Revealing The Truth To Jessica

After meeting, having dinner, and chatting with Alice, Luna, as well as Luna's family that night, Alex and Alice returned to their respective homes. After that Luna invited Jessica into her room and talked about her relationship with Robert.

"Mom, I have broken off my relationship with Robert," Luna said softly, looking down.

"That's good, Luna. You finally broke up with that man, you shouldn't have been dating Robert from the start," Jessica replied with a faint smile.

"I was indeed wrong, I am sorry," concluded Luna, her tone sounded sad.

"Are you ready to marry Andy?" asked Jessica, she looked seriously at Luna.

"Yes, Mom," Luna nodded slowly.

"Alright, then Mom and Dad will talk about your wedding to Charlie and Vanessa. Would you mind if your wedding took place next month or maybe in three weeks or so?"

"I don't mind, the sooner the better right?" Luna smiled faintly.