
After taking a bath, Luna lay down on a soft and comfortable bed and then Robert took a shower. Fifteen minutes later after taking a shower, Robert walked over to Luna and hugged her tightly. He kissed Luna's lips and cheeks.

"Luna darling, are you happily married to Andy?" asked Robert curiously.

"No," said Luna flatly.

"Then divorce Andy and then marry me," added Robert, hoping in his heart.

Luna shook her head, "I can't marry you, I don't want to go against my parents and your father definitely won't bless our relationship.

"We are secretly married here, they don't need to know," concluded Robert, smiling sweetly at Luna, making her heart melt.

"Hmm, I'll think about it first. I can't decide now," Luna replied, staring intensely at Robert.

"All right," said Robert.

"You didn't get changed, Luna?" continued Robert frowning.

Luna nodded, "I am just about to change clothes, wait a moment."