Persuading Luna To Return To Robert

That afternoon Beverly and George went to Aurora Fashion to meet Luna, when they got there they entered the lobby and approached the front office staff.

"Good afternoon, Miss," Beverly greeted with a friendly smile.

"Good Afternoon, how can I help you?" asked a tall, slim, and sweet-looking woman, she glanced alternately at Beverly and George.

"Look, we want to meet Miss Luna Wijaya. Is she in her room?" Beverly asked back with hope in her heart.

"Please wait a moment, let me ask the secretary first," replied the front office employee.

"Alright," Beverly replied.

The front office employee called Alice who was chatting with Alexander in her room when she heard the phone ringing. Alice quickly stood up from the sofa and answered the call.

"Hello, Miss Alice. It's me, Daisy. Excuse me, is Miss Luna in her room?" asked the front office employee.

"She is in her room, why Daisy?" She frowned.