Humming voice

"Wait," I turned to Lucia and Orion when I remembered something. "Have you forgotten that only the person who could manipulate fire can infiltrate the River of Flames? How can you two come with me, then?"

"You are the Mistress of Fire, Ophelia. You should be able to control the fire so that it won't hurt any of us."

"I don't think I can do that. As what I have told you, I haven't mastered this ability yet so there is no guarantee that whatever I would do is the right thing. Maybe you should just wait here while I go inside—"

"Which we will not allow to happen. We told you already. We will go with you no matter what. Isn't that clear to you yet?"

"But in this case, I don't know how to protect the two of you from the fire. I don't know how I can control the–"

"You can control it through your mind," Orion said the same time Raja said it.

Raja stopped though and just let Orion speak.