Affair With Robert

Days later, Andy was still thinking about Elizabeth while Luna was getting increasingly annoyed that she took her frustrations out on work. She went into the office looking somber and sour. Tuesday morning she suddenly called a meeting with Alice, Arriana, Lorraine, and Alexander.

Luna knew that at that time Andy had gone to Texas City not to accompany Jacob to meet his girlfriend but Andy to meet Elizabeth. Luna planned to find the truth on her own without her father's help.

An hour later after the meeting with the secretary, photographer and designer staff, Luna decided to go to Andy's office. She would ask Andy directly about his relationship with Elizabeth.

Lorraine and Arriana were confused by Luna's sudden change in attitude, they wondered whether Luna was more sensitive during pregnancy or was it due to something else?

"Miss Lorraine, Miss Luna what's wrong? You saw her gloomy face earlier, didn't you?" she asked.