arrived at the center of the ancient battlefield. I don't know if the city lord will acknowledge this no medal.

It does not matter if it is not acknowledged, he is now a god-level professional, I believe the city lord will not let himself go on a mission like finding a lost cat or taking out a wild dog that has gone berserk.

What you have to worry about is that if the city lord trusts you too much and lets you go to the depths of the realm of the dead and die directly to the emperor, that's when you'll be in big trouble.