Chapter 1:sleeping Beauty

"ROXANNE" I heard my mom call me" it not yet morning, mom"i said with a sleeping voice "it 6:30am" my mom said 'really'. I reached out for my phone [6:35am] 'jeez, Mr sleep' suddenly left my eyes, I was now fully awake. It my first day at a new school, I can't be late' I said to my self. I picked up my bathroom kits and ran to the bathroom, which was next door. My little sister Rachel was in there. I knew because she posted it on the door. 'Rachel is in here, Don't disturb' "Rachel please can you come out a gonna be late for school, and you know it my first day in a new school. First impression matters, please Rachel" I said begging her "Good morning sleeping beauty, it looks like prince charming didn't kiss you on time" Rachel said back sarcastically "Rachel, please am gonna be late, please help a sister in need" I said begging her "Am doing my morning tiktok Tutorial which I #tag,[ #princess Rachel morning vibes] and you know firstly is the brushing of my shiny teeth, so kindly help yourself to mom's bathroom, thanks sleeping beauty" Rachel said "oh, Rachel I bet you I will make you pay for this" I said angrily "sleeping beauty, we both know that can never happen, Go now you know I can't stand been late I have a reputation to maintain" Rachel said I just ignored her and went to my mom's bathroom '[Miss Robin Riona Roxanne, 16 years old, born into a mix breed family mom from Africa south Africa to be preside and my dad is from Ireland grow in Ireland 🇮🇪 and base in England 🏴, average height, a small cute face, a pointed nose, cut little pink lips,long curly strawberry color hair with a yellow eye color and a pure definition of figure {8]. I put on my school uniform white top and jet black printed skirt which was on top of my knees, I comb my hair and packed it in a ponytail style "Roxanne, you gonna be late for school, it your first day remember" My mom said in a high tone because she was down stairs "Am coming downstairs Mom" "please be fast, you are too slow for my liking even a snail is faster than you" Rachel said I just ignored her like always, I picked up my bag and my headset wore my glasses and came downstairs "finally the Queen has arrived" Rachel said "Rachel" my mom called her she rolled her eyes "Roxanne is your elder sister she deserves some respect, she not your age mate or classmates" my mom warned her "OK, mom am sorry" Rachel said I knew it didn't come from her heart she only did that because of my mom [Miss Robin Rachel Roisin, 15 years old, she had a strawberry curly hair, sunset yellow eyes, she looked like a photocopy of me with her outer look, must people often mistake us for twins, she had little pink lips which was full with arrows just for me, she was the social butterfly of the family and used it to rub my face, even though she was very annoying I loved her so much] I put on my headset and grabbed my breakfast 'toasted bread with egg and a h glass of milk' "get in the car girl's" my mom said honing, I quickly drank my milk and ate my bread. I got in the car and took the back seat because Rachel loved front seats and I had no problem with that "Rachel to the back seat" my mom said, Rachel gave that cry baby face with poppy eyes so my mom didn't talk about it again. "Good morning my sunshine, how was your night, what the new hot tea" my mom said. It was a tradition for my mom to know what going on in our lives in the morning ride to school because she comes home really late because of work. She calls it 'Keeping up with the girls' "mama, guess what" Rachel said happily, since I never had any gist, Rachel had the stage to her self. "sweetie, you know it hard to guess your stuff so tell me" my mom said giving Rachel a cute simile "yeah that ture mom, let me tell you" Rachel said "nice choice" mom said "yeah, ready 'I have 2.5 million followers on tiktok, 1.2 million on IG and 900k subscribers on YouTube" Rachel said happily "WOW, that a very big hit sweetie" my mom said "I know mom am famous" Rachel said proudly, my mom just smiled at her "Roxanne what about you"my mom asked, I couldn't her her because of my headphone 🎧" she never has anything to say" Rachel said "Rachel I have warned you, take the headset off" my mom said Rachel quickly took the headset off "what was that for Rachel" I said annoyed, I didn't understand why she took it off and disturb my sweet melody "mom and I where talking to you" Rachel said holding my headphone 🎧 up "ooh, sorry what did I miss" I said knowing Rachel would boast about herself, but surprisingly she said "nothing, never mind" She said giving me back my headphone "Here we are girls, SENIOR HILL HIGH SCHOOL". my mom said she stopped at the packing lot at the left. "Big sister, be free make friends and have fun" she said and came down from the car, 'that was unexpected' "Rachel do you know where your going" my mom said shouting "This the 21st century mom, give me a break" Rachel said I came down from the car "Roxanne" my mom called "What your sister said is very ture be free Roxanne I want to see you very bright and happy please, This a very good chance to start a fresh new life, my happiness" my mom said I came down from the car "Do not look for trouble, love 'I love you'"my mom shouted and blow me a kiss" am not a kid, mom"i said and continued walking 'this kids of nowadays'. This is my first day in a new school, I took a dip breathe. 'YOU CAN DO THIS ROXANNE' I said to my self and walked in.