Chapter 2:Been Called A nerd


Was boldly written. I walked into a very large hall. The school was very huge. The floor was made of glass, Robotic cleaners, a big digital billboard that shows the school, teachers and maps of places in the school, the school floor was made of Mable tiles it was as books where under the school floors, many things I have never seen before,I was busy admiring the school environment I didn't seem to notice some group of girls at my front almost bump in one of the I heald my glasses so if could not fall, I tired moving away thinking it was a mistake, but another girl blocked me again. It was a group of 4 girls👭👭 'NOT THIS AGAIN' I said to myself "Hi, Roxanne first day at senior hill high, you must be the new kid every one is talking about" one said 'how did they know my name, oh it was written on my school uniform and also displayed on the billboard, not to lie they where pretty, neat had straight hair they looked a like maybe sisters' "you beautiful and we don't need you here so don't cross our path again, we run and control this school Roxanne" another said boldly am sure she the queen bee of the school or the boss, rich kid e.t.c 'f**k, focus Roxanne' "Roxanne, didn't cross your path you bitches did, so... I think am the one that in the position to be saying Do not cross my path ever again" I said with every boldness in me. I could see the shock in their faces I didn't wait for their reply I walked in between them. I re moved my glasses 👓 so I could clean my eyes it was itchy "Hey watch where you are going,blind girl" A masculine voice said 'Roxanne what just happened' I quickly put on my glasses "ooh, am sorry I didn't mean to" I said. Without my glasses I can't see anything, I spilled his coffee ☕ on the floor "that would not bring back my coffee, nerd 🤓" he said again "am sorry, deeply sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I can't see without my glasses" I said thinking he had human feelings "Do I care, that why I called you a blind girl because I saw the vision that you are blind and that ture YOU ARE BLIND" he said to me. It was not the first time someone said that to me both at the moment I felt helpless I wanted to cry be I would look weak and people where video 📹 me with their phone it would go online that made me feel worst, I was deeply hurt. I was about to bend down to clean his legs with a little towel I held in my hands when I felt a huge masculine hand hold my wrist, I was shock 🤯 "if you could remember I have Hyperthymesia so I can remember with out thinking that she apologize to you from the bottom of her heart ♥ she can't see without her glasses and you are still pushing forward or I think it better I tell the school administrator or better still punish you myself in the first place you not allowed to drink coffee ☕ in school if you don't want to get yourself in trouble kneel down and apologize. Choose wisely" the boy beside me said with out giving an expression

The bully guy felt powerless ""the bully said" she can't hear you and she has a name"the hoodie guy said he was wear a Juice wrld hoodie so I decided so call me hoodie guy "am waiting" the hoodie guy said to the bully "Roxanne am.... So..rr..y"the bully said" better so Roxanne reply"the hoodie guy said "am not angry 😡 it Ok 👌" I said from the bottom of my heart ♥ "party over you guys can depart" the hoodie guy said, everyone returned to their business. I couldn't see his face but he was very tall fair in complexion I knew because I could see his hands 👐 "Next time stand and remove your glasses, because if I was that guy orsacchiotto I would have done worst, just be careful, orsacchiotto" the hoodie guy said in my ears[means teddy bear take a look at the picture of this chapter] [GREEEEEEEEN]. The school bell rang. I snap out of my dream world 🗺 and started to find my way to my class 'I should have asked the hoodie guy for directions' pop in my mind I took the lift to the 3rd floor I could see the direction on the digital billboard. I walked to the 6th classroom on my left 👈 I knew I was late "Miss Robin's, you are 5 minutes late" a man in his late 50th said "am sorry sir" I said, I guess his our English teacher because that what we are having first, "OK, class pay attention we have a new student in our midst,please introduce yourself" the man said. 'jeez those girls 👭 👭 are my classmates and the boy I spilled coffee ☕ on, my day can't get any worst, at least the hoodie boy isn't here.' "HI, I'm Roxanne" I said "please take a seat 💺" he said pointing 👉 to an empty seat at my right 👉 next to a very cute girl. "hi I'm Yoshie" she said and smiled at me and I did the same "silence, that reminds me" he said and moved over to a large box and opened it with a sharp object "each and everyone of you is entitled to to an tablet each" the man said everyone suppose to be happy 😊 but there no reaction, what a weird school "I have noticed so as the school management, and the body of education that the....... Bang-bang" Mr Holland what the meaning of this nonsense, you are extremely late for class, have your seat now" the teacher said "🤯🥶😱, the

Hoodie guy is in my class jeez" I said out unknowingly "you said what" Yoshie said "nothing, I was thinking 💭 of something" I said Yoshie nob at me "attention, as I was saying I have noticed so as the school management, and the body of education that the use of phone 📱 in senior hill high school, is bringing yours down and causing nuisance in the school environment, so we came to the agreement and conclusion that phones can't be used in school until further notice, and also paper note book 📙 would be used as means of writing and studying. The tablet would help you in your research for assignments, is that that clear" the man said, 'I had no problem with that because apart from wattpad books and episodes stories I had no or little use of my phone' he shared the tablet around "does this crap have tiktok" one of those girl said when given the tab "No, it rated 10 and it programmed for education basis only" the man said "Holy Mary, how do my morning tutorial"she said back "Do that at home" a girl said from the back she gave her a dead stare "This a crap, it not even an iPad I can't believe my manicure hands are touching this crap" another said yoshie rolled her eyes at them "me too I can't believe" another added "effort, girls Molly, Lolly and Nelly" the man said WOW beautiful names I thinks I could place their names by faces "but sir" Molly said "No but, have a nice day another man entered the class half of the class put on their headphone,earpods it came as shock 🤯 to me 'this was our English teacher so what happening'." HI guys, I know you guys want to know my name"the man said "who gives a f**k" "I don't care what you are called" "just teach and get the f**k out" 'Jeez, the hate was too much. Roxanne to the rescue "I would love 😍 to know your name" I said loudly, the while class was like a mini grave yard now' what the hell have you done Roxanne, the hoodie guy looked at me and gave me a thumbs up. 'I think I killed it




"is it lunch break" I asked yoshie who

was sitting next chair to me. "yeah, let me round up then we could go and eat, OK with that" Yoshie said she looked around a bit worried "yeah, I would wait" I said "OK, am done let head to the food jungle" Yoshie said, "hm, food jungle" I said a bit confused "😂, let get there you would see for yourself" Yoshie said she heald my hand until we got to a place.'

                       ' Boldly written'

                      [FOOD   JUNGLE].


       'Entry the hall'


'I feel so insecure, everyone had things doing. Almost like everyone was busy with their boyfriend.i felt like running because half of the people in the cafeteria had their eyes on me, I felt so insecure thinking someone would bully me, or take my glasses away. I stopped with out moving an inch. ROXANNE, CAME DOWN NONE OF THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN. I said to my self, I felt a soft, cool hands hold my hands. I heart skip who this. I had mixed feelings about this touch I felt like this has happened before. 😍😱