The Most Beautiful Woman In Alexander's Eyes

"What?! That means my father yesterday ordered some of his trusted people to look for Elizabeth here. Juna and Robby, they must know where Elizabeth is," said Andy, he snorted harshly.

"We'd better get back to the hotel now, Andy. You can ask your dad or your dad's people about Elizabeth later," Jacob suggested, giving Andy a serious look.

"You are right, let's get out of here," said Andy who was then nodded by Jacob.

The two men turned to Anthony and Jacob said to him, "Thank you Sir for the information.

"You are welcome, Sir," said Anthony, looking at the stranger with disgust.

Furthermore, Andy and his friend left Anthony's house and returned to the hotel. Arriving at the hotel, Andy lay down on the soft bed while Jacob sat beside him.

"Andy, do you think Elizabeth moving from Chicago had anything to do with your father and his men?" he asked curiously.